
The Story of Yu Feng

Yu Feng was a street thief with a reputation as 'the thief who has never gotten caught'. Until that one day... Her capture threatened her to work for him. Her task? To carry messages and deliver them to each receiver—she became a runner. The seventh prince, Prince Yi was fighting against time as they are trying to find evidence of the enemy trying to assassinate the Emperor. However, recently most of his messenger never reached their destination and this has caused them a huge loss. This was why he needed someone who knew the Capital City's streets and shortcuts to help him. When Prince Yi found out his runner's identity, he was delighted! But once Yu Feng found out the identity of the man she was working for, she tried to escape. “Yu Feng, you dare to run away from me. This Prince had caught you once. Believe me when I say that I will catch you again.” --- This story is written to participate in WPC 137: Catch Me If You Can --- Cover illustration: kirinlukis ---

zetsubouaichan · History
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423 Chs

Bad Luck

Her eyes grew wide at the shocking scene in front of her. Yu Feng brought her hand to cover her mouth and swallowed the scream back to her throat. There was no doubt that if she made a sound at this time, the men would see her, and she would be killed.

"Why do you have to kill him?" One of them asked.

"Did you forget?" The man who wielded the sword spoke. "His Excellency said that if we encountered anyone on the street, that person should not be allowed to be alive. After all, it's not a good thing to leave an eye-witness alive."

Yu Feng pressed her back against the wall to hide. The lantern was lit up around them and Yu Feng was worried that those men would see her shadow and noticed her presence.

Her heart thumped against her ribcage and she was unable to calm down. She only wanted to walk past that area, entered the drainage system, and returned to the city center to meet with the others.

First, she ran into a group of men fighting on the street and now this!

Yu Feng thought that her luck was pretty bad.

If she did not run into her mother, she would not escape to this part of the city and met such an unexpected scene!

Seeing that the group of men was still conversing in a small voice, Yu Feng began to look around for a chance to escape.

At this time and place, the only sound she could hear was the loud cheering that came from the city center. The street was dimly lit with the lanterns at the sides. Other than the group of men, Yu Feng could not see any other living creature around.

It was indeed very strange.

Even if the people were now gathered at the city center to join the festivity, shouldn't the soldiers patrol the area? After all, a few high ranked officers were staying around this area. Why weren't the soldiers around?

Yu Feng peeked from behind the wall again to see if that group of men were still around. As she was a little calmer, Yu Feng was able to see that there were four of them.

She quickly went back to her place behind the wall and wonder if it would be a good idea for her to run from the scene.

If she ran now, she might attract those men's attention. At this time, she did not know if those men would have their accomplices around.

It doesn't matter if Yu Feng could run very fast.

If she ran, those men might notice her presence. Suppose that those men were with accomplices, they would then send a signal to notify their friends? Wouldn't she end up dying in the street?

She was just a street thief. If she died, no one was going to care. Her body might be thrown into the river. She wouldn't be given a proper burial and what will happen to Orange then?

After weighing her pros and cons, Yu Feng decided to stay still and pray that those men were going to walk away soon.

Fortunately, the group of men walked away along with the dead body. Yu Feng waited for a while and left the place once she was sure that her surroundings were safe.

Because she was worried that her presence would attract others, Yu Feng did not dare to run too fast and made any sounds.

After a while, she finally arrived at the entrance of the drainage system.

The surroundings were very quiet when she arrived. Yu Feng glanced at the water that came out of the drainage and entered the small streams and took a deep breath.

She was not very familiar with this part of the city and therefore, was a little frightened that she was going to enter the drainage system without Orange by her side.

Steeling her heart, Yu Feng took a step. The water was low and Yu Feng was able to walk at the side without getting herself wet. As she walked further, her surroundings began to darken.

Yu Feng closed her eyes momentarily to adjust to the darkness. Then slowly, she continued to walk along the sides. Once in a while, a few rats and other crawling insects walked past her. Yu Feng could only grit her teeth and prevented herself from shouting out loud.

Using what she had remembered from the last time she had seen the map, Yu Feng walked further into the drainage system, heading towards the city center.

However, as she went farther into the drainage system, Yu Feng began to notice that something was amiss. The drainage system was supposed to be dark. However, there was a source of light coming from the junction in front of her.

Yu Feng froze at her place upon hearing voices coming from the junction. She swallowed and forced herself to breathe slowly. She turned her body sideways and was ready to flee in case she would run into another party.

The surroundings were dark and those men would not be able to see her clearly. Yu Feng thought that if she ran faster, she might be able to escape and hideaway.

All she wanted to do was to cross the junction and go straight. She did not expect that her luck was terrible enough that she would run into someone in the drainage system.

However, just as she was about to make her escape, her body froze when she heard the voices that came over from the corner.

Yu Feng was very sure that those voices belonged to the same people who had killed a civilian just now.

"Did you get everything done?" One of them spoke. "Make sure that you don't get the stuff wet. If they get wet, then everything we did today would be useless. His Excellency will punish us if we mess up with his plan."

The talking voice seemed as if they were a distance away. Curious, Yu Feng carefully peeked at the junction and saw that there were two men not far away from her. And it seemed to her that they were tinkering with something in their hands.

"What are you worried about? What we are doing here is not as important as what they will be doing on the scene. If the others managed to do their job well, do you think that whatever we do here would matter? We are just His Excellency's back-up plan."

There was a brief silence before the second man talked again. "Don't you wish that we were at the City Center with the others? Just imagining how the lantern will explode after His Majesty lit it up made me feel a little excited! BOOM!"

The two men burst into a fit of laughter.

Yu Feng swallowed upon hearing the man's words. It seemed that she might have overheard something very important!

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