
The start of the beginning.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? That single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding. I am also not a native English speaker, but I will try not to make grammar mistakes.

Unknown_man11 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

the beginning.

Deep in the chaos of the universe, in a place which is also known as heart of the universe there could seen a ocean on above it, an empire could be seen, known as the Eternal Empire, with its inhabitants known as the Eternal Beings. The place appeared grand and beautiful, with the design of the Empire becoming more grand the closer one looked towards the center. The houses resembled medieval castles yet the technology seems as if far advance then even type 8 civilization be left speechless with the shear technology, shining so brilliantly that even the kingdom of the High Heavens would be envious.

In this Eternal Empire, if a mortal were took a breath, he could immediately become a cultivator solely through the potency of the qi in the air. Looking around, one would see houses that resembled castles rather than ordinary dwellings, emanating a radiant shine that surpassed even the heavens, Somewhere in this empire, within one of the three Heavenly Clans, a clan as powerful as heaven itself, a youth stood in front of a lake and said to himself, "Tomorrow, I have a schedule of appoint going to visit his Majesty palace. I wonder if Grandpa could come with me." If one were to describe the youth, his eyes were deep and mesmerizing, reflecting the vastness of the universe, filled with wisdom and cosmic knowledge. The youth's hair, like strands of stardust, gracefully fell around their face, flowing with celestial energy. The strands shimmered with a luminous glow, as if touched by the light of distant constellations. Their captivating smile, reminiscent of a radiant sun, illuminated their countenance, filling the hearts of others with warmth and joy. "I should ask him," the youth said to himself and vanished.

As he reached a large door, he asked, "Grandpa, I wish for an audience. "Come in," a voice echoed in his head. Entering the room, the youth saw his grandpa and thought to himself, "No matter how many times I look at my grandpa, he always exudes an aura of strength and resilience that belies his years." his grandpa's face bore gentle but weathered lines, revealing the wisdom and experiences etched into his very being. With a commanding presence, he carried himself with authority and dignity that commanded respect from those around him. As the youth looked at their grandpa, their eyes, deep and piercing, reflected a lifetime of stories and lessons learned. They radiated a spark of unwavering confidence. In their presence, one couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence. Shrugging off those thoughts, rishi heard a voice, looking to the side he bowed ninety degree and said rishi greets the li sovereign/ancestor of the li clan. 

"What brings you here, Rishi? old man asked and you can stand. "oh, grandpa, tomorrow I have to register myself in His Majesty's palace for that expedition and I thought if ask you? Who knows, I might get to see His Majesty the Emperor if you come with me ," Rishi said. "You can drop the idea of getting to meet His Majesty let alone you even us sovereign aren't able to meet him if he don't want to. It's been few decades now that his majesty has stop making any appearance he remarked saying. "It's fine, grandpa. Even If I don't get to see His Majesty, but you need to come with me. remember the favor you had given me that time for winning the competition. Rishi said,

"Fine, I will come with you either way I was to bored for sometime now guess I will too use this time to have some fight with that wang bastard it been a while I beat his ass, but before we go ask ridhi if she also wants to come. it could be good experience," the old man said. "for a moment rishi seem baffled just how easily his grandpa curse wang clan sovereign well it is to be accepted if had been anyone else they would have died at that very moment, " Rishi thought to himself but said, Okay, I accept ask her if she wants to come. "Okay, then go inform her, and remember to meet me on time," the old man said.

Okay sure Rishi said to himself. "Well, let's see where she is, my little sister. "As Rishi started to make his way to their little sister's room, in the corridor, some of the maids and servants bowed, pausing their work as they waited for Rishi to pass by. Rishi ignored them after few more moments he reached his little sister's room, he asked, "Sister, can I come in? "A beautiful voice responded from behind the door, "What now? hearing her without even opening the door of the room Rishi replied in an annoyed tone, "Hey, at least invite me in first before you ask. You are the one who has work for me, not the other way around. So say it or get lost, little brother. "You little... I am bigger than you. Well, whatever, I will not argue with a kid. Actually, it's grandpa who sent me to ask you," Rishi said. As soon as Rishi's words left their mouth and they mentioned grandpa, the door opened.

The lady who came out could only be described as celestial. Her presence was ethereal, a vision that seemed to have descended from the heavens themselves. She possessed a beauty so rare and captivating that it defied worldly standards. Her delicate features were flawlessly sculpted, as if an artist had meticulously crafted her with utmost care and precision. Her eyes shimmered like twin stars in the night sky, a celestial hue that mirrored the depths of the universe. They held a mesmerizing gaze, drawing one in with their mysterious allure. They were windows to a soul that exuded warmth and kindness, radiating an inner light that illuminated those around her. Her hair cascaded in lustrous waves, flowing like a celestial waterfall down her graceful shoulders. Each strand seemed to gleam with its own unique brilliance, as if they had captured the essence of moonbeams. It framed her face like a celestial halo, accentuating her angelic features and lending an otherworldly aura to her presence. Her skin possessed an otherworldly glow, as if touched by stardust and moonlight. It was a canvas of porcelain perfection, flawlessly smooth and radiant. Bathed in an ethereal luminescence, it seemed to shimmer with an inner celestial light, leaving those who beheld her in awe. She wore a long gown, like a celestial tapestry, gracefully draping around her figure while still accentuating her curves. She was known as Ridhi, Rishi's sister, the patriarch's only daughter, and also his favourite. As she stepped out of the room, Rishi said, "Oh, so you finally opened the door. How generous of you, little sister.

"That's enough, brother. Tell me, what did grandpa say?" Ridhi asked. "Oh well, we are going to His Majesty's palace because of my work, and I thought, why not take grandpa too? So I asked him, and he said sure but to ask you too if you want to come," Rishi explained. "Of course, stupid brother. I have never seen His Majesty in person. I always wanted to, but I never got the chance to meet him in person. Who knows, this time It'll be a lucky charm, Ridhi said. "When are we leaving?" Ridhi asked. "Well, tomorrow," Rishi answered. "Okay, I will be ready on time," Ridhi said. Rishi nodded and turned back to go and make preparations.

The next day.

Ridhi pov.

As I entered my grandpa's room, I saw my brother and grandpa sitting on a couch and talking about the emperor's palace. To be honest, I had always wanted to see the emperor in person. Most of our generation hadn't seen him, as he had stopped making public appearances long before we were even born. While pondering these thoughts, my brother mentioned, "Grandpa, let's go. She's here now. "As my grandpa's gaze shifted towards me, I bowed slightly and said, "Little Ridhi greets the ancestor." It felt as if the atmosphere changed at that moment. My grandpa replied, "Oh, my little Ri is here. So if I'm not mistaken, this is your third time going to the emperor's palace, isn't it? "Yes, grandpa," I confirmed. My grandpa continued, "We will leave in a moment. Let me inform your father that we are leaving before we depart." As I looked at my grandpa, he retrieved a communication device from his storage ring and contacted my father about the situation. "Come on now, we are ready to leave. Come closer," my grandpa said. Both my brother and I approached him, and in the blink of an eye, we were outside of my clan's palace...