
Meeting Shikamaru and Choji

V.2 Chapter 13

"So Shikamaru was it, you wouldn't happen to be related to Shikaku would ya?" Mars says while ignoring Naruto and Chojis argument on food. "Ah, ya he is my dad." Shikamaru says while turning to look at Mars, wondering how he didn't already know this, seeing the Nara Clan was quite famous in the shinobi world. "Ah, no wonder you look so much like him." Mars says nodding while congratulating himself in his mind for being correct about Shikamaru.

He then turns to Choji and says "And you must be part of the Akimichi Clan right, Ive heard their members were quite large and you seem to fit that description to a tee." as he nods while Choji stops arguing with Naruto to glare at Mars. Shikamaru also tenses up and looks over to Mars about to rebut him but is stopped by Mars going on "I would really love to know how your clan trains." as his eyes sparkles while looking Choji over, wondering how the Akimichi Clan could take fat and make it into chakra.

(FYI I know its calories not fat but Mars doesn't.)

"Mars, its rude to ask that, especially to kids of the clans. I apologize for my husband's words, he meant no disrespect, He's a bit of a body enthusiast." Anne says while smacking Mars in the back of his head, stopping his from staring at Choji like some candy. Choji and Shikmaru look at each other before shrugging while Choji gets back to eating and SHikamaru asks "A body enthusiast, what's that exactly."

"Ah, well body enthusiast is a correct term to use with me I'd rather if you called me a master at Body Tempering. I pretty much like to learn all kinds of different ways to increase one's strength by training one's body. Of course, without the use of chakra. Also, I apologize, I got a bit caught up, I just find your clans technique fascinating is all." Mars says while bowing his head towards Choji who nods and then continues eating.

Shikamaru scratches his chin thinking 'If Hes telling the truth, why hasn't the village tried to recruit him to teach, or is it they did but failed. I guess he also could be just lying, but what would he gain from lying to a bunch of kids.' Naruto then says "Ya, Ive been training with Mars for over a year now and look how strong I am, I can even beat teme HAHAHA." as he laughs to which Sasuke snorts and says "Only in your dreams dobe." to which causes a whole argument to blow out between the two.

'Oh, that time Naruto beat Sasuke, was it because of this guy's training, then he should be the real deal, right?' Shikamaru thinks while watching Mars calm the two bickering kids down making them both sent down while turning away from each other. "Ah, ive never introduced myself, how rude of me, I'm Mars Kuminaki." Mars says while looking over at Shikamaru and Choji. "Im Mars wife, Anne Kuminaki, a pleasure." Anne says to which Shikamaru replies "Im Shikamaru Nara, and the one of there is Choji Akimichi." as he notices Choji not being interested in the conversation as he continues to chow down.

After finishing their food, the group heads out of the restaurant about to say goodbye to each other when Naruto says "Hey, why don't you guys join us for training." to which make Shikamaru and Choji look at each other than at Mars. "I don't mind if you two want to join, but im must say my training is quite draining, and I would also need your parents' permission before I do train yall, I don't want your clans hunting me down after all hehe." Mars says to which the two of them nod to and Shikamaru says "I think we will watch their training first, and see if we would like to join before we decide." as he nods to Sasuke and Naruto. "Sure, just let me know what you decide, we train at training ground 3 whenever you want to come and take a look, I also owe your dad a shogi game so tell him ill be coming over soon." Mars says with a wave as he and his group head down the street.

Shikamaru and Choji then begin to walk to their respective houses. When Shikamaru makes it home he is greeted by his mother yelling at his father, while his father is on his knees nodding his head while looking at the ground. "Troublesome woman." Shikamaru mumbles as he heads to the two of them and says "Hey Dad, you know a guy named Mars? He says he'll be coming over soon for that promised shogi game." as he interrupts his mother tirade. His mother glares at him for a moment then sighs as she heads to the kitchen to do the dishes while his father looks at him gratefully.

"Ya I did make an agreement like that, but how'd you meet him?" Shikaku asks while standing up as his eyes seem to sharpen at the thought of Mars trying something on his family. "Do I have to tell you, what a drag. It was coincidence, he came with Naruto and Sasuke to eat at Yakiniku. Naruto rushed over and starting talking to us so they asked to sit with us." Shikamaru ways while sighing then heading to the open the sliding door and laying down on the walkway to look up at the stars.

"He didn't say anything else?" Shikaku asks while joining his sun in star gazing. "Nah, Naruto asked if we wanted to join their training sessions though, to which Mars agreed to but he said he would talk to yall first if we agreed. Me and Choji were planning on watching them train tomorrow to see what it's like before we decided if we were going to join or not." Shikamaru says while closing his eyes. Shikaku looks over at his son but doesn't comment as he then turns back to the stars for while till he hears his son breathing become slow and rhythmic, showing he's asleep. Shikaku then takes his son into his room and closes the door softly to not wake him then tells his wife he's heading out as he heads to the Hokages tower while thinking 'Let's see if I can get more information about this Mars from the Hokage.'

Meanwhile at the Akimichi Clan

Choji makes it back home and heads to the kitchen where his father is eating from a plat of dumping's. "Ah, Choji welcome home, anything interesting happen today?" Chojis father, Choza, asks. "Ah, well it was the usual with me and Shikamaru doing some cloud watching after school, then heading to Yakinikus for some BBQ till Naruto showed up with Sasuke and two other people." CHoji says while stopping to stuff two dumplings into his mouth and swallowing them directly before continuing "The two with Naruto were named Mars and Anne. Mars seemed to be interested in our family's technique."

"Oh, then what did you say?" Choza asks, a bit surprised that someone would be interested in his family's technique and even be bold enough to asks, which is a taboo in the leaf, though there is no law all ninja had been taught not to ask. Then he remembered the man that crashed a meeting a bit under a year ago, who was also named Mars. The Hokage seemed to have a bit of respect for him but it seemed Mars had no affiliation with Konoha.

"Nothing, Mars wife hit him upside the head causing him to apologize for his rudeness. Though after we finished eating Naruto did ask us to go train with him, to which Mars agreed but he said we would need our parents' permission first. Shikamaru told him we'd go watch them tomorrow to see what the training is like." Choji says and then begins snacking on the dumplings on the table.

Choza nods and then watches his son eat a while asking a few questions about school before telling him good night and walking out of the house heading for the Hoakges tower while thinking 'I think it's best to see the Hokages view on the Mars boy before making any decisions.' as he heads to the tower.

Hokages Office

Hiruzen stares at his stack of papers with a sigh as he continues to sign paper after paper, hoping this job would come to an end soon. He then hears a knock on his door to which he says "Come in." and is surprised when he sees two clan heads walk in. "Ah Choza and Shikaku, to what do I owe the pleasure." Hiruzen says with a smile, as he rejoices internally about being able to postpone the signing of the paper for a while longer.

"Hello Hokage-sama, sorry about bothering you while you were busy." Shikaku says while looking at the pile of papers on Hiruzens desk while Choza nods in agreement behind Shikaku. "It's fine, so what brings you two to my office so late at night?" Hiruzen asks while scanning the two, wondering what made them visit. "Ah, we both came for the same reason, Mars Kuminaki." Shikaku says to which Hiruzens eyes widen and he wonders 'Oh, what did that brat do.' as Shikaku continues "We were just wondering what he's like and if we should allow our sons to be trained by him."

Hiruzen then stands up and says "Wait, he said he would train your kids, how do that happen." as he comes off quite anxious and loud which surprises both Shikaku and CHoza as they explain what happened to which calms Hiruzen down a bit as he thinks about ways to have Mars train more kids then just the four of them. The room stays in silence for a minute until Hiruzen comes back to himself and says "I'd recommend pushing your kids to be trained under him, ive asked him to train others but he always declines. It seems Naruto would be the reason he allowed your sons to take part." as he mumbles the last part.

"Oh, but I'm sure I felt no chakra coming from him, so what exactly can he teach." Shikaku says, remembering the two times he met Mars and both times he sensed no chakra from him. At first, he thought that Mars could just hide his chakra really well but the second meeting he noticed he had no chakra whatsoever. "Ive already told you how Mars came to the village, what I didn't tell you is that Mars is a master at training the body. With no chakra at all, he was able to defeat all Genin and quite a few Chunin 10 years ago. Now, I'm not sure what his level is, but I do know he's trained several of our talented ninja and most of them are Jonins like Guy, Kakashi, Genma, Anko, and others."

Hiruzen then stops to take a swig of his pipe before blowing smoke out and then continuing "I'm quite confident in his abilities. The girl, Anne, was brought to the village with no fighting experience but in three years she was demolishing most of our Genin line up. You could see how useful his training can be. From what Ive been told, his training can only lay a foundation of sorts, allowing the kids to pull out all their hidden potential, or so he told me. I won't force you to have your kids trained under him, but I must say that it would truly be a waste if they didn't, you should talk to him if you wish to know more. Now leave, I need to get back to this paper work ahhhh." as he sighs waving the two of the out of his office.

Shikaku and Choza bow and then walk out of the office and towards their homes. While walking SHikaku says "I think I'll join Shikamaru in watching how he trains the two kids Sasuke and Naruto before I decide, how about you Choza." as he looks over to Choza who thinks a bit before nodding and saying "Sure, I think ill join you, I would like to see how this Mars for myself before I decide as well." as they both agree then split up heading to the respective homes.

I wont promise regular updates but i will try my best

hope you all enjoy

jakstridercreators' thoughts