
The Story of A Reincarnated Prodigy

Everything was going good for Jacob , he was a prodigy ,and a science enthusiast leading a happy life. But one day everything changed , he lost his life ,and got reincarnated in a magic world as a prince, little did he know that he would have to face a whole world of mayhem ,and win over it to enjoy his life. Looking for a reincarnation novel with good characters ,and a nice plot , this is just the story for you. Happy Reading

Gino_Kelvin · Fantasy
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33 Chs


'Good choice brats , now state your request',said the fairy with a sly smile on its face showing its pointed teeth.

After saying this the fairy slowly descended to their level of height.

Jacob starting making the request while the fairy flied close to their faces , examining them from head to toe, as if it was a military officer recruiting soldiers for a draft.

'In our kingdom there has been no proper supply of water and we have depended on other kingdoms for water resources while they exploited our kingdom's resources ,

So we request you to move this spring near our farmlands, Can you do that?',asked Jacob looking at the fairy closely ,and moving everytime it zipped past his eyes.

Jacob could observe blue color clothes of the same shade of color as the color of the fairy covering its tiny body and also some amulets and jewellery on its body, when it stopped in front of him after he had made his request.

The fairy brought its hand towards its face as if it was thinking hard,

'Okay , what you have requested is a little too easy for me , after all I am placing two hard conditions on you.

So I will also add a reward to it, whenever you complete a task given by me I will expend my mana to expand the spring which I'll bring into your land making your land fertile', said the fairy with a little glint of joy in his eyes as he looked at the two brothers hugging each other in joy after hearing its words.

The fairy had thought these brats who poisoned its water hole were going to ask an insane request when they came here, but it turned out to be a moral and easy request.

Fairies can do so many things with their insane knowledge ,

it can bring down a kingdom, create love potions, enchant a weapon to its maximum, Protect , heal , etc; but the request these kids asked was too easy ,

So it brought joy to it; for it was strange seeing two individuals with too many power and responsibilities , helpless and innocent asking a little request .

'Maybe they don't know they are special, Should I say everything to them? Nah , Let the Old geezer come and do his part, I'll do my part in training them and making them ready to meet the world',thought the fairy ,while slowly gathering the mana in the surroundings .

James and Jacob couldn't understand what was happening,

during the fight Jacob did the same , but the intensity of the mana condensing on the small fairy's hands right now was so intense that they could feel their breaths sucked away from them.

The water in the spring rose up gradually and strands of blue mana appeared to move out of the water and enter the fairy.

The poisoned water was no longer poisoned, the purplish color of the water due to it being poisoned turned normal and the dead fishes were all gone.

A blue pendant appeared on the fairy's neck out of nowhere and then,

a group of small white balls ,appeared out of the water, the fairy imbued some amount of mana on the balls and seperated some of them and stored it on a small pouch which appeared to gobble everything down.

'Brats , next time you try to wake a fairy from it's slumber don't try to poison its home,

I was bit gentle with you , if you had done the same with other fairies ,they would have made you wish that you had never been born.

The fishes in the lakes are all dead , I saved their eggs just on time,

You must always care about the environment and must never harm anything without a reason always remember that',said the fairy returning some of the eggs to the spring after storing some.

James and Jacob hung down their head , and asked for an apology,

'Sorry Mr.Omen we didn't know how to call you so we had no other choice'.

' To call someone sleeping inside a house , would you knock on the door and wait or send a poisonous gas inside their home to make them come out?

What if the house owner comes out and kills you ?

All you had to do was spread some mana on the water, I would have sensed it and awakened myself.

But you poisoned it , the little ones in the spring have to grow up with no parents, now I have to help them',said the fairy and did a swish with his hands , all the eggs he grouped together with mana moved to different parts of the spring.

The clear water of the spring sprouted with life, the eggs had immediately matured into small fishes and they started swimming everywhere.

Jacob had activated discerning eyes to understand what was happening.

First he looked at the fairy ,


Name:Fischer Omen

Species :Water fairy [?????]

????? ?????? ?????? ?????


He was shocked at what he saw, but then he observed what the fairy was doing,


Mana conversion [lvl ????]

Converts one's own mana which is free or imbued and allows user to control it freely for conversion.

??? ???? ?????



He got a description of what the fairy was doing , but still it was filled with question marks , Jacob was looking at the fairy with curious eyes.

The fairy noticed an external mana lock on to it trying to pry into its status.

'Kid , You are not on the level to understand me , nor my prowess , you have a very long way to go before you can see through my status',said the fairy finishing its job of moving its home and looking at Jacob.

James understood some parts of what the fairy was saying as he had heard from his instructor ,

' Everyone has a status it's a level of where you stand on the world. If you want to see your status and learn about other's status, you must learn the necessary skills to do so.'

Instructor Carl never taught the skills which helped him to identify other's status or his status.

So James was wondering how Jacob knew the skill and was using it on the fairy, he then thought that he must have acquired it in the ruins, so he didn't question him.

James and Jacob was looking intently and what the fairy was going to do.

Jacob thought moving the waters would mean shifting the water using magic from here to there and some other magical stuff , but the fairy did nothing of the sort, so he was wondering what it was going to do next.

The fairy again used one of his spells and a treasure chest sprung out of the water and landed on the sand nearby the twins.

The chest was the size of three small suitcases stacked one upon another.

It was completely golden and had flame symbols all around the borders, the strangest thing was that it didn't have a keyhole.

The twins looked at the treasure chest and they neared it. The treasure chest started to glow slightly .

The fairy looked at the treasure chest and at the twins,

'Has the time arrived for it to be opened, I thought it would wait till they were ready',thought the fairy and before he could finish his thoughts the two placed their hands on the chest.

Nothing happened,

'It seems my conclusion was correct , it would wait until they are ready',

Suddenly a dazzling light filled everyone's eyes, the brightness was too much , that they had to close their eyes.

The fairy was flabbergasted, the chest had opened to its owners.

Hope you guys are having fun .

Stay strong and healthy.

Gonna introduce someone new and something different in the next two chapters hope you guys like them.

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Stay safe

Gino_Kelvincreators' thoughts