
Chapter fourteen

"I'm sorry"

A simple enough statement to say. One that I said to the beautiful boy with the forest green eyes, or at least I did in my imaginations. In reality however, I sat behind him in class four days later and I could literally feel the icy silence he was channeling my way. I mean I had always heard that silence could speak a thousand words but they were wrong, it could speak a million, and none of them were good. The only good thing to have come from the silent treatment he was giving me was that I was no longer stuck in limbo, now I knew, I was sure. Whatever the outcome I wanted to know him. Perhaps I would know him for a short while or perhaps he would permanently imprint himself into my future, it didn't matter. Whatever the case, the current me wanted to know him, if he would let me.

I let out a heavy sigh on that thought and tried a bit to concentrate in class but I soon found myself drifting away again.

My slightly disturbed mood- which I absolutely refused to call bad- was catching I think because Hannah had been so prissy the past few days. I mean she basically lived in her own realm but she was rarely ever so prissy to others. She didn't need to be seeing as she already sent masses fleeing from her with her usual behavior. A small part of me couldn't help but feel that I have been a terrible friend. Who was I kidding? All of me knew I had been a terrible friend just as I had been a terrible sister and a terrible daughter. I was too engrossed in myself to bother about everyone else. It was why I was busy thinking Hannah had been prissy because I had been and not for a moment considering that perhaps she had issues of her own that she was dealing with. Aria was stuck between blazing fury from Hannah and icy silence from me. Safe to say she hadn't been around us much either. I really should better as I promised I would but then again it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. First of all, I would have to-


The sound of my name startled me out of my many thoughts as I turned my head to look at the eyes of the teacher that was staring straight at me along with half the class. I couldn't help the quickening of my heart at the sight of so many eyes on me but I focused on the ones that mattered, Mr. Lyon.

"Yes?" I asked feigning a confidence I was used to portraying despite having none of it.

"Well I would have thought my lesson would be at least entertaining enough to hold your attention for a mere one hour but I guess not. How about this? Answer the question on the board and I won't give you detention?" he said looking down at me in challenge.

I looked up at the board and actually noticed what he was teaching for the first time that day, current electricity. I nearly scoffed as I saw the question that was on the board. I could do that in my sleep seeing as I was several chapters ahead of him in Physics. What can I say? It was my favorite subject. And being ahead meant I could do well even when my focus in class drifted away.

Two minutes later, a correct answer, and a very furiously humiliated teacher later, the bell rang. I was glad no scratch that I was so freaking happy since it was Friday meaning no school for a glorious two days. My happiness lasted about two seconds before I realized that also meant no seeing that beautiful boy for two days meaning my apology had to be postponed for two days. That brought a bad taste in my mouth and I would have decided to just put on y big girl pants right then and there and apologized to him had he not literally bolted as soon as the bell rang.

"Well it's going to be a long weekend of me torturing myself with my own thoughts."

Aria had once again driven her own car to school, her excuse being she wanted to drive herself so she doesn't forget how to but I knew she just wanted to avoid our moods. So it was just me and Hannah as she drove us home.

"Can you go to the park?"

"I don't want to," she said petulantly almost like a child and I would have let it go if I didn't notice the slight tension in her shoulders, the tightening of the knuckles around the steering wheel.

"Fine then. Im not asking. Go to the park."

Her eyes met with mine through the mirror as she glared at me from my back seat, "Interesting approach. I still don't want to and seeing as I am the one driving I will go wherever I please and I please to drive you home and go ahead with my weekend thank you very much."

Her anger was a living breathing thing as her words came out sharp but I knew none of that anger was for me, or at least very little of it was for me. I was a bad friend, but I would do better.

"Fair trade then. You can ask something of me and I will do it. I trust you enough not to ask something unbecoming. I am literally handing you a blank cheque. Now will we go?"

She remained silent as she deliberated even as she drove towards my house. She stopped at the gate but I did not get out and still the silence continued. A few minutes passed before she began driving once more towards the park. I gave a silent sigh of relief because for a minute I thought even that wouldn't work.

Too son we were getting out of the car as she walked head of me. She headed towards the place we always went to where there were many trees and no people. She dropped onto the stone bench even still not looking at me and I sat next to her. Still I maintained my silence but she knew I was ready to listen. I was just waiting for her to be ready to talk.

Miss me??

I am forever yours,

Silver Phoenix.

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