
The Story Of A Real God

Presian_Petkov · Sci-fi
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Chapter 1: Before The Beginning Occurs

Long before time even existed there was nothing, only a black like space that the human mind can not comprehend. It's mere size was not something the human mind can grasp, beyond the finite imagination of the simple brain. Somewhere in the nothingness, humanoid figures, nowadays called "The Concepts" were discussing how can they make things more fun for themselfs. They thought that such great power as the one they had within them should not be wasted anymore by merely doing nothing. So with general consent they agreed to create life that they will rule and control. Ideas started flying around to how should things proceed and how can they make such life. Out of all Concepts there was one that everyone ignored for it simply not being one of their own. The Law Of Identity stood aside watching everyone doing nothing. Alone watching all the others creating what they wished to be "The Perfect Cosmology", The Law Of Identity knew nothing would work out. Everything wan unorganized and even the simple creations were destroyed by the chaos this nothingness caused. "The Concepts" are not creatures that have feelings. They are cold and heartless being that do only the things good for themself even if it meant to kill others. But it seemed like they can feel whom to trust and communicate with, and whom to put aside and ignore. A meeting called by the one who was considered a GOD among everyone else. It thought the creation is not going good enough for his liking so it decided to gather everyone around at one place and think of a solution. Before it began the speech The Concept Of Death decided to take the word for a bit.

The Concept Of Death(TCOD): Welcome everyone. Before my "brother" starts I want to tell you that today we are going to get rid of the one thing we hate the most, the one that doesn't fit in our family, the one who ruins our peaceful life by merely being in it. Today is the day we kill the Law Of Identity.

TLOI was at the meeting. He stood there in shock. As unbelivable as it seemed it did happen. He expected this day to come at some point. But he wasn't planning to go down easy and without a fight. The anger he had within himself for so much time led him into the battle with power grater than before.

The Concept Of Life(TCOL): TLOI don't make this hard, just give up you are not can't beat every single Concept.

TLOI: Oh is that really what you think? Then i should really show what i can truly do.

As TLOI was getting ready for the first attack he felt how his mind and sight were being corrupted by anger. He felt the power he never thought existed flow through his body, making him stronger than he has ever been before. Even they could sense that happening. "The Concepts" were in shock. The one they despised the most thinking he is nothing but a weakling who shouldn't even be there, held power that seemed grater than even the one they had.

The box that held all of "The Concepts" worshipers was vulnerable and unfinished. The battle was happening too close to it. They are risking the biggest accomplishment that took them such long time just so they can kill TLOI.

The battle was pure bloodshed. Not only the pure physical strength that TLOI has, the powers he holds gave him a very clear advantage. The power to change the very properties of something to another completely different thing, which affects everyone it needs to. But everything, had a counter, a perfect duality, an opposite that could easily oppose the power of his other.

Most of the concepts couldn't even react to TLOIs attacks and died in an instant with only a few remaining that could equally fight, thus being TCOE, TCOL, TCOD and some more conceptual dualities such as light and dark and The Concept Of Dualities its self. The foes against TLOI didn't scare him even in the slightest because he knew that no matter the enemies he will always stand victorious. His foes knew that as well and after seeing him obliterate everyone around in just an instant they decided to try talking him out of it before taking any further actions.

The Concept Of Life: Look around yourself TLOI, look at the massacre you caused! All of these Concepts were your friend they were ready to-

His sentence was interrupted by an attack moving faster than anything imaginable even by The Concepts. TLOI was not fully conscious while trying to comprehend his own actions but his sharpened instincts made this attack easily dodge able regarding the size of the attack. He immediately snapped out of the unconscious state he fell in.

The next thing that happened was so fast that no one even knew what it was exactly.

The Concept of Death: What the heck just happened? There was a light-like beam that just went past us.

The Concept Of Equality: I have no idea but what i know is that TLOI is no longer in the place i last saw him but regarding that where is TCOL?

They turned around just to see the headless body of their friend and his bloody head in the hand of TLOI.

The Concept Of Death: What the fuck is this? Thats impossible... No one can pass through TCOL's defense. Not even i can understand how his defense works but not even death its self could reach it, not even equality can make him equal to us.

TCOD screamed in anger which was something unseen as the Concepts don't have feelings.


The Law Of Identity: My attack went right trough him. Have i not tell you what i can do? I simply just changed the properties of his "defense" to nothing. You can consider yourself lucky that i didn't take you out as well. I am going to fix that.

As those words came out of this almighty creature's mouth TCOD was completely demolished by an attack not even death its self could react to leaving TCOE the only one standing. The perfect duality now facing each other as foes. Each one ready to kill the other no matter what it takes. Even though TCOE was the only concept that actually even ackndowledge the existance of that lonely soul, TLOI was ready to kill him with no hesitation. He became as heartless as every other Concept.

The battle was long and rough and as the surrounding nothingness trembled and the cube of humanity, a structure made of the life force of every Concept, started breaking down TCOE finally realized that even the power of equality is not going to hold TLOI back for long enough to be defeated. So he gave up and kneeled on the ground.

TCOE: I should have known better. Seeing you alone, rejected by all the Concepts must have truly make u fall apart. Someone as powerful as yourself could have snapped at all times and let rage and anger take over his body and blind his feeling of mercy and hope.... Please bless me with the knowledge of what are you going to do after taking my life, what will you do as the last "Concept" alive?

TLOI turned his back to him and as the last bits of life got drained from his old "friend" he decided to have mercy and let him go peacefully. Small bits of his body started flying out of TCOEs body and fade away in the distance.

After the Cube of Humanity collapsed TLOI felt the power coming from the bodies of those dead Concepts. He absorbed it all, all powers from the Concepts were under his control now. Even though he is the strongest being that has ever existed and will ever exist he couldn't control the power of all the Concepts otherwise he could have collapsed withing himself and die. So he did something unimaginable, as he transcends himself he can feel the immense power being controlled. Now not just his body is stronger and more durable but also the power of the Concepts that lied within him. That let him not just take full control over fate and destiny but also the dualities within existence. His arsenal was now full. He had everything humanly imaginable, everything that he will ever need. The power to even control fate. His narrative is absolute and truly untouchable. But it wasn't enough for him. He decided to consume the body's of the Concepts that way gaining full control over those powers and even transcending his past self immeasurably into something so unimaginably strong even "Author" won't be strong enough to show the extent of his powers. At this point he doesn't only manipulate fate but he creates it himself, He doesn't just control the plot but he makes it. His narrative is absolute and truly untouchable. Even the concept of infinite that lies in his body has now become...absolute. Now he is the one worthy to be called a GOD.