

The youths make up a wider part of the population all over the universe.They are often said to be "the leaders of tomorrow".From generation to generation,the world is experiencing great changes from the environment to the people's lifestyle.To the youths however,it's the lifestyle that becomes a major concern.Living a good life is something everyone craves for regardless of one's age.To the youth,this hits different.

Living a good life unfortunately does not come to everyone.The "good"life in this generation can only be achieved if one has money,not just money,but more than enough of it.The youth are a group of people in the whole world who are hit hard by the reality of living decent lives.At their young ages,the youth crave for the most comfortable lives anyone has ever lived since God's creation of mankind.With their unemployed status,they will still want to have a lot of money,the best clothes,big mansions and big cars to move around with.

It is not therefore by coincidence that the youth aren't living to these lifestyles.It is only the nature of life.The only few who manage it are those from rich backgrounds or who have come out of their comfort zones to "chase the bag."


The youth lead lifestyles that of course vary.The variation here comes from the environment they live in or how they were brought up.A very small percentage of the youth lead lifestyles that are generally acceptable in all aspects of life.Religion is majorly the foundation of the righteous lives of these youths.This explains why there is a need for provision of spiritual nourishment to each and every one in every part of the world.From religion,virtues such as honesty,transparency,respect,humility among many others are acquired by the youth.In line to religious teachings,vices are discouraged among the youth.The youth who conform to religion end up leading holy and acceptable lives.The type of these youth are those seen participating in church activities,portraying generosity among other good deeds that contribute positively not only towards them but also to the people around them.

Parenting also brings out to the world youths with different lifestyles.The youths who have been raised by parents who are strict come out to live righteous lives.Laxity among parents when raising up their children contributes greatly to the youth with totally no morals.The immorality of these youth clearly comes out from how they relate with other people around them.They are often full of abuses,disrespect,negative attitudes and they possess a sense of ego.The wide gap between the youth is significantly visible as it is impossible for the youth with different views of life to intermingle.

The inside life of the youth is characterized by more than a million factors and or practices.These ranges widely from both healthy practices and extremely life threatening activities.To Engaging in sport activities is a lifestyle that contributes positively to the lives of the youths.These are for example running,jogging,playing football just to mention a few of the countless types of games played on the planet.Visiting the gym for workout is also one of the latest trend to keep the youth healthy though it comes at a cost all the youth can't afford.With the advancement of technology in the current century,computer games have been developed which keep the youth busy.Most if not all of these games contribute positively to the wellbeing of the youth.They increase their intelligence and their way of thinking.They also save them from untold troubles that could befall them would it be that they are idle.

The youth living acceptable lives also narrows down to their own personal ambitions in life.Being focused as a youth enables one to avoid unnecessary practices that contribute negatively to their progress in life.Knowing what one wants in life drives them to work on only the factors that contribute to its achievement.The end result for these youths is a good,decent and generally acceptable life.

Sadly,most of the youth all over the universe lead uncouth lives.Their lives are characterized by thousands of activities that end up ruining their lives.The availability of alcoholic substances among other drugs to the youth has greatly contributed to the loss of direction in life among the youth.A number of the youth can no longer resist consuming alcohol in large quantities.Bhang is also another common substances among the youth.It however has a greater effect from the sense that it causes impaired judgement to its users.There are of course more than thousands of ways in which drugs are abused by the youth which may not be fully addressed.

Pre marital sex among the youth is also something that has been normalized as of late.It has become a lifestyle for the youth.Biblically and also according to the traditional morals,it's a sinful act.The youth cannot cease to take part in it.

Fridays mark the climax for the enjoyment among the youth.As it is known in most parts of the world,it's a day that marks the beginning of the weekend.The enjoyment goes over throughout the weekend with various practices being carried out by the youths.For the youths it cannot be a weekend until there is partying and merrymaking.


Life often has challenges which affect people in all age brackets.The youths are a groups of people who greatly experience life with untold sufferings.

Life at the youths stage is not a walk in the park.This explains why in this current century the world is losing the youths day in,day out.Depression is a major contribution to the deaths among youth.As they face challenges in their daily lives,the youths often get stressed up by some things.Due to unavailability of people to confide in,they are made to walk through these challenges by themselves.This situation may hit them so hard that they may end up taking away their lives.Diseases among the youths is also a factor that contributes to the loss of lives among the youths.With the high rates of immorality among the youths,some of them end up acquiring serious health complications.They range from mental issues to deadly diseases which in the long run cost their lives.

It becomes an unfortunate event when the country loses the young men and women who would have made it or even the world a better place to call home.

At a smaller percentage is the issue of toxic relationships and fake friendship costing the lives of the youth.Many disagreements occur from these relationships which when not handled wisely result to death.Lack of loyalty especially has led to loss of many of the youths lives due to bitterness and the desire to revenge.


With the advancement of technology in the twenty first century,the youth are presented with a multiple of chances to better themselves and build on themselves.

Content creation is one of the best leading ways among the youths that is enabling them to put food on the table and afford all their other needs.Social media platforms such as Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,TikTok and You Tube facilitate the production of content by the youth for public viewing.To the youths whom this work for,their lives have really changed for better.It's a trend that should be emulated by the youth as it builds them financially and also makes them more creative.

Involvement in business is also another way by which the youth empower themselves.This is a good initiative since it keeps them busy all day and at the end of the day they get some income.It is therefore a thing that should be embraced all over the world by the youths.The youths should however involve themselves in legal business activities in order to avoid trouble or even death.

There are also other ways by which the youth earn some income which are more of provision of labour.They are common in the rural areas where there is low infrastructure.Working in construction sites becomes an easy way for the youth to earn income.Companies also provide chances for the youth to provide labour as they earn income.

Farming is also a way used by the youth to earn income.It is however practiced by a small percentage of the youth.It is an area which when heavily invested in,the proceeds from it can do greater things.It is a field in which the youth ought to be advised and encouraged to put more effort if they have no other option.

There are also other ways which the youth make money though they are not encouraged morally.These are for example betting and gambling.Through them,the youth manage to earn themselves some little amounts of money which see them through a couple of days.These ways should however be discouraged among the youths since there are more losses incurred than the profits acquired.Since they depend on luck,they cannot be embraced as a sure way to acquire good money for use by the youths.Instead of investing the little money one has in these ways,the money can be used by the youths to do more productive activities whose benefits impact positively in their lives.

In the current century,the latest trend to acquire money by the youth has become online scamming.Through this way the youths get fast cash which they have not worked for.There is need for serious action to be taken against these youths since it is illegal to do such things.This is because once it is discovered that one takes part in it,the consequences become unbearable.In some instances,death befalls these criminals from their acts of conning people.They may be executed by people who have previously fallen victims of their "work."


The youths are a group of people with greater importance.There is therefore need to protect and help them through the challenges they face in life.

First and foremost,education should be provided to the youths.It should be both formal and informal.As it is known to be the key,it is only mandatory that every youth should have access to it.Through education many things become known to the youths.It gives the basis of what should be done and what should not be done.More funds should be directed towards education to enable easy access of education by the youth.

Mental health services should also be made accessible to the youths.The youths at their stage go through a lot.The challenges sometimes become unbearable for them.At this point they do need someone to talk to so that their problems can be sorted out.There is therefore need for the relevant stakeholders to ensure accessibility of these services by the youth.

The youth also need to be helped to empower themselves.This can be done in a couple of ways.Financial assistance is the most important aid that can be given to the youths to help them.With these finances,the youths can set up businesses or invest them in income generating activities.Once there is somewhere to start from,the going becomes smooth for the youth.Within a short time,these youths achieve much given good management of the cash.Empowering themselves becomes an achievable endeavour.

Most of the remaining help to the youth comes from the relevant authorities.For example on the issue of drug abuse,laws can be put in place to make consumption of certain drugs illegal.Heavy taxes can be imposed on them which subsequently increase their prices.This will discourage the youths from consumption of these drugs.

Correctional facilities also come in place to redirect the youth who have gone astray in life.They impact discipline to these youths after which when they are released back to their society they do the right thing.

Rehabilitation works out for the youths who have been deep into the consumption and abuse of drugs.These facilities offer good programmes which guide this youths who at the end quit abusing drugs.They prove to be helpful to the needs of the youths.