
The Stone of Gods

When Aruka, the adopted son of a blacksmith, is greeted by a strange messenger, his entire life changes based on a prophecy that he will defeat the nation's evil lord, but will it be true?

Andrew_Cataldi · Fantasy
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3 Chs

A Strange Messenger

It was 5am when the town rooster made its harsh cry, awaking Aruka from his slumber. The young man sat upright in his cozy straw bed, made by his cousin and caretaker, Etura, a famous blacksmith who was both wealthy and skilled. He grabbed the lantern hanging by the side of his bed and lit it with a spark from the ax he hung above his bed. He rubbed his tired eyes and jumped out of bed onto the cold, bamboo floor. He slowly opened his shoji door, peeking out to see down the hallway. He smelt his favorite dish, miso soup, wafting from down the hallway, his taste buds became excited and he quickly stepped out of his room.

He walked down the hallway, observing the various decorations his cousin had placed upon the walls: The first sword he had ever made, his first set of armor from when he was in the military, and the fan he gifted his wife when he fell in love. Most of his decorations seemed normal and understandable, but that fan seemed odd. It had paintings of two legendary men who fought each other with the power of Gods, when he was young, he would always ask Etura about the fan. Etura always refused to answer, he only said that one day he would tell Aruka, but Aruka never believed that day would come. 

Aruka stepped into the kitchen, overwhelmed by the smell of dumplings, soup, and rice. His cousin's wife caught the light of the lantern in the corner of her eye, and turned to Aruka.

"Well good morning, dear," she said.

Aruka yawned and responded, "Good Morning Iku. Have you seen Etura?"

"No dear, he told me last night, he would be heading out early to deliver tools to some local farmers," She replied, "For now, just eat your breakfast."

"Hey, Iku, he didn't forget did he?"

"No dear, how could he forget your birthday, you're 16 afterall, you'll be working as his apprentice soon."

Aruka grunted, "I feel all he cares about is work sometimes. It's always 'Aruka, get your lazy butt up and go work' or 'I can't wait till' your my apprentice, then you can actually be useful.'"

Iku released a long sigh, "I know he seems distant and uncaring, but trust me Aruka, your cousin cares more for you than anything, now please just eat and then I need you to head out to the square and pick up some fish for dinner."

"Ok, Iku"

Aruka ate a good breakfast of his favorite food. It made him feel energized, healthy, and prepared for his 16th birthday. 16 was a major age for men in the Empire. When one turned 16 they were expected to do 1 of 3 things: get an apprenticeship, join the military, or go to university. Aruka hardly managed to secure an apprenticeship with his uncle, while his uncle had managed to do all 3 in his life. 

When Etura was young, he had secured both an apprenticeship and a scholarship for university. However, he was bored of the life he was living and decided to join the military. He joined in the lowest ranks, dawning that glistening samurai-like armor, Aruka passes in the hallway every morning. He had made it himself before shipping off to the military, and the officers were so impressed that they let him keep it. He soon climbed the ranks to an officer position where he led an army in the Volcanic Wars.

 The volcanic wars took place in the far Northeast by Mount Unzen, the emperor seized the region and its villages so that he could use the volcano's power to build an army that could conquer the continent. Although Etura did not agree with Emperor Waru's plans he had to comply and cooperate in the invasion of the region. The Vulcan people, as they became known, put up a tough fight to the emperor, but they were no match for his strong and fierce army. Waru stormed into their capital on the side of Mount Unzen and he killed their leader, Chief Kasai. They surrendered, and the Vulcan diaspora occurred, seeing the Vulcan people leave their home to the various regions of the empire. Today, there are rumors that they have created rebel groups within the empire, and are preparing to fight for their freedom from the evil Waru.

With the conclusion of the Volcanic Wars, Etura retired from the military and attended Baki University in Bekiro, the capital of their province, Ichika. Baki University was the most prestigious academy in the region and Etura became a prominent student there. He studied in order to one day take down the evil emperor Waru: he learned the history of the empire, the geography of the empire, and the diplomacy of the empire. He applied his knowledge of the military to learn its weaknesses and he studied textbooks on blacksmithing in order to build the perfect tools and weapons and he studied hunting and survival so that he could live in the wilderness when in danger. Most people described him as a courageous yet arrogant young man, who was getting far ahead of himself, and they would be right.

After a few years in the university, Etura was arrested on charges of conspiracy against the government. He was tortured and broken. When he was released he still despised the empire, but he did not have the strength mentally or physically to fight the fate on his hands. So, Etura moved to Forutaka, where the townsmen described him as a quiet and anxious man. They said he often looked over his shoulders and was constantly on his toes, and it was not until the local blacksmith offered him an apprenticeship that he gained some joy. Etura put his life, heart, and soul into blacksmithing, he soon became a master blacksmith known throughout Ichika for his work. About 2 years later he would marry Iku and 3 years after that, the fateful arrival of Aruka would occur. 

It was about 7 in the morning when Aruka finished eating and talking to Iku. He put on his bamboo sandals, which he had made himself with the guidance of his cousin, and he grabbed his bag and left out the door. He walked down the stone pathway leading downtown, staring at each individual stone in the ground and thinking of the journey it took to get there. Aruka was always a curious child who had bizarre thoughts like this. He always bugged Etura looking for answers on various aspects of life. Although he rarely got answers, he still enjoyed thinking to himself about such things.

Aruka soon arrived at the town square and decided he would visit his friend Datoku before stopping to buy the fish. Datoku and his parents were merchants who sold various items at the town square. They were always set up in the corner, shouting for people to come buy their latest items. Aruka ran up to the stand looking around.

"Hi, Mrs. Ekiro, where is Datoku and Mr. Ekiro?" asked Aruka.

"Oh. Hello, Aruka," Mrs. Ekiro responded smiling, "The boys went fishing down by the river. Business is rather slow today so they took the chance to take the trip they've been wanting."

"That's nice, do you think they would be bothered if I joined them."

"Oh, no not at all dear. Go join them, just continue down the path and you should find them"

"Thank You, Mrs. Ekiro, have a good day."

Aruka continued down the path with new found vigor. He decided rather than buying fish for dinner he was going to catch some fish for dinner, He knew Etura and Iku would love that, and frankly, so would he. About 500 feet down the path, Aruka came to the river. He saw various men and women enjoying the day: laying in the fresh green grass, fishing in the beautiful, clear water, and playing in the large fields and narrow streams. Aruka looked around for any sight of the Ekiro boys, he soon caught sight of an older man and a young boy, fishing in the river. Aruka ran over, shouting their names, they looked towards him and smiled.

Mr. Ekiro was growing old, the gray hair on his head showed the truth behind that still youthful face of his. He wore the same gray Hitatare that he always wore, but it was much looser on him, now that he had lost some weight and muscle in his old age. Datoku on the other hand was looking better than ever. Datoku was going to be moving to Nasaraki, under the apprenticeship of a popular merchant. In preparation Datoku began hiking daily and was in the best physique he had ever been. His Hitatare fit better on him than it ever had, and the smile on his face told me that he knew it.

"Oh, Good Morning, Aruka," Mr. Ekiro started, "How have you been, how's that cousin of yours"

"He's doing good," Aruka responded, "but he's more strict than ever now that I'm becoming his apprentice."

"Hah!" Datoku laughed, "You're going to be a blacksmith! You could hardly touch the water when we were kids, and you're telling me you're going to work with fire!"

"Yea, well you're becoming a merchant, despite the fact that you always boasted that you would be the world's most famous politician!" Aruka responded to his jokes.

"Hey!" Datoku shouted, "That dream isn't over yet, I still have a chance, after I'm a world famous merchant that is."

"World famous…," Aruka joked, "You'll hardly be Forutaka famous."

"You take that back!" Datoku shouted.

"Children Stop! You're scaring away the fish," Mr. Ekiro lectured.

"Anyway," Aruka mentioned, "Do you mind if I fish with you? Iku asked me to bring home some fish for dinner."

"Not at all," Mr. Ekiro said as he motioned for Aruka to sit down on the river bank.

They spent about 2 hours fishing and catching up on their lives. Aruka caught about 5 medium sized fish, which would make a good amount for dinner. They looked delicious, they were fresh and soft and appeared perfect for cooking. Aruka could taste them already; wrapped in rice and seaweed or simply cut up on a plate, Aruka loved fish, sushi, and sashimi. 

Aruka spent a few more hours with the Ekiros and at around 1pm he began heading home with them. They had walked about 200 feet up the stone path when they began hearing a horse trotting from somewhere behind them. They quickly moved to the side of the road as a messenger flew up the stone path. He quickly made a U-turn and started heading right back towards Aruka. Aruka dodged to the right and fell to the ground as the messenger made another even quicker turn around and charged toward the prone Aruka. Aruka threw his hands up and right as the horse was about to stampede over him, the messenger turned, stopped, and hopped off the horse in a single fluid motion, as the dust he kicked up from his actions surrounded the two. Aruka had a mix of emotions: scared, amazed, angry. The messenger offered his hand to Aruka, Aruka took it and the messenger pulled him up from the ground, as the dust began to clear. The Ekiros ran over yelling if Aruka was OK.

"I'm fine guys, don't worry; as for you, messenger, what were you trying to do, kill me!!?" questioned Aruka as he wiped the dust from his eyes.

"I am very sorry, Lord Aruka, I do apologize, but I have an important message for you," The messenger responded.

"First how do you know who I am, and Second why do you call me lord? Also who in Ichika ARE YOU!!?" Aruka yelled as he looked up towards the young messenger. The messenger's face was gleaming perfectly in the sun. It was almost inhuman how his blue eyes and smiling golden cheeks shined in the warm sun. He wore a shriveled straw hat as his only protection against the summer heat, yet he did not seem affected whatsoever. His body was covered in a dusty red samurai uniform (but seemingly not of this kingdom) and on his back was a large rectangular bag, that must be filled with his supplies and messages. 

"Oh, I am once again very sorry, Lord," The messenger responds, "I am fukari, the messenger of mortals," The messenger eloquently replies as he bows. "I know all men and women by their face and their speech, and you are a lord, I can tell by your voice."

"I am no Lord." Aruka replies with an annoyed tone in his voice, "Now, what is this message you speak of, that is so important to nearly kill me over it." 

"I cannot speak about it here, lord, not with these strangers around." Fukari whispered to Aruka.

"Stop calling me Lord! And they are not strangers - they are my friends."

"Listen, Lord, you cannot trust such people as them."

"I just met you, after you almost killed me, and you're telling me who I can and can't trust!"

"Yea, who in Ichika do you think you are?!" Datoku came to my aid as he stepped angrily towards Fukari."

"Listen, Datoku, but this does not involve you, I suggest you head home and prepare for your merchant apprenticeship." Fukari lectured toward Datoku, who was now in shock at the information this strange man knew. Datoku backed down and retreated towards his father who was waiting on the road, confused as to who this mysterious man was. 

"Now," spoke Fukari, "Aruka, hop on my horse and I will take you home to Iku and Etura, once there we can speak of the message."

"But, how do I know I can trust you?" questioned Aruka.

Fukari sighed, "What if the Ekiros come with us, will that make you feel better?"

Aruka thought it over and after realizing that this strange messenger already knew everything he could about him, Aruka decided he was better off going with Fukari. Also, It was becoming late, so if the men did not reach home soon, their families would surely be angry.

"Fine," Aruka agreed, "Mr. Ekiro, Datoku, can you travel home with me and Fukari?"

The Ekiros agreed and Fukari whistled loudly and another horse came to him as if it was magic. The Ekiros hopped on their horse and Aruka hopped on the back of Fukari's; It was the first time in a long while that Aruka had ridden on a horse. The horse's trots along the stone road sent Aruka slightly bouncing up and down, hurting him as his bottom continued to hit the horse's bony back. Mr. Ekiro watched Fukari and Aruka carefully, with his hand on his fishing blade, in case Fukari tried anything odd.

They soon reached town and stopped at the square. The Ekiros skinned the 5 fish Aruka had caught and gave it to him with some seaweed on the side. Aruka placed the delicious fish into his bag and hung it on the horse's saddle. He said goodbye to the Ekiros and began heading home with the odd but interesting, Fukari. About halfway home Fukari took a turn down a road leading to an abandoned shrine outside the village.

"Hey, where the Hell are you going!" Aruka shouted.

"I am truly sorry, Lord, but we must make a quick stop first." Fukari responded.

Aruka, confused and worried, shouted at Fukari, "Stop this horse right now!" Fukari did not heed his words and continued riding. Aruka worried he was being kidnapped hit Fukari across the back of the head knocking him off of the horse, he then took the horse's reins, and tried to remember about riding a horse.

He remembered a day trip he had taken some time ago, when he was about 10. Him and Etura had gone to a nearby farming village known as Hakura. They had gone to repair the village tools, as it had been about a decade since they had last been repaired. While Etura was repairing their tools, Aruka went down to the tavern. He remembered that smell of sake like it was yesterday, he stepped into the tavern and saw many interesting faces about the place. One man in the back corner caught his attention particularly. He had a slight scar on his right cheek and he had majestic hazel eyes covered by his light brown hair. He looked quite out of place, as if he had come from a far away kingdom. 

Aruka walked up to him and tugged on the odd green coat the man was wearing. He looked over towards the young boy, and smiled.

"Hello, do you need something?" the man asked.

"No, I am just curious, you don't look like you are from around here." Aruka responded.

"Oh.." the man laughed, "No you are right, I am not from around here. I am Greland, I come from a kingdom far to the north of here."

"Wow, Really!?" Aruka replied astounded.

"Yes, and who may you be?" Greland asked Aruka.

"Oh, I'm Aruka, I'm the nephew of Etura the blacksmith."

"Really?… Etura is actually repairing some of my horses' horseshoes today"

"Wow! You ride horses?! Can you teach me sir."

"Ha," Greland gave a small chuckle, "sure, I have some time to teach you some basics."

So, for the rest of the day as Etura repaired the village's tools, Greland and Aruka rode the horses. Greland taught Aruka to press his foot into the side of the horse which he wanted it to turn. He taught Aruka to press both feet in to stop the horse.

Remembering all this, Aruka pressed his left foot into the side of Fukari's horse causing it to turn left. Aruka rode straight towards Fukari who was recovering from being knocked on the ground, and right before hitting him, Aruka pressed his feet into the horse, making it stop. 

"Now, tell me who you really are and just what you are trying to do!" Aruka shouted.

Fukari slowly stood up, clearly having been hurt a bit by the hit and fall he endured, "look Aruka, I know you are worried and scared. I can feel the aura coming from you, but you can trust-"

"How do I know I can trust you!" Aruka interrupted.

"Because I am a God!" Fukari shouted.

Aruka was taken aback, and both fear and amazement could be seen in his eyes. Fukari began standing as Aruka shouted, "You're lying!"

Fukari responded, "If I was lying how could I know your cousin and his wife, how could I know of your friends, and how could I do this." he then proceeded to clap his hands and instantly teleport himself, Aruka, and the horse into the middle of the woods.

Aruka was now more amazed than ever, but still somewhat doubtful as to whether or not this man was truly a god, or just some user of magic. Either way, Fukari began walking towards an opening in the trees, and Aruka decided to follow. In the center of that opening laid the abandoned shrine, Fukari walked over to the front of the shrine and clapped his hands twice and disappeared into thin air. Aruka watched in amazement as the man had vanished just like that. 

After about 2 minutes the man reappeared holding a long cylindrical package, which he then proceeded to put in the straw pack on his back, he walked towards Aruka and his horse.

"What was that?" Aruka asked, amazed.

"That, Aruka, is a portal to the realm of the gods. Only a god can use such devices, as we were the ones who originally created them."

They began riding towards Aruka's home as Fukari told him more about the gods, trying to answer all of Aruka's questions and trying to squash any doubts Aruka still had.

"Listen," Fukari said, "Us gods were once mortals. We were born of this same continent, and lived on it just as you and your family do. However, some of us began noticing a strange presence beneath the ground. It was as if magic traveled under the earth. Those of us who noticed these strange auras were given the names gods. We traveled to places where this aura felt extremely strong and created shrines there. Upon placing about 10 shrines we noticed something about their positions. Our 3 largest shrines formed a triangle in the center of the continent, and 2 of those large shrines laid at the center of a triangle formed by 3 smaller shrines. Upon learning this, we went to the only large shrine that did not have a small triangle encasing it. We placed the last 2 shrines and felt the aura throughout the continent grow greatly. All of us Gods felt a strange force from the aura pulling us in the same direction. We all journeyed there and met at the center of the large triangle which encapsulated the entire continent. We built 1 final, glorious and huge shrine. Upon building it, the leader of the gods, nichi - who you may know as the Sun god, went up and faced the shrine. He clapped his hands twice and a great light enveloped the continent, all of its energy focused on us standing in the center."

Aruka and Fukari had reached the main path and were heading towards Aruka's home, and Aruka was fascinated by this "creation" story of the gods. He felt a closer bond to Fukari and sensed an aura coming from him, it was at this moment he truly began to believe the man was the messenger God. Aruka was growing tired and soon fell into a short nap while on the ride home.

It was at this moment Aruka had a vision, A white light, as bright as the sun enveloped Aruka and lifted him into the sky. He looked down on earth from this heavenly bright place and a voice began to speak to him.

"Aruka, son of man, your destiny is written, your path is forged, lift all doubts from your mind and come down."

Aruka was bewildered by the speaker and began looking around. He saw a large Orange orb in the midst of the bright white, he felt the orb was calling out to him; he felt an aura like no other before as he took a step towards it. 

"Yes, my child, take your first step into your chosen fate, and push all ignorance from your mind." Aruka took another step.

"I will preside over you and my messenger will deliver my words to you as swift as a dragon in the wind." and Aruka stepped again.

"Now, reach out to me and accept your destiny!" Aruka reached out to the orange orb and felt a zap of electricity at his fingertips.

Aruka awoke with a gasp and heaving breathing. His eyes dotted left and right observing his surroundings. He was still on Fukari's horse, trotting and moving in the same direction at the same speed. Aruka looked in the distance and saw his home only a little further down the road, his breathing slowed a little and his head was pounding. 

"You met with him?" Fukari asked.

"Yes, I believe you now, for I have no reason not to, Fukari, messenger of the gods."