
The story of a strange Boy

Ujala_Vlogs · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Secret revealed

Elic thought about that Deni saw every thing which was in his room. He was worried also what to do next, in the mean while Deni get conscious and rushly opened the cabinet of her clothes and start packing her bag, Elic hold her hand and said

" what are you doing Deni? , stop it "

but she pulled her hand and said

" Sir I don't know what you are, but I don't want to spend even a second with you "

Then again she started packing her bag and crying continually . Again Elic forcibly grab her hand and make her sit on a bed then, he said

" Are you in your senses Deni, do you know what are you doing, how many times do I have to console you and tell you that from now on you are just my responsibility? "

Deni said " I am realising you from this responsibility, just let me go "

Elic asked " Why you want to leave this place Deni , what you are thinking about me "

Deni said "you are asking me, you better know what you are "

Elic said " I want to know what I am Deni , Furiously asked ? "

Deni said " you want to know, what you are then listen you are a killer!

she shouted " yes you are a murderer, I saw that all the white charts which were covered with blood, your room was full of blood covered charts all around, your room was horrible, you are mysterious horrible person , I don't want live here, I don't want to be a murderer like you, I don't want to see you in my life, let me go, I promise I will not tell this to anyone on my life but please let me go "

Elic said " sometimes what we see is not the clear image of a thing , when we hear something there is possibility that what he is saying can be wrong or part of it is wrong just like that what we see is not always right "

Deni said " you can't deny what I just saw in your room, that was blood on every chart, I am not fool, that I can't recognize which is colour and which one is blood , just let me go, how much I am thinking about it my head is becoming heavy , I can't bear that pain any longer please let me free, I beg you "

Elic said " you want to know the truth, right! just come with me "

he Forcibly hold her hand and take her into his room which were full of blood covered chats.

Elic said " you want to hear the truth right, yes these all chats are covered with blood but this blood is not someone else's, this is my blood, have you seem me ever in half sleeves shirt? , I think your answer is no, you know why Deni"

then Elic folded his sleeves and slowed his hand that was full of scars , even his one hand was still wet with blood, these scars are so many, and some of them were so old and some of them were little recent cuts .

Elic then said with the louder voice " You want to know the truth, right, watch these scars, I did that with myself, if you have more doubts about the blood you can investigate these chats in lab to test either it is my blood or not, when you get the answer, remember to tell me"

Deni was terrified and her hand were shaking but gathered some courage and said " Sir your arm is still hurt, where is first aid box and why you are doing that with your self? "

Elic yelled " Deni who you are to interfere in my personal life? , this is my house, my body, my life and my choice, who you are to ask me, you better mind your own business, I let you live here just because I promised your grandfather, but that is not also big thing for me, because your grandfather was nothing for me, but the truth is that I felt guilty , I forced you that day to finish your work and you get sick and then because of that your grandfather died, so after that it is my punishment that I am bearing so don't stand on my head "

Deni said " but your hand "

then she tried to touch his hand

Elic yelled again " go now, just go Deni ! "

Deni then leave his room and went into her own room then started crying.

It was dark night for both of them, both of them were thinking what had just happened and asking them selves what next.

Deni who were just started to think that her boss is a kindhearted person, that castle is just destroyed in pieces, she again felt herself alone in a dark jungle, her heart rate were increased and she were in that state of mind that she want to rewind that time when her grandfather were alive and she wants to tell him that her boss is not that kind of person that he thought about him, she was then stuck into her cage of thoughts, then she again thought about Elic that he was not well but then she show some temper on herself and said that is not my concern, she talk to herself and said I don't want to think about him anymore