
Chapter 3

After saying goodbye to the blonde, the seventh team separated from each other. Jinsei had a meeting with the leader and the other jōnins. Shēdo decided to take the last day off in training, Baru made an appointment in the playground next to the park.

Pink-haired waited for the health of the group, swinging and thinking about tomorrow's training. On the one hand, the song is not at the beginning. The more so after the introduction, because now the team. Shēdo was the best in the class, so it didn't come back to him. She was sure her way to the bell time. Then the theory did not help her to correct it. The largest quotation mark was blue eyed.

Oniko screamed her out of her thoughts.

- Big forehead, what are you swinging in the clouds ?! - for everything, approaching the rest.

Oniko Kokoro, delete with bright eyes, which has been popular with peers since childhood. Next to her were her friends - Rokuro Gurame, a slightly plump boy with red drawings resembling whirls on his cheeks, and Tensai Omo, black-haired, always bored, a boy whose performance resembled pineapple.

They were followed by Arato Inudachi with his dog, Hinata Seiketsu, heir to his navy blue-haired clan, and Atsushi Konchū, a quiet boy with glasses.

- I think about the new member of the behavior - her, standing up without paying attention to what the blue-eyed called.

- The family told me to be friends with him - The Hinata family. - Since my father returned from a meeting from which each clan ordered to pay special attention to friendly relations with this employee.

- Me too, but not why,- added Omo. - It is annoying, but I guess to every person.

- Jihikage-sama told us a bit about him, but we don't even know his skills. - Baru a small pebble, she had to dig on the road.

The rest remained silent, sitting on the ground.

- He comes from Hanegakure,- she added after a moment.

- I know some legends about this place, but no information. Are you sure? I thought it was just a legend. Tensai rested his chin against his hands, closing his eyes.

- Exactly the same said Jihikage-sama! Hanayo shouted. - Apparently what an old age, but I can't believe that they just let the shinobi in without 100% information,- she told her second nature.

- We should be quiet,- Atsushi's low voice surprised everyone. - Looking to start.

- Tenshi Moeruaka-Ao, heir of the Village Hidden in the Angelic Feathers - the pink-haired girl whispered, embarrassed by her outburst. - The son of the Fourth Jihikage and his wife,- she added, seeing the ascent in the climb.

- I have everything clear. First Detention's wife named Moeruak and, as far as I know, was related to the Fourth's partner. No wonder he has the leader's favor with such ties, - said Omo.

- Supposedly he was born here but was taken by the family after his parents died.

- Hey, or only I decided that a girl, survival through the gate? - Rokuro changed, eating his favorite chips.

- Not only you. Oniko improved on the ground. - I'll already stop running, drinking on his shampoo. - She laughed embarrassed.

- The only thing we call, as needed, cognition, to slowly avoid secrets. - Omo got up from the ground, success to friends.

The next day, the blonde left the house right after breakfast, asking that the two from the Village of Angels stay in their place. Only after long exchanging the skills of their new teacher did the bodyguards reluctantly agree.

So, blue-eyed, dressed, as always, in a kimono with gold clan marks on the back, headed towards yesterday's known training ground number seven. Apart from the expected seventh team and Gūdian, there was also Hirui, two groups unknown to the boy.

- Hello Tenshi,- the Jihikage greeted with a smile.

- Good morning. The blond man bowed to everyone present.

- I would like to introduce you to the eighth and tenth team, with whom you will have joint training today. You probably met your sensei and friends yesterday. The blue-eyed nodded. So this is Mai Yūhioto, the jōnin of the Eighth team consisting of Atsushi Konchū, Aratu Inudachi and Hinata Seiketsu. This is Michio Saru, my son and teacher of the 10th group, which includes Rokuro Gurume, Tensai Omo and Oniko Kokoro– introduced them.

- My name is Tenshi Moeruaka-Ao,- he said in a polite voice, silently cursing the number of people gathered. People didn't bother him until he got to know them. Millions of names and surnames. It wasn't for him. He preferred to sit alone in the library, filling his head with useful stories and techniques rather than useless names. After all, in combat, he needs information about the opponent's skills, not what his name is and what his favorite food is. However, looking at the member of Clan Gurume, he could safely deduce that in his case it was the chips he was currently holding in his hands.

Kitsu always laughed at his canister, claiming that he had not seen a better actor throughout his existence.

- Even Furû hasn't grown up to the heels of your acting,- he once said in their daily chat. In his human form, he was sitting on the couch, reminding the blonde about the incident when he met the ruler of the Village of Blades, who, despite his high position and great skill, licked the 10-year-old and his family. Which, by discovering his bloody reign, failed. When Tenshi heard that Enkage had been killed and a mild-mannered person took over as leader, he felt relieved.

Remembering this incident, the Third Jihikage gained even more in his eyes. The old man, despite being polite, did not exaggerate, and his tone of voice sounded much more confident, as befits the head of a village.

- Nice to meet you Tenshi-kun. - A woman with dark hair came up to the blonde. - I hope you will feel at home here. - She smiled. - If you need anything, you can contact us. Then we will try to help you. At her words, the man with a cigarette in his mouth nodded his agreement, dropping his cigarette a second later and speaking.

- OK. Training tonight was agreed yesterday, so only three teams will participate this time, he said, looking at the genin. He snorted mentally, noting that the twelve-year-olds' eyes were fixed on the newcomer, who calmly listened to his words. - It will be based on sparring in pairs. Due to the lack of one person, we will randomly select the name of the one who will proceed immediately.

Hinata was chosen. Then they randomly selected their opponents. Baru was to fight Oniko, Rokuro from Atsushi, Aratu from Shēdo, and Tenshi from Tensai. The first were the girls who went to the center of the field. The blond man, however, found himself in the shade under one of the trees.

He didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Sparring before him was like the shinobi game so well known in Hanegakure that he had watched so often in the hope of joining, which never happened. The fight was so slow that the boy decided to talk to his ginger friend.

- What are you doing here again? The demon tried to sound annoyed.

- I was bored,- he sighed, sitting down in his favorite armchair. - I can't wait to let you out. We will be able to talk normally.

- More Teno,- he whispered. - Now we have to work on the jutsu that has deteriorated recently. - He sounded nervous.

The fox demon did not want the blond to suspend his training activities. Since he was six, despite the continued work that he loved, he hadn't used his full potential, which worried Kyūbi. If it weren't for that time, the boy would be at jōnin level, if not a little higher. These were sightings from Tamashi no Hon. The Book of Souls has always changed at an alarming rate, despite not reaching the endurance or mental limit. It's as if the blonde had a chance to improve his conventionality to an even greater extent every day.

- Yes, yes, I know that. He closed his eyes, sensing the movement beside him in reality.

Pink-haired ended up relieved of Kokoro, winning at the same time. Happy with her success, she walked over to the restaurant and listened to the congratulations. She looked at the long-haired man who was motionless without the sound of a voice. She already wanted to go, which can, how you want, how you want her, when you want her to, that he did not watch her win, but he grabbed her hands with the way through the blonde, unexpectedly came the service at the twelve-year-old girl.

- I advise you not to. Despite the smile, her voice was a vocal voice. Frightened Haruno screamed, drew the attention of the teachers and began to return to school. - Tenshi-dono will stop when he senses his turn ...- She wanted to add something else, but was interrupted by a voice that was familiar to them on the one hand, but completely foreign on the other. At least for Jihigakure shinobi.

- Didn't I say that you have me today? A sharp voice dripping with sarcasm emerged from the lips of the seated girl. The woman in pink fell to her knees at the sound of it, surprising the other eleven.

- Forgive me, young master - quietly, not because of fear, but because the blonde did not give her a voice. Seeing, however, a delicate delicate finger, electric. No move this girl made was consistent and acted to the best of knowledge. - Despite which names Fumio-sama gave us, we're in a new place without any information about the same - be sure, don't look up. - So I decided to chronic you at a distance.

- You made that moment. - Irritated eyes at the end, with surrounding ninjas with question marks painted on their faces. - I haven't felt you until now. As befits Moeruak, your chakra control is low.

The woman's happiness was so great that it appeared in her light, making the audience wonder why the praise from childhood was so pleased by the skilled shinobi. Jinsei, Mai and Michonie sensed women, so why was Moeruak so happy for the young girl's opinion?

The truth was, however, that Ami, as a conductor that is being stopped, is being stopped at full complex for chakra seeking and working. As with the former, it is actually not the same as the second, highest shinobi. Tenshi's, as he was someone else's in both, often during the Jōnin promotion. The students at the beginning of the nosina, or the candidates, appropriately formed their first so that no one would reach their position.

- It is an honor to say such words from the mouth of the best radar on the Island of Angels. She inclined her posture, still kneeling.

- Praise won't help you because of decay. Again his voice sounded nervous.

The boy just wanted to be quiet without unnecessary people, Hinata understood it perfectly well. However, it is often used, but it was not at that level.

- Unless Jinsei-sensei is with me, I did explain to you.- For an hour I exchanged his merits as a copying Ninja, as well as his past with my parents. In addition to the Guard also Michio, son of the ex-Jihihi who fought for the chakra blades, and Mai-san, jōnim with Genjutsu skill enhancements, whose saws are also of a high level. - the bored voice would have sounded his, in the end as always, always and melodious. - So I doubt if anyone would want to hold me or kidnap me. Considering also that it is Jihiha, this small percentage is zero and even though the gate guards are sleeping, I am in this village. - He laughed.

- He is right. - From nowhere led Ji, who had not entered where from before, achieved the achieved quality of service by their sphere. However, I can't wait any longer from the point of view. So he decided to hurry the genins. - Rokuro, Atsushi, go introduction.

The two with their teachers went to the starting point of the sparring.

Where's Daisuke-san? Tenshi asked after a moment.

- He's gone shopping to make dinner.

Shēdo could not believe her words. Was this terrible, muscular guy going to the store to get a meal later? me on Maybe a pink apron with hearts.

- Sorry, but ... - Baru card hesitantly. - How is Tenshi-kun going to become a shinobi when you don't let him do anything?- - The other side of her began to wake up in her.

- Miss, take it easy - the pink-eyed laughed, finally standing up. - Tenshi-dono has been battered more than once, and I swear they can defend themselves very well. You knew now that you wanted to be sure what you wanted to do. She looked at the young heir. - Just when medicine, even leaders and greats - could not disturb him. - We also ordered that during the mission the lady stay here and did not bestow the guest - adding to the recognition, who only smiled with pity.

- Shēdo, Arata, it's your turn! - Rokuro will play, who recommended that he ate his chips twice as fast as usual. The boys changed places, as Jinsei and Michio did.

The man with the cigarette walked over to his own, sat down next to them, and softly whispered one sentence to them.

- The awaited finale in a moment. He winked at Omo.

Shēdo arrived shortly after, starting his victory.

- Tenshi, it's your turn,- Gūdian said, coming up to the blonde.

- I'm coming sensei. He stood up, dusting his clothes.

- Can't you change? He glanced at the girl's kimono.

- To the unnecessary. He has always been training in this outfit. - He headed for the whereabouts of Omo.

When he was up against his opponent, he bowed slightly. The confused black-haired man did the same after looking at his teacher.

The long-haired man quickly remembered everything I know about the opponent.

Despite his lazy nature, Tensai Omo possessed great intellect. Use the main clan technique, using the shadow.

- You can cross it out - Michio.

Tenshi immediately made a quick seal, immediate security behind your back. He made a clone so that even a place in the forest, swapping with him swiftly, he did it in such a way that no one, jōnini or Ami, noticed the substitution. The only exception was the oldest man standing nearby.

- Kagemane no Jutsu! - He heard the sound of the technique being performed. Tenshi always wondered why people were shouting names for jutsu. After all, this is why you did not say your head ache when talking about revealing in front of the card. He noticed how the shadow of the shadow noted in the case of the maple. He ordered him to do a somersault, thanks to which he managed to get Omo's back, with the help of the master master master.

For Baru and the rest of the genin, it was up to a split second. As a twelve-year-old into the sky, look in the air with kimm blending into the cloudless sky.

The elders sensed the Tenshi chakra in the forest, because the boy hid it in a small place that only beginners would have trouble finding.

- I give up,- said the black-haired man, restoring the shadow. - That's a pain in the ass. He walked slowly towards the trees.

Shedo, I can't help but admire. The long-haired boy, whom he considered to be meaningless dudes, defeated Omo in seconds. Naglen's blackboard, like a blond cloud of smoke.

- Tenshi-dono will you leave already ?! - The titled blonde towards the forest is happy. Even so, only seventeen years are still in the crosshairs. She was thus often infatuated with the five (2) year heir. This time it was established that it was established whether by that time in the fight in the strategy. She knew what he had done, which wasn't, just no problems. Despite this, getting to know the apartment a few days ago, as each Vortex is often observed from the hiding place of the blonde's training.

From behind the trees, Tenshi emerged intact.

- Hinata, Baru, it's your turn. The red-eyed jōninka broke the silence.

The girls shook off their shock and ran to the place.

- I'm sorry, but my job is multi. - Hiru disappeared after a moment of updating in his office.

When the same few seconds long journey, he remembered the times when the girl's parents had come to the Village of Mercy. Maybe he was younger then, but even when they were twelve, their potential was not so discovered. The man remembered the words of the Fourth Jihikage's brother when he was here on a mission.

- My nephew is not ordinary, even for the height of Angel Island.- - He was sitting in an armchair at the house of Leader Jihi at the time.

He had to agree with these words. Sam knew a lot of people from the Main Line, Side Line or from the Branches of the Uzushiogakure clans, and the statement that the boy is a genius was true.

The fight was won by Hinata, who later faced Atsushi. Unfortunately losing. Tenshi and Shēdo duel lasted a few minutes from the end due to the fire jutsu boys exchanging. Long-haired man, of course, used the techniques that were created a few years ago at the beginning of his exercise, but he was winning. The blonde's last fight with Konchū ended similarly to the one with Omo, this time the clone popped out from under the ground, immobilizing the opponent.

- End of training for today! - Jinsei for that. - Congratulations to Tenshi who won all the matches. The boy bowed as a thank you. - We start the game tomorrow. Team 7 met me at eight in front of the Jihikage office - you could have done with your team. Baru and Shēdo looked at him skeptical.

- I'm sorry to interfere, sensei, but I think we can be there quietly by ten o'clock,- the blue-eyed spoke up.

- Jinsei, even people from other countries know your delays,- the jōnin laughed, smoking a cigarette, patting his friend on the shoulder.

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