
Chapter 2

The Year 4940, a Prosperous year as the field of science & technology have advanced greatly over the course of time. Expanding on the incident happening years ago involving the Particle collider, This world has figured out that it was a parallel world instead of a universe meaning it was still within the same Universe just a different branched put timeline of sorts. This world had made a peace treaty with the other world which is why this world has advanced so greatly yet what remained out of the public eyesight was project 'ETR' which this generation built upon what the old generation left behind.

Darkness filled his vision before a 3D double helix structure representing DNA appeared in the Darkness in a mid bright glow. The structure seemed to change and along with that he could feel his body once again for what felt like a very very long time. He could feel some type of substance on his skin but inside his body he felt his bone hardening and strengthen beyond human capabilities. He couldn't explain it but he felt his entire genetic makeup changing and then finally he felt like something foreign was running in his vein, something familiar. It stayed like this for what felt like hours until finally he felt the very cold wind hit his skin which made him shoot his eyes open but quickly closed them due to being blinded by the light.

His eyes quickly adjusted as he sat up and glanced around seeing he was on a table now along with many people surrounding him. He was highly confused on what was happening and confused on what type of technology was around him.

"Mr Yvong Yin. You're probably wondering where you are so here. Someone left this for you"

One of the many people surrounding him said as they handed him a journal which he took hesitantly and began reading it. It took him nearly an hour to finish reading and he dropped the book in shock. He was heavily injured during the explosion and lost a lot of blood then was worked on and implanted with alien DNA then put into comatose and was worked on by other generations which modified his entire physical structure and possible internal structure and finally woke up. Yvong took it rather calmly and came to terms with the fact that he has alien DNA and is possibly immortal and now he is thrown into the future without a clue to how things work now.

"I see. Well, instead of mopping, I need to study this world and learn everything about it."

Yvong said as he stood up from the table but a blonde haired nurse quickly caught him before his legs gave out. Yvong figured his body needed to readjust to moving since he hasn't been active in Many years.

"Mr.Yvong. We are going to help you recover and learn About this world. After all, you inspired past generation scientists and present generation scientists. It's at least something helpful we can do. Oh that's right. Call me Blake."

Blake spoke out to Yvong who listened and nodded. It was nice to know that he was famous and admired and the fact he inspired other scientist which made him happy when he heard it. Yvong sighed and he got ready for his rehabilitation.

5 Months has passed and it didn't take Yvong that long to get the hang of using his body again but something was oddly different. He felt EVERY muscle in his body was being moved which took him a bit longer getting used to but he had got the hang of it. Yvong was now taking the time to study, learn and maintain a training routine to keep up with his body. His training routine started at 5 Am in the morning with a light 20 Mile jog then 500 Push ups, sit ups,squats, Lunges and Jumping jacks which he finishes around 10 am. Then a large breakfast due to his now immensely high metabolism then at 2 Pm, he goes for a 40 mile jog, then 1000 pull ups, crunches, 4 hours of shadow boxing, 1000 Dead lifts, bicep curls and bench presses.

This was his schedule for a year and only got 5 months out the way giving him an amazing physique that men could only wish for. Today was September 10th, 4940 and Yvong was in a testing chamber to of course test his strength, durability, speed, etc, and so many obstacles were set up. His first test was his speed & flexibility so his obstacle was set up like a parkour set yet with extremely dangerous weapons set up.

Yvong wore a black one piece type suit along with pieces of technology that checked his vitals and many other things. As of now his vitals revealed no fluctuations and was normal.

"Alright Yvong. After 5 months of training with our regime, its time time test it out. You may begin"

Blake said through the intercom. Given the go, Yvong rushed forward far past Peak human speed. He began jumping, flipping, sliding, etc, over many obstacles and when it came to the Weapons, he Twisted and turned his body to degrees of that past a professional Gymnast. His vitals remained normal, showing no signs of fluctuations. Yvong breathing remained steady as he finished the obstacle.

He was then moved onto his strength & stamina and so he was suppose to fight a Robot with Boxing skills. Yvong Lost badly although he wasn't damaged that bad and so that was added to his new regime they were making. 7 months flew by and now it has been a complete year since Yvong Woke up from his Comatose, Trained, etc.

Yvong now had Fundamental knowledge of the current world and the Parallel world which they called 'Earth-2'. Yvong was now capable of going outside which he did and learned even more things. He was then given a special job as a bounty hunter and was given a High-grade technological suit along with a Spear capable of turning into a Sniper to help him along his journey. His suit was black in color and came with a helmet and a hood to cover his face. On the inside Yvong could see the battery percentage of the suit which was currently full, along with what equipments/weapons it came with.

"Alright Yvong. An entire year of a rigorous training Regime which you will have to do everyday on the days you don't have a bounty. Today is your first bounty. He goes by the name of Richard or ricky. He did something to the federation and now he has a hit of 50,000 thousand dollars. They want him dead. You may run into another bounty hunter so make sure they do not claim the bounty. I sent you the coordinates. Oh one more thing. You have a built in A.I by the name of Evony"

Blake said as Yvong nodded. He couldn't wait to test out his skills in the real world now since he's been training excruciatingly hard so he wanted to see it pay off. A little map appeared on the bottom right of his vision indicating where his bounty was at and so he was off. Dashing through the alleys and jumping from roof to roof, flipping over Obstacles.

"So Evony. What can you do?"

Yvong asked as he continued running. His tone held no irregularities in his breathing pattern as this run was light to him.

"I have a mode called, Kill switch which enters a state of Instinctive Reflex and a state to only kill what is in front of you. It enhances your overall condition and skill as it adapts to the fight and becomes stronger. I am capable of scanning life forces in a 5 mile radius. Also I am capable of detecting incoming attacks and there is one handing right towards you"

Evony said in her Robotic Female voice as Yvong raised an eyebrow in confusion before feeling some type of object land directly into his side. When the hit was registered, Yvong made an Oof sound as he was flung to the side and crashed into the window of a business office. The workers yelped in shock as Yvong stood up and dusted himself off, locking onto the thing that did it and found that it was a Female in a white suit a tiny bit similar to his.

Yvong stared for a few seconds before he launched himself towards her. His speed surprised the girl which was good for Yvong. Once Yvong was near her, he shot his arm forward and latched a strong grip onto her face and used the weight of gravity to fall down from the building they were on and smash her head into the ground leaving behind spider-web like cracks into the ground. Yvong then stood up and stared at the women but his instincts kicked in and he brung his arms up just in time to block a kick that pushed him back a few inches.

The women then quickly stood up and dashed away, leaving Yvong confused as he stood there before dashing away and leaving to finish his bounty. He arrived at the location his bounty was supposedly located and there he saw from a window, a short guy with loads of stacked cash along with him smoking a cigar and being grinded on by his personal maids.