
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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The Frog and the Crocodile

Many years ago, crocodiles were feared in the marshlands and jungles. Intimidating, large, and very powerful, crocodiles easily struck fear into the hearts of the jungle dwellers, devouring frogs, birds, and whatever happened to cross their path. One day, a small frog went down to a lake to rest in the water. The same day, the lonely, kindhearted Crocodile also went to the lake. The Crocodile was shunned by all, being too frightening to be accepted by the peaceful creatures of the jungle, and too soft-hearted to be accepted by the other crocodiles. The Frog and the Crocodile met at the lake, and the Frog quickly leaped into the water and hid among some reeds, worried that the large Crocodile would spot them and eat them. The Crocodile, sad and pensive about their fate, began to complain to themselves, lamenting about their fate, being stuck between two worlds. The Frog in the reeds began to feel compassion for the Crocodile, and, taking a chance, crept out of the reeds to comfort the Crocodile. The Crocodile, ecstatic over having a confidante, quickly became friends with the Frog. However, the friendship came at a price. The Crocodile and the Frog began to be hated among their own people; the Crocodile for befriending an animal that it was supposed to hunt, and the Frog for befriending an animal that it was supposed to hate. One day, when the frogs and crocodiles had been particularly caustic, the Crocodile and the Frog went down to the lake where they first met and began to make a plan. The next day, both the Frog and the Crocodile set out to escape from the jungle and strike out on their own. The Frog and the Crocodile met at the lake again and escaped by swimming down a river nearby. In an unknown part of the jungle, the Crocodile and the Frog created a path of their own. Surviving together, the Frog and the Crocodile survived together for the rest of their days. It's said that if you explore deep into the jungle, you may find a small lake next to a winding river.