
The start of the beginning.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? That single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding. I am also not a native English speaker, but I will try not to make grammar mistakes.

Unknown_man11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


In the Li Clan's palace chamber, three individuals were seated on a couch engaged in conversation about their recent visit. One of them remarked, "It went smoothly after His Majesty departed. With Grandpa by our side, I was able to complete the registration of my immortal ranking on the Eternal Empire. We even had the chance to meet the First Eldest Elder of the Royal Clan, Rishi said."

By the way, suddenly, a calm yet melodious voice interrupted, "Grandpa, why were you so insistent on arranging my marriage with His Majesty?" Ridhi inquired, looking at her grandfather.

Grandpa gazed at Ridhi and replied, "Little Ri, I just wanted to assist His Majesty. As for the reasons, it's not something you will comprehend now. Someday, you will unders—"

Before Grandpa could finish his sentence, a hologram materialized in front of the three of them. Seera, the hologram spoke, "What happened, Ancestor Li asked? His Majesty has sent a message, stating he will be arriving in a few moments."

The three of them immediately stood up. Ancestor Li instructed, "Seera, inform all the clan members about it. Every in-clan member should be present, and make all the necessary preparations as soon as possible. You two, go and assist in the preparations."

It wasn't that they were flustered, but rather puzzled. They had just met His Majesty a day ago. The trio couldn't help but wonder about the sudden turn of events.


Rahul opened his eyes and surveyed his surroundings. He found himself in a peculiar chamber, and upon looking to the side, he noticed Amaan and Aryan. Curious, he inquired, "So where are we?" Aryan responded, "In my palace," and added, "Seera, inform Li Ancestor that I am coming to his clan for a visit."

Gill, Aryan's attendant, was given specific instructions by aryan, "To prepare one Transcendence Bath and one True Monarch." Observing the two mortals, one in the early stage of the golden core and the other a complete mortal with no cultivation foundation, Gill wondered if His Majesty had brought them for some particular purpose. "As you wish, Majesty," Gill replied.

Meanwhile, Amaan observed the opulent chamber. The walls were adorned with rich, velvety fabrics in deep burgundy and gold, complemented by gilded mouldings that caught the warm glow from crystal chandeliers hanging from the ornate ceiling. The lighting created a magical atmosphere, revealing a colossal canopy bed at the centre, intricately carved with historical scenes. The bedding, made from the finest silk with golden embroidery and plush velvet pillows, added to the grandeur.

After few moments of wait Aryan said, "Let's go," grabbing both Amaan and Rahul. The events that followed were a blur to Amaan. After meeting the other half of Rahul, most things became blur to him that strange man face which blur and even traveling feel blur. Amaan sighed, reflecting on the situation. When he eventually woke up, he found himself in a bed with materials so soft and comfortable that made him wish he had never woken up.

 But is if knowing that those thoughts came to him Suddenly, Mr. God Immortal and Rahul appeared at the bedside. Amaan greeted them and asked, "So where are we going next?" Rahul looked at him and replied, "Who knows."............

Rahul pov

The sprawling grounds were meticulously manicured, and the imposing structure of one of the heaven clans, which Aryan had briefed me about during my training, loomed majestically against the horizon. It seemed that Aryan had informed them of our visit, as the arrival was heralded by the resonant echoes of trumpets and the rhythmic beat of drums.

The palace gates swung open with a deliberate creak, and the sheer size of the gates was ridiculous; I couldn't estimate their height. The gates revealed a procession of cultivators, all dressed in elaborate attire, lined up to welcome us. Each servant stood with unwavering precision, their uniforms adorned with the insignia of the Li Clan, if I wasn't mistaken. Their faces wore expressions of utmost respect and deference.

As we landed just a little bit above the ground, a red carpet was unfurled before us, leading the way to the grand entrance. Every cultivator bowed deeply, their movements synchronized like a well-practiced dance. The atmosphere hummed with a palpable sense of reverence.

At the entrance, an old man seemed to be standing, and just beside him, a middle-aged man could be seen one step back from the old man. I wasn't sure about their identities, but I was certain that the old man was a sovereign, as Aryan had informed me. Due to my unique soul, no passive pressure could come near me, except for sovereigns and Aryan himself. Even then, the passive pressure from them was immense and couldn't be blocked by my cultivation. Shrugging off those thoughts, I looked at the old man resplendent in his ceremonial robes, awaiting Aryan. The members of the Li Clan, including the high-elder, flanked him on either side. The old man knelt, and all the other Li Clan members followed suit, seeming to kneel before Aryan.

As I observed this scene, any respect that was building up for the sovereign vanished. I took this moment to look all around me.

It wasn't Rahul fault to think like that just imagine you meeting a finally boss and seeing him instated of being grand you see him kneel. Actually Rahul wouldn't have dare to say that, if only his soul wasn't blocking the most of the pressure and ancestor li himself holding his pressure.

Third pov

Similar to Rahul, Amaan was also looking around, observing the people kneeling. It was surreal for him, and he was certain that among those kneeling, there must be gods. As he contemplated this, Aryan glanced at him and uttered a single word, "Kneel." Amaan promptly fell to his knees, not anticipating that he would have to, but he did so nonetheless.

While Aryan didn't amaan not kneel before him he even had protected him from his passive pressure, as he is the friend of other self, not kneeling in front of a sovereign crossed a line. Sovereigns demanded respect and fear; no one should presumption in front of them. As everyone understood the significance of that.

Aryan looked at Ancestor Li and other clan members and commanded, "Rise." Upon hearing his voice, they all stood and collectively proclaimed, "Welcome the Supreme Sovereign and Ruler of all beings, the Emperor of the Eternal Empire."

As those words were spoken, a male voice interjected, saying, "Aryan, let him rise."

Suddenly, all eyes were on Rahul, from Ancestor Li to the lowest-ranked servant of the Li Clan. The only reason no one had said anything so far was because they had witnessed how His Majesty had made one mortal kneel but had not compelled the other.

Aryan looked at Rahul but remained silent, instructing Amaan to rise. Amaan looked at Rahul and expressed, "My apologies. I should have knelt even before you needed to say."

Amaan thought to himself, "Damn, man. How could I forget such a basic thing? Rahul is Aryan, so of course, he won't say to kneel himself."

Ancestor Li spoke up, addressing Aryan, "Well, Your Majesty, shall we move into the palace to discuss?" Aryan looked at him and agreed, "Okay. Only those who have met them will accompany us— the girl, Ancestor Li, and that boy name Rishi."