
2. You dumb kid

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"Zarkil's brother shouted fearing for the worst as he held Zarkil in his arms and said,"If you don't wake up I'm going to kill you, you little w$nker!"

Zarkil opened his eyes and saw his brother who looked like he was about to cry.

"Hi Buckie, how long was I sleeping?"Zarkil nonchalantly said after he looked around.

When Buckie heard Zarkil's question his face turn red with annoyance and he said, "Are you serious? you almost died today and that is the question you ask me, I could have buried you."

"You know I don't mind you holding me but can you please let go of me?" Zarkil asked in an indifferent manner as if he didn't care what his brother had said. Immediately after Buckie heard what Zarkil said he wore a cold and lifeless expression and dropped Zarkil on the floor, as Zarkil hit the floor on his back mildly shouted, " Ouch, that hurts man!"

Buckie didn't reply, he just stood up and walked out of the room. Zarkil on the other hand stood up and acted like nothing happened, he started finishing everthing in the bathroom and then he went to his room to put on his uniform.Zarkil was a student in a near by school called Turner Secondary School which people describe as a school for scholars and ruffians, his school was in walking distance so he didn't need any transport money which was good thing because his family was not richest in the block.After Zarkil finished getting dressed he head to the small dining room for breakfast.

When Zarkil got to the dining room and he saw Buckie sitting on one of the chairs that were placed near a small oval shaped dark-wooden table, Buckie's expression looked colder than a frozen lake. Zarkil knew that he would get lecture form his mother so he took his beg and an apple and he rush out of the house before he would a long speech about his action.

Zarkil was not much of a talker when he was around his family, honestly if you came to visit his family you would think that the boy is mute. Zarkil was not an introvert honestly he was the complete opposite, the only reason he didn't talk that much at home because he never felt like he belong although he loved his family he felt like something was wrong or maybe he could be that something that was wrong so he stopped speaking and just went straight to his room when ever somebody visited.

"I wonder what that dream was about exactly? " Zarkil pondered as he walk to school "It's probably nothing."After some thought he shrugged it off.

When Zarkil got the school's main entrance and he saw that it was lively as ever with people standing outside the entrance talking to their friends instead of going inside, some people would go to spots outside where the cameras wouldn't spot them and would smoke marijuana and cigarettes. This was a daily occurrence although Liverpool still had a high pass rate even higher then some strict schools it was still viewed as corrupt school which made it hard for the school.

"Look who we have here!" Zarkil heard a familiar voice and as he turned towards the voice he said. "We have the most handsome boy in school." "You wish we all know that ,I Jacob Peterson, is the most handsome men in the school." Jacob proudly stated as he stuck out his chest " When did you become a man?" Zarkil asked as he smiled and gave Jacob a handshake.

Jacob was the first friends Zarkil made in high school.Jacob was the complete opposite of Zarkil, he was light in complexion and he was good with the ladies, when Jacob was at his house he was a bit rowdy but when he was at school he quiet and mellow, and for some reason Zarkil counldn't understand why girls liked Jacob's mellow personality but he didn't think much of it, he was happy for his friend.

After Zarkil and Jacob were greeted each other they started to walk to their respective classes. Zarkil and Jacob were only in the same class in grade 8 although they were in different classrooms they still kept their friendship strong which could not be said for others.

Zarkil said goodbye to his friend and went into his classroom, he took a seat and laid his head on the table, the tables where place beside each, fortunately, Zarkil was sitting alone in the back row so no one would disturb him. Zarkil was back in the state of nothingness but this time he was not disturbed for a while until he heard a voice and he said, "Of all the voices in the world why must it be this one that has to disturb me."

The voice in question was his teacher, Mr.D. Rashad trying to wake him up again. Zarkil struggle with all his might not to wake up but Mr Rashad's voice was too annoying, so he had to submit.When Zarkil woke up he wore an ugle expression on his, he was truly dissatisfied with what has occurred and if could he would he strangle Mr Rashad.

"Good look, Mr Zarkil has finally woken up after his year-long hibernation, this a rare sight everyone, quick ,take a picture." Mr Rashad mocking Zarkil " You need to stop in my class, o.k." Mr Rashad said in a formal tone. Zarkil was about to go back to sleep until Mr Rashad said, " Today learners we have to new students who will be joining us for the rest of the year."

" Why did they came so late?"

"Ya, it's almost the end of term 4, I don't understand why would they do such a thing."

" it doesn't matter anyways but I still feel bad for him because they gonna have to do their exams in a whole new school, trust me I know I speak from experience it's horrible."

The whole class was curious about the new students.

"Ladies you my come inside." Mr Rashad said as he looked towards the open door

The two ladies walked into the classroom and the class went into an uproar.

" Oh my god they are so beautiful."

" Looks like a player's job is never done."

" You a player, keep on dreaming my little brother has a better chance then you."

" Hi, ladies why don't you come and sit next to me."

"No, come sit next to me"

Both girls were stunningly beautiful and they seemed elegant and polished, they looked as if they were princesses form a foreign country. While everyone was in awe, Zarkil on the other hand didn't really care because there we no point in trying his luck when he knew he wouldn't get a shot but he still stayed awake because Mr Rashad would cook alive if he went back to sleep.

" Enough with the noise, I will introduce to the students."Mr Rashad said signalling everyone to keep quiet and he said, "Let me introduce to your'll, Corli Frederich."

" Nice to meet all of you I hope we become friends."

Corli voice was like clam and sweat like a loving mother. Their admiration for her grew even more.

"Let me introduce to your'll, Valkyrie Aia."Mr Rashad said.

"Thank you for having me."

When Zarkil heard her speak he felt like he heard your voice before.Zarkil stared at Valkyrie trying to figure out where had he heard the voice. Suddenly Valkyrie stared back at Zarkil and smiled but before anyone could notice she immediately set her sight on the class.

" You may choose where you want to sit."Mr Rashad said in a formal tone.

immediately the two girls sat beside Zarkil one on the left while other on the right side.This scene shocked everybody including Mr Rashad.