

I was so surprised that all I could do was hug her.

"Thanks mom!" I told her happily.

"You deserved it!" she explained again.

Suddenly someone tapped me, and I turned around.

Jake giggled at me, and I giggled at him back. Then, we were both holding hands in front of my mom.

"Oh, you two will make a great king and queen!" my mom said joyfully.

Soon there was a queen and king election.

"And the new king and queen is…""JAKE AND RACHEL!", mom announced.

Everybody cheered. We both got up the stage to receive our crowns. "You both made it through the crown challenge.", my dad explained.

Soon enough there were festivals and dances. I turned back to face the readers, and said,

"Audience, I want you to know that you can't live in fear, you have to tell someone", I explained to the audience.

Then the dance continued...