
Face Reality

"That is why you let him see you in such a vulnerable position, am I right?" I sneered at her. "You can't kill him because it would be impossible for you to kill the man you love. You could never even come to listen to those tapes I saved for you. Maybe it scares you to think that despite loving you in his own way, he did not love you enough to protect you; that he stood by and saw you suffer."

"That you are not important enough for him."

"Does it make you happy to try to analyze me? I think your judgement is clouded, Daisy. I think it is a manifestation of your romantic side. I think you crave the taboo relationship you would have with a certain man you met long ago and knew you couldn't have."

"Of course, it is the romantic in me talking, Mia. I am not going to deny it, and I want you to face reality as well. We live in a world where deception is as easy as breathing and you can't hold a grudge against a man for getting what he wanted at any cost."

"And what did he want?"

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