
The Story of Amelia and Liam’s Escape

New year, new boy, new feelings. I might have a chance with Liam. But that all goes downhill and the only way to survive is to lean on each other. Amelia Clarke is a 16 year old girl who falls for an awfully cute guy. Liam. He's rich, famous, got the charms. But he's different from other guys. So different. He's nice, kind and charming. But then we're tested in the worst imaginable way possible. WARNING: violence, descriptions of blood and use of guns (Male and Female lead) Also on wattpad called “The Escape”

LindaLikesLlamas · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

-Amelias POV-

It was a new year at Coral Coast High school and everyone was talking about the new boy. Liam was the subject in most conversations. Liam. The name spread throughout the school yard. I didn't know why he was so popular. He hadn't even come to the school yet. I didn't care about all that though. I was interested in the pretty things around me and capturing those moments.

As my three friends arrived, they put their AirPods away for once. They started talking about Liam before they entered the hallway. I ran to my friends and put my camera up to my eye, ready to take a photo to start the new year. They posed with peace signs and put their arms around each other as I took the shot.

"You really have a great eye Amelia."

"Thanks Mia."

"So Brooklyn thinks this guy is going to be a normal guy."

"No, i said he's going to be famous, Charlotte."

I stood there fidgeting with my camera while listening to the conversation until the bell rang for class. We always waited until the hallways were nearly empty to leave for class. I decided to stick around a little longer while my friends left. I looked around at the quiet hallway with it's white pillars and maroon doors. Just a never ending hallway of doors. Thats's how big my school was. That was when he arrived. His short but long, blonde hair shining in the sun, his beautiful blue eyes glinting as he entered the school. Looking at his school map and looking around he spotted me and walked in my direction. His pace was in little strides, small but fast. I was mesmerised. So much so that I didnt realise he'd walked up to me and asked me something.

"Can you tell me where my class is?" He asked in a strange accent as he showed me his diary. I stared up as his cute face. His features standing out like a sore thumb.

"Yeah, I'm in that class too, come with me."

I closed my locker and showed him to our class. My thoughts engulfed me while we walked. He was hot. The way he walked was cute. I wanted to ruffle his hair.

We got there and I thought now was my chance to introduce myself.

"I'm Amelia and if you need any help, I'm here."

"Ok, thanks Amelia, I'm Liam." He said smiling down at me. His accent hitting me once again.

I could feel my face turning red. I'd never ever blushed before! What was this feeling? I took one look at him and saw how beautiful his eyes and hair were. I thought about taking his photo, his gorgeous face would be the only thing I saw. But I thought it would have to wait until after class. I rushed inside with him following me. I went to the back like always but poor Liam was consumed by the popular girls of our grade like a moth to a flame. I strutted to my seat and gloomily sat down.

The classroom was fairly small with a chalkboard in front of the whiteboard. The teachers white-painted, wooden desk to the side with light pink lillies in a vase and stationary all in one corner. The teacher was a short, young lady who, chalk in hand, started appointing seats for the late-comers. Afterwards she wrote on the chalkboard: Miss Camry's English and the lesson had begun.

The bell rung for lunch as everyone was putting their books in their bags. I got up I saw Liam get up starting to search for something...or was it a someone? All the popular girls started to talk to him after after school activities and asked questions about himself but he didn't look interested. His glimmering eyes eventually found me and he started calming down. I walked over to him but stayed safely behind the girls. Liam walked through them all to get to me.

"Can I sit with you for lunch." He asked nervously.

I started blushing again as I replied with a "Yeah" but then added "we can sit with my friends or it can be just us?"

"Can it just be us?" He asked.

Walking to my alone spot behind the sports hall was very quiet until I decided to break the silence.

"So where are you from?"

He was glancing around taking in our surroundings when he looked at me confused.

"You don't know who I am?" He asked intently.

"I'm sorry, no." I looked down.

"Oh no, no, it's alright. I didn't know I wasn't famous here." He put his hand behind his head. "It's kind of a good thing too though." He spoke softly, looking down.

I stood in front of him to stop him in his tracks.

"I'm lost." Looking up into his stunning blue eyes, searching for answers.

"Forget I said anything." His head still down. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry." Was my response. He'd gone all quiet and shy.

"It's not a problem. Do you want to sit down?" He asked meeting my gaze.

"Yeah, lets go." I said, faking a smile.

We walked in silence once more as I guided him towards my secret sitting spot. When we got there, I guided Liam to the small bush sized tree with no leaves yet. It felt special to me. Like I had some sort of attachment to it. My older brother went to this school. He planted this very tree.

I lied down, using my bag as a pillow, and waiting for Liam to join me. Once he did I watched the clouds go by. Asking questions back and forth getting to know each other better. Asking serious questions like "how many siblings do you have" then asking silly questions like "what's your favourite colour?" We we're enjoying ourselves up until the bell rung for class.