

his heart, because he did not want his only child to be sad. However, because he continued to be urged, he finally told about the origins of Miya which he had kept secret.


"Forgive my mother, my child! So far, I have kept something a secret to you, "said Alice with a sad face.

"What secret, Mom?" Asked Miya curiously.

"Know, Miya! Actually, you are not a biological child of a mother born from your mother's womb. "

His mother had not finished speaking, Miya suddenly interrupted.

"What do you mean, Mother?" Asked Miya.

Alice also told all the secrets until her dream last night that a giant would come to pick up her child to be made into food. Hearing the story, Alice gasped in surprise as if he did not believe.

"Timun doesn't want to come with the giant. Timun is very dear to the Mother who has educated and raised Timun, "said Miya.


Hearing Miya's words, Alice returned to reflection. He was confused to find a way for his child to survive the giant meal. Until the day promised by the giant, Alice had not found a way out. His heart began to worry. In his anxiety, he suddenly found a reason. He told Miya to pretend to be sick. That way, of course the giant won't want to eat it. When the sun began at dusk, the giant came to Miya's hut.

"Hi, old lady! Where is the child? I'll bring it now, "the giant asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Giant! The child is seriously ill. If you eat it now, of course the meat is not tasty. What if you come here in three days? I will cure the disease first, "persuaded Alice to stall for time until he found a way for Miya to survive.