
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Storytellers

Long ago in the world, there existed Creativity. Creativity found its home in humans all around the world, manifesting in many ways, from music to inventions to dances, but there was one way that Creativity showed itself that was unique. Through stories. Since the dawn of time, Creativity has graced humans with the gift of stories. Stories that told of the world and its creation. Stories of heroes and legends. The world is made of stories. But not all humans embrace the gift. Some never use it. Some ignore it. Some appreciate it but aren't brave enough to tell stories themselves. So tell your stories. Creativity gifted each person with their own unique voice, with their own talents and abilities and passions and desires. So take Creativity's gifts and make stories of your own. And maybe one day, there will be storytellers telling stories about you.