
The Story of the Ultimate Legend

In a different world,Daniel Sterling, an orphan gets a legendary power and a saint weapon; the all powerful weapon created by God to stop Lucifer after rebelling against him. God creates six of the weapons and somehow, Lucifer and his highly powerful nemesis manages to corrupt a saint weapon user to destroy the Multiverse. With Daniel having the most powerful saint weapon, he must rally the other saint weapons( whether corrupted or not ) to join forces with him to defeat the first corrupted saint weapon. Daniel was also now the boyfriend of the famous footballer Rahem Sterling. He must work hard to provide some cash to prove he is worthy of the rich footballer sister's love. Unlocking new powers and reaching new heights, he did defeats the corrupted saint weapon by making the user join his side. Lucifer and his accomplice has produced the Multiverse's worst nightmare in order to destroy the saint weapons and rule the world. With a new threat, is Daniel willing to put his love life and his normal life aside or will the task be too overwhelming for him? You've got to find out for yourself. ______________________________________ My name is Gideon Larbi or you can address me as the Reverse Author. I wrote this book. I just wonna say that some of the contents are from other creators, it's just that I borrowed them with the intention of bettering my story. I am kinna a copy cat but a good one for that matter. I apologise to ever writer I will be stealing their hand work from because I am just trying to make it better.

Gideon_Larbi · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: More enjoyment after the climax.


( At Daniel's mansion)

Daniel woke up with a hafty yawn accompanied by a terrible head ache. His body was back at normal temperature. His eyes began to scan the place he had rested and realised he was in Stella's room. He removed the heavy decorative bed cover and realised that he only had his boxer shorts on.

"Holy hell !, I fucking thought it was a dream. What have I done, what have I done !", he said as he was terrified remembering the events of last night. He got off the huge king size bed as quickly as he could and wore his clothes which was scattered all around the room.

"Double fuck, I raped a girl who has been taking care of me all my life. I wonder if she has already called the police", Daniel thought as he put on his shirt.

"Well it's not my fault anyway, I can blame it all on the risk. But still I should have tried my best to control myself in that uncontrollable state.", he thought with much concern for his life and his crush's life as well.

"Yet, I did it. Even though I was enjoying it in my mind it was awfully terrible, the way I acted in my Pleasure Devil Mode. And to top it all off, I have destroyed a woman's life and virginity. The woman must be emotional broken by now. I know she is strong but she is weak at heart and emotionally as well. What have I fuckin done!, dear God please help me", he continued in thoughts almost close to tears.

"I don't deserve to live, and I don't even deserve to be in her life anymore. I... think I should leave this place and say my apologies to her.", Daniel muttered unable to control the tears anymore as it snaked down his cheeks one by one.

He got out of her room and rushed immediately to his room as he begins to pack his stuff into a suitcase that Stella even bought for him. He wipes his face with a face towel and heads down the stairs to the kitchen area right below the stairs leading to the luxurious living room.

"Apparently Stella is cooking breakfast with tears right now. What a jerk I am for doing that yesterday", he said silently as he open the kitchen door to see the beautiful Stella who surprisingly for Daniel was not in tears and in fact was happily making breakfast.

"This is crazy, after what I did she is really not showing the pains physically. I know her, emotionally she is beyond sadness" he thought as he rushed down on his knees as he hugged Stella's legs so tight screaming out loud saying," Stella ! Stella ! Stella !, Stella... I am so sorry for the trouble I caused you last you last night. I was out of control last night. My risk activated at the time I entered the house and it cause me to have sex with you. I know I should have controlled myself but it was uncontrollable. I know if you hate me right now...I understand you. I agree that I deserve to be in jail or be dead by now, that's why after I'm done I will leave this house and disappear from your life forever and ever but please all I ask is that you forgive me...".

That was all he could say as he begun shedding tears in front of the woman he dearly loves. Stella just smiled as she made Daniel get up and she used part of her morning gown to wipe his tears away. Stella gently pulled him by his waist and hugged him, making Daniel's face fall flat on Stella's huge amazing breasts.

"Listen Dani, it's not your fault. The truth is I cause your risk to activate",she said trying to hide her guilty face.

"How did you do that..?",he asked confused.

"I know I shouldn't be telling you this but my X-system gives me the power to produce, use and control pleasure and lust. Last night when you weren't around I kinda wanna try out my powers myself and without realizing that you would come home that early the lust I was producing ended up affecting you.", she confessed.

"But how... how did it affect me when you were using it on yourself?", the confused Daniel asked.

"Well... when I activate my power it spreads across a 60 metre radius",she smiled innocently.

"Well, I'm really sorry for what happened. Well, stop this drama and go back to your room, get some shower and get down back here for some breakfast okay, hurry up cause I wonna ask you a question okay?", she said as she went back to check on the eggs and bacon which was in a frying pan on fire.

Daniel stood there still shocked after what he had heard. He was hoping that Stella would be mad at him but it turned out that it was fault on her part for activating her powers. Immediately after a while he snapped out of his shock and went back upstairs to his room. He unpacked his clothes from the suitcase, brushed his teeth, took his back, dressed and head back to the second floor of the house where the kitchen and dining area was to take his breakfast with Stella. Stella was wearing a blue blouse with a really short black skirt. After a silent breakfast, Daniel and Stella sits in the huge living room and it was there that she asked,"Last night, our intimacy did you enjoy it? , please answer the question truthfully."

Daniel was shocked that it was the first question that she could ask about last night's incidence.

Stella on the other hand looked calm as she tried to avoid Daniel's intensely surprised face and stirs at the 80 inch LQED Samsung Google Television.

Daniel moves his hand and holds Stella's hands to answer her question," To be frank with you, I enjoyed every bit of our sex last night even though my risk was in control at that moment."Stella could only blush as she asked the follow-up question," Do you like me Daniel?". Daniel moves closer to her and then gently kisses her cheeks and answers," Stella Sterling, I don't only like you but I love you with all my heart. I always had a crush on you at the orphanage and even when you took me in and took care of me that's why I felt shy to tranna tell you this." Stella's cheeks couldn't take it anymore and all had flashed red all over. She responds to Daniel in her cute smile," Dani I always loved you in the orphanage that's why when I became rich I decided to take you in and take care of you. I...I love Dani with all my heart." Their eyes lock gazes as they stare at each other with passion running all over the room. Their lips met and at that moment they engaged in a passionate kiss. Their tongues start intertwining with each other.Daniel was in high heaven at this time and so was Stella. After they disengaged the kiss, they both looked so happy. Daniel kissed her again and Stella kissed him back making them fall on the sofa with Stella on top of him. "Do you want another round from last night?", Stella asked him licking her lips in a sexy manner.

Thinking that Stella might be testing him he answered,"Only if you wonna..."

"I can't wait to lose my other virginity to you",she said as she kissed him.

"But before that , tell me what does your risk do actually",she continued.

"Well it's called Pleasure Devil Mode and it can activate any time, any place, any where and when it activates, it gives me the uncontrollable feeling for sex.",he answered. Stella's smile turned into a frown. She knew that Daniel wouldn't have a monogamous relationship with her.

"Don't worry my love. I know that because of this I won't get a proper relationship with you but just remember that no matter how many people I have sex with , you Stella , you're the only one I truly love", Daniel comforted her as he kissed her who also kisses her back.

She slightly nods her head in agreement with what he said. Daniel pulls out his Tuxer stone and shows it to her. "This is my Tuxer stone which gives me the power to shoot fire but the sad news is that I have to do sexual activities in order to buy skills if I wonna be the greatest hero alive", Daniel says as he shows it to her whose face has lit up with excitement. "Wow you got an S class Tuxer stone,nice! I got an A class Expert Tuxer stone.",she exclaims as she pulls out her stone to show him.

"Just that mine allows people to have feelings for me and those feelings transfer to me as power in strength and I can even emit this pink gas that can cause a distraction or allows people to get sexual excited if I want , pretty sick right..",she continues.

"Yeah it's awesome we got some strong powers", Daniel answered. They get distracted by themselves forgetting that they were even about to have sex. Stella makes a call to her manager that she would be away for a while in order to spend time with Daniel. They get caught up with their favourite TV show called," The two lovers" and after watching that Daniel brought up the idea of watching Netflix and chilling with some food. Stella happily agrees to the idea as she cooks up some food and watch some Netflix shows to spend time during the y without realizing, after some moments later it was six o'clock .

"Dani, that last movie was epic but I think that we should eat some food before we go to bed. I'm going to prepare spaghetti with meat ball sauce, hope you like",she said as she walked out of the room.

"Definitely",he responded as his eyes were glued to the TV.

Stella was already in the kitchen preparing their dinner when she heard the door of the kitchen open. She didn't have time to look at the person who had opened the door but she knew that it was definitely Daniel. At the moment, Stella felt warm manly hands glued to her waist. Stella smiled and Daniel kissed her on the cheek and told her that he was really hungry.

"Even though I am hungry, I am not hungry for spaghetti but I'm really hungry for something else...", he said as he spanked and squeezed Stella's butt. Stella had gotten the idea of what he wanted. "Babe let us finish eating and we can get down to what you wonna do",she said as she turned off the electric stove and dished out the food on two plates. Daniel begins to kiss her neck as she makes attempt to put the dishes on the table. After putting the dishes on the table, he whisks her body away kiss it in all sorts of manner. He pins her to the wall and continues to kiss her. He goes down her skirts and kisses her pussy in an unnatrural manner. At that moment Stella release some pleasant means which was echoing in the kitchen. Daniel then went straight for the breast after Stella removed her blouse and begins to kiss it desperately.

"Dani ..... Dani..... I think we should eat so that we can get the strength to do this", she desperately moans out.

"Agreed ", she answered still kiss her breasts. Finally stopping he kisses her one more time and then they both sat on the table to eat. Even though they were eating, their eyes met gaze each time they took a bite of the spaghetti. It was highly unusual that Stella was the first to finish eating and was her plate immediately as he kneels down in front of him after she has pulled the chair off a little bit and then begins to unzip her trousers. Daniel had got the idea of what she was trying to do but he couldn't believe that it was Stella who was about to do it for him.

" Stella, am I thinking the way you are thinking", he said as he nearly choke on his food thinking about the idea.

" Yeah just sit back as you eat and I will give you a nice quickie", she said as his dick was already in her mouth.

Even though she was new to giving a blow job but after what she gave to him, he had excitement flooding all over his body. He finished the food and kissed her to her bedroom again.