
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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The Beggar and the Flute

Once, there lived a poor beggar. He sat at the side of a large road, living off what scraps he could find and occasionally wandering the surrounding areas. One day, he came across a woodpecker. The woodpecker spoke to the beggar, giving him a magical flute that would play the most beautiful music that would ever be heard. But, the woodpecker warned him, if he used it for his own personal gain, he would be cursed. The beggar, grateful for the gift, left the woodpecker and began playing the flute on the side of the road. Though the beggar made sure that he hid his flute whenever someone passed by the road, one day, he grew careless and let down the shield of his vigilance, and a rich merchant passed by, hearing the beautiful music. The merchant was one of the king's attendees and offered the beggar a life of luxury playing music for the king. The beggar, though knowing that he would be cursed, took the offer, lured in by promises of wealth and fame. The beggar began his new occupation playing enchanting music for the king. Soon, he became famous across all the land, gaining fame and wealth. The beggar, after seeing how successful he had become, began to doubt that there was a curse. However, one day, one of the king's advisors began to become jealous of the beggar. That night, the advisor crept into the beggar's quarters, kidnapping the beggar and throwing him outside of the kingdom, stealing his flute. The beggar's curse and greed had doomed him, and as quickly as the beggar rose to the heights, just as speedily he came crashing down to the depths.