
The Story of A Reincarnated Prodigy

Everything was going good for Jacob , he was a prodigy ,and a science enthusiast leading a happy life. But one day everything changed , he lost his life ,and got reincarnated in a magic world as a prince, little did he know that he would have to face a whole world of mayhem ,and win over it to enjoy his life. Looking for a reincarnation novel with good characters ,and a nice plot , this is just the story for you. Happy Reading

Gino_Kelvin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


_____________change in POV________________

The fairy saw that the chest was opening, so he quickly cast a powerful barrier around the two,

'It's not time for the world to know about their existence ', The fairy knew if the presence of the beings inside the chest leaks out, it may cause a lot of hidden powers searching for them.

Jacob and James saw a barrier enveloping the chest and themselves inside it.

The fairy also entered the barrier.

The flames on the treasure chest started to glow more ,and it formed an illusion like flames were really blazing.

Inside the treasure chest there was a egg,but the egg was not oval instead it was round as if it was a perfect sphere.

The egg had hues of golden and dark blue mixed together ,and it was so beautiful.

James and Jacob looked at the egg ,and at the fairy.

The fairy had said that the chest would open to the owners,

'Are we the owners of the chest?' ,asked James as he couldn't think of any other reason for it to open.

While Jacob was trying to analyze the egg in front of him.

<<Discerning eyes activated>>


Item:Phoenix egg

Owners:?? & ??

Not yet bound



'Legend has it, that the first phoenix was made from a human and a demigod.

A woman used her golden flames to destroy empires and lives in pursuit for power.

She couldn't find a way to increase her strength , so she left her way of destruction ,and founded a village ,and cared for its inhabitants.

She found peace 🕊️, and used her flames to heal and protect ,and lived her days hiding from the presence of all those she offended in the past.

Using her flames to heal ,and protect those she nurtured, increased her life force ,and she became a demigod.

About a century passed away,and her village came to be known as the village of healing.

Around this time , a man found a sacred text regarding the tree of life and its forbidden fruit.

He wanted to find the fruit to cure his ailment which deterioted his life force ,and also help him prolong his life.

He was twenty five years old ,when he stumbled upon the village of healing.

Upon looking at the condition of the young man , the woman decided to help him.

She did all she could do ,but could only prolong his life for another ten years.

Time passed away ,and both fell in love with each other.

Eight years passed and looking at her lover's condition ,she decided to continue the last search for the forbidden fruit.

She knew without her ,he would not live for more than two years ,so both of them decided to go in search for the fruit.

Forbidden fruit, golden apple, fruit of life , the fruit of the tree of life was known by many names, for many had searched for it ,and very few had found it.

She heard a news that a king had issued a task to a hero to bring him a fruit from the tree for the hand of his daughter ,and she also found out that the demigod had succeeded ,and was returning to the kingdom.

The kingdom was part of one of the empires which she had destroyed in the past.

But she knew that stealing the golden apple was the only way to make her lover live.

Even though it would reveal her identity she stole it from the king ,and gave it to her lover.

Both of them got out of there as fast as they could go ,but the pursuers didn't stop following them.

Out of exhaustion , they went back to the village of healing.

They thought they had escaped from their pursuers.

The man had not eaten the fruit yet as they couldn't find a minute to rest.

The moment he was about to eat the fruit , he heard a cry , the village was in fire, the pursuers had surrounded them.

He bargained for the life of his lover and her village's inhabitants to return the stolen fruit.

But before he could return the fruit ,a hoard of dark spells hit his lover.

She could feel her life force draining away, so she decided to take as many of her foes with her in her death,as she knew the pursuers won't stop at her death.

She wanted to make a leeway for the people ,and her lover to escape.

So she starting fighting them, flames blazed through the enemies ,as she used her strength to hold them back.

The spells were dark magic spells prepared and made for her death by her past enemies and the demigod hero.

They knew it wouldn't be easy to kill her, so they were preparing for their next attack, while some attacked her using other spells.

She couldn't hold on for long ,as she had taken a lot of hits ,and her life force was being used for her spells instead of mana, as her mana was also draining away due to the dark spells.

She fell.

Out of desperation the man took the fruit of life ,and ran towards his lover who had fallen down in pain ,and exhaustion.

He knew at that moment ,it would have more use if she took it.

He took all the attacks on her himself while casting a powerful barrier around her with his life force.

With his remaining strength he fed the fruit to her.

Once the pursuers understood that he was trying to use the fruit ,the attacks ,and their barrage increased.

A golden light enveloped her when he fed him around half of the fruit ,and he saw her wounds healing away ,and the curses on her lifting.

It was his last moments, after he felt that she was alive , he fell down ,and only his eyes remained open.

He looked at her with a little smile on his face ,and tears falling down his cheeks, for the pain he felt for leaving his love behind ,and the price for casting the barrier with his remaining life force was slowly eating him alive.

She found him dying ,and felt tears drop from her eyes, at that moment she knew that he was her life ,and she would not be able to live without him.

She crushed the remaining fruit and poured the juice into his mouth.

The barrier broke due to the complete barrage of attacks from outside ,and the dark spells reached them both and completely consumed them.

A blinding light filled the sky ,as the life of the fruit and the curse of death caused by the spells of death, fused together with the bond of love to form a creature which signified life,death ,and love.

A Phoneix was born.

The two humans changed into the mythical bird.

It had heterochromatic eyes , one was as red as blood ,and the other was as blue as the ocean depths.

Blue and golden colours coursed through its body ,and the rainbow followed it wherever it flew.

Its shrill voice broke through the air and it flew out of there stopping every pursuers ,and immobilise them from following the villagers and itself.

Thus the legend of phoenix came into existence.'

Jacob remembered the legend from the book ,as the fairy finished telling them the same.

'Have you heard the saying by wand makers that a phoenix never gives it's tail feather twice',

James had never heard the saying ,so he swayed his head saying that he didn't know, whereas Jacob remembered this saying from a novel in his reality.

'It signifies the rarity of a phoenix ,and a pure phoenix lays an egg only once its entire life .

A phoenix only chooses one master once in its life time ,and after they die it roams free on its own.' The fairy tried to explain that they were chosen to become the master of the phoenix egg.

'Wait !, Does that mean there is a impure phoenix species?',Jacob kept his thoughts to himself as he asked a question,

'There is two of us and only one egg , how does that work?',asked Jacob filled with curiosity.

'A bowl full of love and a spatula of time with a pinch of strength can mend a broken heart.'

-your friend

Gino_Kelvincreators' thoughts