
The start of the beginning.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? That single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding. I am also not a native English speaker, but I will try not to make grammar mistakes.

Unknown_man11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Arayan POV

This body of mine was surprisingly too weak and also with no understand of his own power. I examined his cultivation, realizing he was only at the second level of the qi stage. Considering his level, he should have been able to defeat the lion without even touching it. However, he resorted to punching that kitten, and even then, only was able managed to break his neck, a rather pathetic display.


Creatures in this world seemed too feeble to pose any threat to him. I needed beings from the lower realms, creatures with a cultivation level of 3, and yet, even those posed a challenge. Sighing, I acknowledged that this task was going to be more challenging than I had initially thought.


Rahul's POV


Doubt began to creep in as I questioned whether this man was truly me. If there was anyone other than me they would have a traumatic experience like non other, starting with placing a lion in front of me and later summoning an unfamiliar creature. I died multiple times, only to be revived each time. Frustration and confusion overwhelmed me. But I was smiling I was enjoy it somehow.


When I learned that I was strong enough to defeat all the Earthly creatures, he introduced beings from unknown realms. The first creature resembled a large kitten, but it had scales all over its body and a tail with sharp spikes, making it a formidable opponent. My attacks were ineffective, and defence was futile.


After countless failed attempts, he suggested decreasing the level of the challenge. I refused, determined to win. Frustrated and weapon less, I focused on the opponent at hand. The open field offered no cover, and my hands were too weak to block the creature's tail.


I requested a weapon, but he denied my plea. Resolute, I decided to win without one. Assessing the situation, I realized my fists couldn't kill the creature, only injure it. I needed a new strategy.


As the creature attempted to pounce, I moved backward, utilizing my agility. Its superior strength and agility posed a challenge, but I recognized a pattern in its attacks—body lunges, powerful strikes, or tail attacks.


I initiated an attack, aiming to strike the upper head to gain an advantage. The creature opened its jaw to devour me, but I used a stone in my hand to redirect its head just slightly. Seizing the opportunity, I launched a powerful punch, knocking the creature down and sliding down its scaled body.


Reaching the tail section, I faced the challenge of the spiked tail. With all my strength, I punched the spike, eventually tearing it apart. The creature retaliated, attempting to slam me with its tail, but I used the moment to evade the clash.


The severed spike provided a makeshift weapon. I jumped, creating distance as the creature enlarged, increasing its strength and agility. Despite the odds, I refused to request a new challenge. I concentrated on the creature's eyes as its fury heightened.


As it lunged at me, I halted my momentum, broke my leg muscles, and stepped aside, using my other leg to gain the needed momentum. I landed perfectly at eye level and drove the spike into its skull. Although the creature was still alive, it screamed in pain.


Lying on the ground, it attempted a final attack with its tail, severing my arm. I seized my last chance, using my remaining leg strength to launch a powerful kick on the spike which was in that creature eyes. The creature howled in pain, and I, battered and broken, emerged victorious.

Truth to be said, I looked pathetic, my one arm fully cut, both legs fully torn. Apart from my bones being broken, my head bleeding, I wasn't even sure why I was enduring this yearning amount of pain. It was driving me insane. Just as I was falling into unconsciousness, a man came in front of me, and I became as if I had never faced any dire circumstances before.


That man was me, just another version of myself. I looked at him and said, "So what's next?" He replied, "Now it's time to give you real lessons of understanding. We will be going for 100 years of seclusion to prepare you for the challenges. After all, I am not going to help you once we start our journey."


I panicked and exclaimed, "Hey, wait! 100 years is way too long, and I can't live that long, you know. I am mortal, not like you he looked and me said, no you are not a mortal, fool not with my half soul you inside you, even so, and I still have my family waiting for me." He calmly stated, "I will just freeze the time of this chaos so you don't need to worry anymore about your family."


But I persisted, "I am mortal; 100 years is far too much for me. Let's just do one year, or at most ten." He looked at me and said, "Don't worry; you won't even notice the difference in time and as I said before you are not a mortal at least not like other mortal." Understanding that he wouldn't listen to anything I said, I just left it. Sigh.


10 years later...


I looked at the monster bodies scattered all over the field. The entire area seemed to be bathed in blood. No matter where I looked, I only saw the bodies of monsters and humans alike.


Few more years later...


Once again, I saw the field filled with the bodies of humans. I looked at my hands, which seemed to have turned red. I glanced at Aryan—my other self whose name was Aryan. I looked at Aryan and asked, "How much longer will I have to keep killing?" He looked at me and said, "A few more decades." I questioned him, "Don't you think this might break me?" He responded, "It won't your mental fortitude is far greater than any other mortal.

I looked at him and said nothing. I had started to understand my other side and also realized how pointless it was to argue with him.


Few more years later...


"So what now?" I asked Aryan. He replied, "Now it's time for you to learn other things like alchemy and other general understanding."


100 years later...