
The Story of the Two Pendants

One mysterious day, two twin babies, a girl named Violet and a boy named Caelus, showed up out of the blue, with only pendant necklaces in their possession. Eighteen years later, three guys with the faces of greek gods transferred to their school. Soon after, secrets came out of the horizon and talks of magic, werewolves, Kings, Queens, and knights were now a topic. Who really are these twins, and where did they come from?

Peyypeyy · Fantasy
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13 Chs

What is Going on Around Here



I snuck out of the kitchen to find Cal coming out of the bathroom. "Something happened between yall. What was it? Spill." I demanded stomping my foot.

"How about you learn to mind your business" Cal grouched walking past me

"So, something DID happen?!"

"No, nothing happened. Literally. Why don't you ask your pal what's wrong with her because it certainly beats me. She's been acting strange since the party." With that Cal entered back into the kitchen.

Dazed, I stood there. What is going on here? Is something so terrible going on with Izzie that she can't tell me. My brother can be a lot of things, but he surely isn't a liar, which means it has to be something else, but what?

"What's with all the noise, this early in the morning?"

Startled, I jumped bringing me back to reality. Turning around there stood Kyle in his undershirt & pants and for some reason red star shaped sunglasses. Kyle and Trevor must have gone through too many glasses of champagne from the tower, who am I to talk though, I myself went through too many glasses of champagne.

"Where did you sleep last night?" I questioned Kyle

"Movie theatre room I believe. There was a giant fluffy loveseat beanie bag chair with my name written all over it. It was indeed heavenly. Last night was crazy, thanks again for the invite." Kyle grinned

I couldn't help but giggle at his goofy persona. "Of course, you are welcomed here anytime. I'm sure Trevor is happy to finally have a skate buddy."

We walked back into the kitchen and Max was now sitting in there with everyone in only boxers and a bow tie. Damn, I wouldn't be surprised if I was still dreaming at the moment. Three Greek-Gods in my kitchen, wearing next to nothing, and the hottest of the Greek- God's is making breakfast with my overly protective twin brother. Seriously, no one pinch me. I sat at the table next to Izzie, with Cal and Riley in front of us, Max on the other side of Izzie, and Kyle next to me. I peeked a side glance at Izzie who was eating a piece of bacon as if it was the most amazing thing she has ever tasted. If I never saw that horrific expression on her face at the party, I would have never guessed anything was wrong. Even Cal said she had been acting strange since last night. I'll have to ask her again once we are alone.

"What are you going to wear to the carnival Vi?" Isabella asked not taking her eyes off her bacon

"Carnival?" Max asked

"Every year the town throws a carnival, and it so happens to always fall on Isabella's birthday" I replied back. "I'm not sure what I am going to wear, I haven't got that far yet. You want to borrow something?"

Isabella shook her head and ate the last piece of her bacon. "No, that's alright, I will have to go back to the reserve for a bit, hang out with the folks and then I will meet you back at the carnival." The atmosphere felt so tense that a knife could cut through. Isabella was cheerier than usual, and Cal couldn't stop staring at her with remorse. I was starting to get irritated at the thought of being left out of something.

"Can you stay for a little before you go home? There was something I wanted to talk to you about." I asked

Izzie scooted out of her chair and stood up. "Let's talk when we meet later, my parents are probably wondering where I am anyways. Thanks for breakfast!" Isabella beamed and went to walk out of the kitchen. When her back turned towards us, for a quick second, I noticed that her smiled dropped and a wave of depression appeared on her faced, and she left.

Cal coughed breaking the awkward tension. "Anyways, y'all should join us at the carnival. Bring whoever." Cal picked up his plate to bring to the sink.

Seriously, Cal was inviting them to come with us? It's only been what, a month, and they were already a part of our gang? This was a whole new side of Cal I've never witnessed before. It was intriguing to say the least. Not that I had any objections to the matter, I was secretly hoping Riley would join us. My eyes glanced up and caught Riley already staring back at me. My heart fluttered at his gaze and my cheeks blushed. Riley chuckled at how flustered I was being.

"Carnival, huh? Sounds like fun. I'm in. Though the three of us have to also get back to the reserve and touch base before." Riley replied.

My eyes broke away from Riley and I looked down at my plate. I don't know why, but just the thought of Riley leaving made my chest ache. He said he was only going to be gone for a little while and yet I don't want him to leave. As if knowing what I was thinking, I felt his feet wrap around mine. The sudden feeling of comfort swarmed through out my body, and I felt at ease. I looked up at his bronzed face and glimmering grey eyes and a warm smiled broke out onto his face.

"It'll only be for a short while, and I'll come back." Riley said

Everyone's eyes made their way to Riley and me, with puzzled looks. If it was even possible my face blushed more red.

"Did I miss something?" Trevor's voice interrupted the moment and we all turned to see him standing at the doorway.

Laughter roared from Cal's mouth while pointing back at Trevor. "Man, you look like dog shit! How does your first hangover feel kid? And what's with those teddy bear pajama pants?!"

I almost choked on my orange juice from trying not to laugh at their brotherly debacle. Trevor did look like shit though. He had dried drool on the side of his face, confetti were still stuck in his golden brown hair, and he was wearing teddy bear pajama pants that I haven't seen him wear in years.

"Oh, shut up! A girl said she likes sensitive typed guys, so Kyle suggested I put them on and for some reason I listened." Trevor went for the medicine cabinet, throwing a bunch of Advil into his palm and came up and took a gulp of my orange juice to wash them down.

Snatching my orange juice back from my brother's thievey hands "you missed us discussing about the carnival. Isabella and them have to go back to the reserve and get ready. Which gives us time to clean up and get ready ourselves."

The three Greek-God's all got up and placed their plates in the sink. Should I ask for Riley's number? I've been too shy and stubborn to do it before, but now things felt different, I wanted a way to be able to contact Riley at all times. This is the first I have ever felt so clingy and co dependent for someone. Not even with Scott did I act his way. Before I could get a word out, Cal started to speak.

"I'll text y'all the address and you guys can let me know whenever you get there so we can meet." Damn you Cal, and your out of character friendliness.

"Right, let's get going. Anyone seen my clothes?" Max asked rubbing the back of his head and pushing Kyle and Riley into the entry way. I could tell Riley was trying to cut loose from his grip, but Max led them outside and they left. Cal, Trev, and I all stood in the kitchen dumbfounded.

"Did that guy just leave with no clothes on?" Trevor asked the question we were all thinking.

"This year is sure going to be interesting." Cal laughed and they both walked out of the kitchen leaving me there in defeat.