
The Story Of The Mother Of Five Children

Fen, a housewife with 5 children who have not reached the age of maturity. While the husband only has the status of an honorary employee in a private office with a small salary. Their life is full of simplicity, makes them have to adopt a frugal life. The salary that her husband gets every month is completely insufficient for their needs. During holidays, sometimes if the weather is good, the husband forces himself to go out to sea. If lucky, then one family can eat fish caught by the head of the family. Meanwhile, every day, Fen can only sit at home and really is destined to take care of their household. Her two toddlers are fussy, making her often panic when doing homework, including making breakfast and the needs of three other children who are going to school. Two elementary school children. Every morning there was a commotion, at which time three of Fen's 5 children would go to school. Not to mention, the husband regularly wakes up late. Even though you have woken up, you will still be late for work.

chiavieth_annisa · History
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37 Chs

Chapter 16 Earthquake

Now, I really hate him, thought Tina while shutting herself in the room.

"Even though I have survived these 5 years. Holding back tears for everything that happened throughout our time together. It turns out that…" her tears broke instantly when she remembered her husband's attitude.

If it wasn't for that incident, maybe he would have been as successful as his other friends. She really had to be with him, and really didn't just give her heart to Johnson.

And again, the attitude of his in-laws made him even more sure to hate Johnson. So far, Tina has never shown that she was forced into the family. But still, he never showed his attitude. Instead, Tina tries to make her in-laws happy.

Every day, Tina carries out her duties as a wife. He did it because he had no other choice.

"Oh god! Why is my ordeal so hard? If I go back alone, my parents will definitely blame me. I really can't live with him anymore. If only there was another way, I would take it even though it's hard." Tina said that with tears that kept falling.

If he had known that was how it happened, maybe he would have taken advantage of Johnson's former wealth. Keep it away, for stock at a later date. But sadly, he wasn't. Is he too stupid? True, Tina is not just stupid. Whereas before, she had intended to leave her husband. Tina discouraged her because she doesn't have the financial ability and support from anyone.

"After getting married, I thought I would be the wife that many people wanted. But no, instead I was considered like a maid, even though I worked hard every day, they still thought that I had never really fulfilled my duties as a wife.

So sad

"This is really very different from other married couples in general. Fen is no exception. Even though she always depends on her husband, sometimes the husband is also so good, and can make her survive. Warmth also radiates from their family. Thankfully, He's not as lucky as me."

In this house, his parents-in-law have the right to make any decisions apart from Johnson. Then what about him?

If even the slightest problem occurs, Tina will always be blamed by her husband. He didn't even dare to fight back.


"Mas David, why are you so annoying? After taking a shower, don't like to put wet towels on the bed." At home, Fen looked annoyed because of her husband's actions.

Then he walked towards the kitchen, arriving there his steps stopped. Thought... Again he saw someone put the glass and spoon used as a milk stirrer on the dining table.

Fen took it and moved it, leaving a sticky mark on the table. "This must be Chica's doing, it actually makes me emotional." she turned and headed to her children's room.

"China...wake up! It's already very dusk. Didn't you say that the teacher's work was still unfinished?" he woke up his eldest son.

Chica and her two younger siblings woke up, rubbing their eyes. "Hurry up and take a shower, before it's too late. Thereafter, you do your assignments while you remember. And also take your sister to study. You understand what I mean, mom?" Fen asked to make sure his words were well responded.

He saw David working in the living room finishing his report. As an administrative staff, he is quite busy every day, especially at the end of the month.

"Sister, have you washed the clothes I will wear tomorrow?" David asked without even turning to Fen. His eyes kept going to the laptop that had been with him for two hours.

Fen stopped her activities for a moment, what do you think? It turned out that her husband would only ask that.

"Don't worry, bro, I've hung it in the hood of the cupboard. And it's neat and clean, ready to use." he said, while taking care of the clothes his son would wear after bathing.

"Excuse me …" Without even being asked, David immediately rose from his seat, headed for the entrance.

Was that the guest he had been waiting for? Cucumber once ears are very sensitive. Even though the voice had not been heard for a long time. Out of curiosity, Fen followed him from behind.

"Hey, how have you been lately? Look! You're fuller now. You must be so successful now." A well-built man stood before David.

What? Success? Very different from what he said with reality, our lives are far from enough. And this… Ah, I hope his words will be a prayer for our family. They continued to talk without caring about Fen who had been standing around them since earlier.

When he was about to step back, David had already seen Fen, his wife. "Sister, can I get you a drink first?" he said, commanding Fen.

"Yeah, I'm also planning on making one. Wait a minute." Fen immediately left from there.

Femi vaguely heard them talking again, and said his name.

Do they talk about me?


Ha ha ha ha…

They seemed to be chatting with each other with a little laugh.

"Raising five children. It turns out that you are much better at it, while I still have three. Even so, my wife insisted on installing a birth control device. I really lost to you."

At that time, Fen arrived carrying some snacks and drinks, then put them on the table. "Feni… You have to eat a lot, look how thin you are now. Didn't David give you healthy food?"

Spontaneously, Femi raised her head, looked at the man next to her husband now. "You know my name?" he was a little surprised and felt he did not know her.

The man laughed again. Her laughter made Fen feel uncomfortable when she was there. While David seemed offended by his words just now. "Of course I know who you are, we've met before. Don't you remember?"

He frowned, who was he? Femi still can't remember clearly.

"Sister, do you remember the man I lived with twelve years ago? This is my friend, Wilson. My roommate from the time, he lived in the boarding house in front of the technical school. His hometown is the same as yours." obviously David was trying to make him remember something.

Finally, the clue made him remember, "That cigarette man? Isn't that right?" Guess origin.


Previously, before Fen and David's wedding took place, Wilson once liked the woman in front of him without David's knowledge. At that time, Wilson had told Fen, and Fen said that he had doubts. Until finally, unexpectedly, she married David, her best friend.

Fen returned to the room after knowing the identity of the man. He didn't want any trouble if David knew his history and could get to know Wilson.

Coincidentally, the atmosphere at home today looks quiet, one of his children went out to play, while the other two children were still sleeping. Script, right. I have to make some scripts for the contract to be submitted to the online platform. This is still very far from the number of words that the platform is asking for.

Having just typed two lines, his eyes felt heavy and unbearable. Until finally, he fell asleep in his seat.

Pratt... Drttt... The shaking was so strong that David was busy running around in his house.

"Earthquake… Earthquake… Fen! Quickly get the children out of the house. Take cover from objects that will crush you outside. I will pick up the children at the neighbor's house." David shouted frantically to wake his wife.

Fen woke up with a stutter, not knowing where to go, she immediately carried her two toddler sons and left there in an extraordinary panic. Cries and whining of children could be heard from every house in the complex.

"Children, where are all your children, Fen? This is dangerous. The earthquake was too strong."
