
Guys Genin Team

V.2 Chapter 10

After a whole year of being back in Konoha, Mars finishes his training with Sasuke and Naruto then sends them off. He then turns to head home but is stopped by a familiar face in green spandex with a mini him next to him, also in green spandex.

"How youthful you are these days Mars, I had heard you were back so I came running, after finishing up our mission." the tall guy says while posing. The boy stands there staring at the tall guy with stars in his eyes. "Ah, Guy it has been a while." Mars says with a smile, recognizing him from the green spandex to the antics he and his father used to do.

"Its good for you to be back and full of youth, I would like to request your help in training my future team as well, if you don't mind." Guy says with a grin as he moves his hand towards the boy standing next to him. "Ah, hmm, sure I don't mind, since we are old friends, when do you want me to meet them?" Mars says after thinking for a minute.

Guy beams with a smile as he does his pose and says one of his signature phrases about 'Youth' before introducing the boy next to him. "This is Lee, he is one of my students, how about you start with him while I round up the other two." Guy says as he disappears giving no time for Mars to respond.

"Ahh same old Guy. Lee was it, so what are you good at, we will spar to see what I can help with after you tell me." Mars says as he looks down a Lee, to which he sees Lee says "I'm focused only on taijutsu." to which Mars nods his head. "Ok, whenever you're ready when can start, no need to hold back, I'm not fragile." Mars says as he sets himself and stares at Lee, watching his every move. "Yosh!" Lee says as he sets himself and stares back at Mars.

'Good, not recklessly attacking an opponent, nor is he underestimating me, not bad Guy.' Mars thinks as he rushes at Lee at a speed meant for Genin, and starts the fight with a flurry of punches, to which Lee easily blocks and even counters from time to time.

'Not bad reaction, it seems he's also wearing weights, seems Guy is passing down his own training.' Mars thinks as he sends a quick jab at Lees shoulder, which Lee goes to block but it taken by surprise when his arm is grabbed and his whole body is lifted then thrown through the air.

"Pay attention to fakes, they could be just as dangerous as being hit, you must be able to read through them in the heat of the moment, if not it could prove fatal." Mars says as he watches Lee turn himself, midair, right side up and lands on his feet. "Yosh!" Lee replies as he begins to pant a bit, out of breath.

Mars nods then rushes at Lee again, sending all his attacks to Lees weak spots, making Lee hurry to cover them while trying to counter them as well. After 15 minutes, Mars finishes Lee of with an over the shoulder throw and leaves him down on the ground to catch his breath. "Not bad, from what I can tell, your quite strong for your age, and mostly focus on Taijutsu as well, which I respect. You still have a lot of openings on you defense, but no worries, ill work with Guy to help you close them up." Mars says with a smirk as he looks to the side, as Guy with two other kids come out of the forest.

"How was it Lee, Youthful was it not." Guy says with a smirk as he looks down at Lee on the ground his is smiling ear to ear nodding his head while trying to catch his breath. "Not bad Guy, he's like an exact replica of you when you were younger, though maybe a bit stronger." Mars says as he tilts his head thinking about the past for a bit before turning to the two kids by Guys side.

"Youthful is he not, come Mars, let me introduce my two other students, this one is Neji, Neji Hyuga, and this one is Tenten, the other two in my squad." Guy says as he points them out while introducing them. Mars looks at Tenten then at the Hyuga before he sighs 'Ugh, I really don't like dealing with clan brats.' he thinks not caring that he had taught both Naruto and Sasuke who are technically, clan brats.

"Good to meet yall, I'm Mars, I'll be helping with your training for today, now then which one of you wants to go first." Mars says as he looks at the two waiting for a reply. "Guy-Sensei, with all due respect, this guy has no chakra whatsoever, why should I learn from him." Neji says with a humph at the end, emphasizing his disdain for Mars.

Mars gets a tick mark on his head as he shakes his head at Guy from reprimanding Neji as he walks up to him. "Neji right, must be nice to be born with power, seeing that your from the Hyuga clan, though I must say, you should never believe everything you see with your eyes cause...." Mars says as he walks halfway to Niji before disappearing, reappearing behind Neji and continuing with his mouth next to his ear "it'll bite you in the ass."

To which Neji swings around aiming a punch but hitting nothing but air. "I'm teaching you guys as a favor to Guy, I can care less if you participate or not, Tenten was it, would you like to spar first." Mars says as he appears back next to Lee in the middle of the field while turning to address Tenten.

Tenten watches this go on in fascination before hurriedly running over to stand in front of Mars. Guy grabs Lee and brings him to the edge before speaking to Neji in a low voice "You should really watch yourself Neji, Mars has no chakra but im sure he could keep up with me in a fight, hand to hand, with a high chance of beating me." to which Neji stares at guy in surprise before looking over to Tenten and Mars who are about to spar.

"So, what are you good at." Mars says as he looks down at Tenten. "Well, im good at weapons and know a bit of healing and sealing, though not much." Tenten says and then looks up to Mars. "Oh, nice I just so happen to be quite good at weapons myself." Mars says as he pats the sword on his side. Tenten begins to smile as she takes out a scroll from her waist pouch and opens it making a cloud of smoke appear.

After the smoke dissipates, it shows Tenten holding a pole in a ready stance. "Ok then, lets begin." Mars says with a smirk as he grabs his sword, keeping it sheathed as he unhooks it from his waist and then charges at Tenten as they begin to attack and defend against each other. Tenten begins to smile, as she had not fought another fellow person who is good at weapons, seeing she was the only one in the village, as she begins to get hyped up.

Tenten then jumps back as she throws her pole at Mars, who deflects it with ease, and then she takes out another scroll from the waist pouch and then jumping into the air while spinning causing the scroll to open around her. She then begins to touch the scroll, making a weapon appear and then throwing it at Mars who deflects them with ease.

Once Tenten lands, Mars smirks as he puts his sword back onto his waist and says "Tenten, while that is a good move to use against weak enemies, strong enemies with good reflexes can easily dodge or deflect them. I guess its also a good supporting move, however in a one on one, that move serves no use but to waste weapons, unless of course, you place maybe an explosive tag, smoke bomb, or even make yourself into one of the weapons thrown. You could also use them."

As he finishes, he stomps on the ground causing a few weapons around him to fly up as he grabs two of them and rushes at Tenten. Tenten jumps back to pull out another scroll but stops as she rolls to the side as to kunai fly past her. She turns to see Mars pick up to more weapons, one is a mini scythe and the other is a regular kunai, on the run before reaching her and begin slashing at her, to which she dodges and takes out her own kunai before the begin clashing again. After a minute the both back off at the same time while throwing their weapons, which deflect one another and land in the ground.

"Id say you should start by learning everything you could do with each of these weapons, maybe even add little surprises within them like this pole." Mars says as he kicks up the pole and then begins to whirl it around himself. "You could add hidden weapons on either side so when you thrust, they shoot out, or even just add an edge." Mars says with a smile as his imagination goes wild with possibilities. He shakes his head a few seconds later and then once more rushes at Tenten aiming a thrust at her feet to which she steps back to dodge.

Mars then plants he pole into the ground and uses it to vault over Tenten and lands behind her then quickly sweeps her off her feet making her hit the ground. Tenten then stays on the ground breathing heavily as Mars says "You're going to have a lot of work to do before you can be called a weapons master, though from what I can see, you're on the right track." as he nods at Tenten with a smile. He then looks around at the weapons on the ground and then smiles before disappearing reappearing near Tenten with a pile of weapons next to him.

"Now then, Neji, would you like a go?" Mars says with a sinister smile which made even Guy have a cold sweat run down his back. Neji sneers as he walks to the middle of the field, as Tenten seals her weapons back into the scroll before she wobbles her way to the edge of the field. Mars smirks at Neji as he begins to stretch a bit, waiting for Neji to get into place.

"Im nothing like those two, let me show you the power of the Hyuga Clan." Neji says with a smirk as he closes his eyes and opens them a few seconds later while saying "Byakugan" as his veins appear around his eyes. "Vision doesn't necessarily mean power, let's see what you can do kid." Mars says with a smirk as he runs at Neji and begin to attack, to which Neji easily parries most of his attack, the other he blocks.

'His style reminds me of Sui-Sensei, though he is still not using it to the fullest potential, maybe I should help him out.' Mars think with a reminiscing smile as he then begins to target Neji in hard-to-reach spots, causing Neji to start to sweat and have a hard time. Mars then back off after landing a few hits while Neji drops to one knee, breathing heavily while staring at Mars in surprise. 'How.' he thinks as Mars says "Not bad, your Hyugas famous gentle fist style is quite good, but it could be better, come attack me and let me show you." as he beckons Neji with his hand.

Neji clenches his teeth as he stands up and rushes at Mars in a rage while thinking 'You think you can show a better style then our Hyuga clans, ya right.' as he attacks Mars. At first Mars just used his hands to parry the blows from Neji but then he began to use his elbows, shoulders even his head once or twice, by using his head I mean allowing himself to get hit but turning his head to absorb the blow.

After a solid 10 minutes of attacking, Neji slows down a bit, which Mars sees as well and capitalizes on as he kicks Neji away causing him to fly a few feet away before skidding across the ground. "See, you only use your hands to parry but your whole body can be used as a weapon. Im sure you could tell if I had attacked on all your opening you would've easily lost." Mars says as he looks over at Neji on the ground his trying to catch his breath.

He then turns to Guy and says "Not a bad group here, there close to Chunin level already, a bit more of a push and they will be there. Also, I don't mind helping but not every day, let's say once every two-weeks deal?" as Guy smiles and nods then thanks Mars for the help to which Mars waves him off and says goodbye to them before disappearing as he heads home.

Sorry for non specifics during the fights, but hope you guys(and gals) enjoy

jakstridercreators' thoughts
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