
First day of training

"Wake up!", my mom yelled.

It was Saturday morning, and today was the tryouts for the royal crown.

"Coming!", I yelled back.

I quickly got into the shower. Soon enough, I was eating my toast and muffin.

"Are you really happy that your going to train for the Royal crown?!", my mom asked with excitement.

I just put 2 thumbs up, while I'm chewing my food, to show I'm excited. About 15 minutes later, I was outside a chauffeur van, hugging my mom. Soon, I was in the van, Face-Timing Jake, my boyfriend who is my age.

"I can't wait for games, right Jake-e-Boo!" I told Jake with excitement.

"Good, good", he replied with a nice grin.

"And if we win, we will rule the kingdom together!", I replied with confidence.

Soon enough, we reached Queen Maria and King Diego's palace (My mom and dad's palace). When the van stopped, I quickly got out, and saw a bunch of paparazzi taking pictures of me. "Good thing i was in that silver gown", I told myself.

After the whole paparazzi thing, I saw a group of pretty girls giggling at me, but I walked proudly, and rolled my eyes at them. Then, Evelyn made me trip. She has angry eyes with brown hair, and a beautiful pink and purple gown.

"Jake's mine!", she grunted.

I just stared at her, confused. A moment later, I got up and walked proudly to the castle. My mom and dad were sitting in the chairs. Then suddenly Jake caught my attention.

"Hey, right here!", I yelled.

Then suddenly Jake came up to me.

"I got to tell you something!" I asked nervously.

"Yeah?"he replied with a serious look.

"A girl with brown hair, and black eyes, by the name of Evelyn wants you!"I replied fearfully.

"What?!", He answered in an angry tone.

"I'll explain!" I answered him back fearfully.

But it was too late, he already left me nervous and scared, and angry.

"I shouldn't have told him!" I said to myself, angrily.

Anyways, I was waiting in line to be chosen for the first round. Around a few minutes later, I was in the challenge course, ready to start my first challenge for the crown. A few challenge courses later, it was lunchtime. When I entered the Royal Cafe, I couldn't believe what I saw here, Evelyn and Jake sitting next to each other. Oh my gosh! I was ready to burst out in anger, when suddenly Jake saw me, and laughed. I couldn't believe it.

"Why would Jake do this?" I told myself, ready to cry.

Then as I was about to run, someone grabbed me. I turned around, and it was my best friend Carol from 3rd grade.

"Don't let Jake embarrass you", she told me worriedly.

"I.. won't",I replied to her, hesitantly.

Then lunch was over, and it was time for the 5th challenge course, "Ring Toss". I was determined to win this, and I did. A few more challenging courses later, and I was done for the day. As I left through the door, I looked back at my mom, and she smiled.

"I must have won those courses!", I thought to myself. "But who am I kidding..?"

When I went outside, I saw Jake giving flowers to Evelyn. Now is my chance.

"HEY!", I yelled. "DON'T GIVE HER THE GIFT!"

Both of them looked at me. Uh oh, this is my time to run. Both of them were chasing after me on the streets. When my mom looked outside the window at my house, she ran out of the house, and frowned at Jake and Evelyn, as they left. When we went in, we went straight to the living room. We both sat down at the couch.