
The story of how I defeated the Monarch of Arcanes

The story revolves around the story of Cain, A young man who wants nothing but to eliminate,'The Monarch of Arcanes', a divine being who is Supreme to all other arcanes and has brought nothing but chaos and destruction to humans for centuries. This story follows the final battle between humans and the arcanes which will decide the fate of both side's. Note:Arcanes are beings with divine origin which take on different form's and hunt humans as source of nourishment.

Thechosen_1 · Action
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3 Chs

The rebirth of Cain

They all could not believe what was in front of their eyes, a corpse of there friend lying in a pool of blood.

"so whose next to die?" The Monarch asked with a menacing grin."

No one dared to step a foot toward him as they new it might as well be certain death.

"Fine if you won't bring the fight to me then I will just have to bring it to you,"the Monarch stated,"Infinite Art,third seal,Limbo."

The surrounding changed instantly to a distorted reality.

"What is this place?" Cain asked.

"It is a space that i control called limbo, time does not move in this place so if you want to get out of this space. You have to defeat me first," the Monarch replied.

"Fine if you want a fight then I'll give one that you will never forget you damn demon!" Akuji shouted.

"Yes show me your power and conviction child," The Monarch replied.

Akuji assumed his battle position and stared at his enemies glowing emerald eyes.

"Summoning Art, Fourth seal,hell hounds. Protect me my friends,"Said Akuji.

The hell hounds attacked the Monarch but they were no match for the Monarch of Arcanes as he swiftly evaded all attacks with no effort.

"this is child's play," Said the Monarch,'Infinite Art,fourth seal,black hole creation.

This created miniature black holes which destroyed the hell hounds at the subatomic level.

"Summoning Art,Fifth seal, Legendary dragon." said Akuji."He effortlessly destroyed my hell hounds with such a power attack but this should give him a tough time. Attack him my friend."

The legendary dragon attacked with a powerful dragon breath almost as hot as captain ash's flames.

"Impressive young boy but just not strong enough," Said the Monarch,"Void Art,Third seal, endless abyss.

The attack was transported to an empty void, Void Art is excellent defensive style as it renders any attack useless.

"DAMN!" exclaimed Akuji,"Just how many Art styles can he use?"

"Infinite Art,sixth seal, space manipulation:Cut and slash."The Monarch said.

The legendary dragon was chopped into tiny pieces until a pool of blood remained and above the pool was The Monarch in all his glory.

"how do you still so much energy after those attacks?" Asked Akuji.

" I will tell you since you have entertained me a bit. Many people are born with positive Zeal energy and a lesser number are born with negative Zeal energy which is a greater form of energy."The Monarch explains," but there are a very few who are born with both which after it combines form's what I call,'Zero point Zeal energy,' an almost infinite and almost non existent energy which is barely detectable."

"but enough of that, it's time to bid you farewell child, you were strong but still lacking." stated the Monarch,"Infinite Art, seventh seal,gravity manipulation.

The gravity was increased by 1 fold crushing akuji into the ground.

"two dead, two left,"said the Monarch," hello girl, I am really in a good mood so I will give you a one minute chance to run and escape."

Atropos,out of fear, started to run to find an exit to get out of the limbo.

"STOP ATROPOS,IT'S A TRAP!" Cain yelled.

"infinite Art,sixth seal, space manipulation:cut and slash."The Monarch said while smirking.

Atropos was cut and slashed so much that only blood was left falling from above onto our main character.

"YOU KILLED THEM ALL YOU DEMON!" Cain yelled in anguish.

"Yes but you will join them soon,"The Monarch replied.

"I never wanted it to turn out like this!" Cain exclaimed.

It was here when something inside Cain snapped, whether it be for the better or worst was debatable.

"Oh now this is interesting, his positive Zeal energy is accumulating in his body, his manifesting his art style."The Monarch thought to himself.

Cain took his battle stance and his eye's golden glowed brighter than the star's themselves.

" Yes finally show me a power that can rival my own child,"said the Monarch.

Cain took a deep breath and then said,

"Copy Art, space manipulation:Cut and slash."

In an instant it cut off the Monarchs arm.

"Huh?"He pondered on what just happened," Copy Art, he can copy an art style but I guess there must be draw backs and requires large amounts of energy.

"No matter, he will run out of energy soon enough, infinite Art, fourth seal, black hole creation."The Monarch said.

"copy art,endless abyss," Cain said.

The two attacks canceled each other out.

"how is he standing till now, he was suppose to run out of energy by now," the Monarch thought to himself," is it possible that he copied my negative Zeal energy and combined it with his positive energy to create zero point?it's not entirely impossible though."

"bring it o--", Cain suddenly paused,"Cough, cough--," he coughed out a large amount of blood.

Cain had finally reached his limit and pushing any furthermore would destroy his body completely. He fell to the ground,the Monarch walked up to him.

"I can kill you easily now but I won't. It would be a waste of a good vessel so keep it in good condition till we meet again child."The Monarch said while deactivating limbo.

Just like that, Cain had survived an encounter with the king of Arcanes.

End of chapter 3.