
The Chase

Adrenaline coarsed through my veins. Long breaths became short gasps. My short legs thrusted forward as my calve muscles weakened. The bitter air chocked my throat as I struggled to keep going. I darted past closed shops and buildings in the dead of night.

My feet nearly slipped from beneath me when I took a turn. I forced my legs to push harder with every step I took because I knew the cold-blooded life-snatching creeper wasn't far behind. Tears ran down my sad face, blinding my vision, stopping me from seeing what is in front of me. Autumn leaves crunched beneath my feet making a loud sound. Towering trees danced in the thick wind. The hairs on my head flew as a big gust of wind hit my cold face. A sharp turn is what I took. It lead me down an alleyway. At this moment, I knew I was lost but couldn't care less for fear my life would be snatched away from me by the middle-aged man who eagerly chases me. The narrow alleyway smelt like a grave of decaying animals. Its nasty stench clogged up my nose forcing me to slow down. I bent my head to catch my breath. Fainting was only a few minutes away from me however I can't give in. Not at this moment. I looked up to see what lies before me and to my disappointment it was a dead-end. Chills ran down my spine and fear grabbed a hold on my neck. This can't be happening. I turned around to see if I could run back but to my surprise he was already behind me.

A long, shiny dagger was taken out from the back pocket of his black, ripped jeans. His rough, large hand held the pointy dagger really loosely and began to scrape it against the hard, brick wall. With every step towards me, an ear splitting screech came from the friction against the brick wall and blood stained knife. My heart was beating out of control. I need to get out of here. I quickly searched around and there I saw a filthy bin. Without hesitation, I climbed on top of the lid then reached for the top of the tall wall. Time was running out as the defening sound got closer. As I pulled myself up, I fell over the huge barrier. Before I knew it, the teeth of the barb wire bit into my delicate skin that was positioned on my waist. The staggering pain made me scream with tears pacing down my small face once again. Slowly, I stood up to carry on running. After a few miles, I saw a friendly looking house and staggered towards the door. Banging on it with all the power I had left in me. The elegant door opened and I saw a kind lady on the other side. My sight became blurred and the next thing I felt was my head touching the chilly, concrete ground. Everything turned dark...

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