
The 4, siblings

There is a religious family they are all happy,Every Sunday they go to church and after church they going to beach to have a good bonding memories,

Some people are jealous because they always happy and it's like a perfect family,

And there life change after many years,There father starting to go out have fun with friends hung out everywhere in the bars with girls,

When he got home and he saw that his eldest daughter sleeping he go in his daughter room and he put a paper on her mouth and told her "Quite don't ever think think to shout"! I will kill you"

That's very creepy moment and ridiculous

And her daughter live with depression and,her father do it again many times until they move in other place with all family.Then he still continue doing that and after a years by,they move back the old place that they live And suddenly he **** his 2nd daughter And after a year he do it again to his child.And his children live with a mental problem they all depressed they have a lot of questions in there life.

They don't know what to do even there mother.Because there mother won't believe them.

They never report to the police station because they are lock of confidence and depression.

After many years his children have a family,until now,there abusive father still free and do what he want he never ask for forgiveness about what he did to his children.But his children still good to him even his not a good father they said there father is a evil.

The youngest daughter she chooses to be a good person and what happen in her life only God will judge him because she believes that there's a second deatha after we die theres a judgement and whatever judge is that you will die and hurt many times. or if you good you have ever lasting life you live with God.

And the four siblings is trumatize of there life before but they choose to be strong for there children and new family's.