
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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The Shark and the Minnow

In the beginning, there lived a Shark king. For many years, sharks ruled the oceans and seas, creating a large kingdom. The kingdom grew in power and size until one day, the Shark king issued a challenge to the dwellers of the sea-if anyone could beat him in a race, they would get his entire kingdom. Confident, knowing that sharks were some of the fastest in the sea, the shark king easily beat the challengers that rose to the occasion. However, one day, a Minnow took on the challenge. When the Minnow challenged the Shark, the Shark laughed, seeing the Minnow's tiny size. "They can't possibly beat me," the Shark thought, and, to boost his image, allowed the Minnow to even choose the course of the race. The shrewd Minnow decided to choose a course that went through a shallow part of the ocean. Ever proud, the Shark agreed and the race began. Though the Shark had immense power and sped ahead of the Minnow easily, when they came upon the part of the race that was near the shore, their massive size was their disadvantage. The Shark accidentally beached himself on the sandy shore, causing him to be stuck and unable to move. With the Shark paralyzed, the Minnow, though slow, easily won the race, as the Shark could do nothing. After winning the race, the Minnow became the ruler of the kingdom of the sharks. That is why, today, many minnows dot the oceans in huge schools numbering in the hundreds, while the sharks travel alone. Sharks cannot even stop swimming, as they must always move away from the kingdom of the minnows.