
chap. 0

One day humans started to see monster and gods because of gods fighting each other evil gods started to summon monsters in gate but because of god fighting each others their successors are fighting each other too while the earth is left behind in chaos humans started to get their own source of power and killed the monsters that evil gods summoned humans started to get stronger and stronger however gods finally finished fighting and the god that won ruled over the heavens and that god tried to pursue humans that doesn't have their own power the god successfuly pursued them to become his follower humans,the first order of the god was to kill humans that acquired their own source of power and the humans that sided with god went into hiding started accumalating powers they created monsters in their hideout to protect it if someone found it and cleared it they will get power humans started to call the other humans that sided with god vaders and so many fights broke out and one strong guy in human was born and a vader suddenly gave birth to human he was named

srry if the story i created is a mess i am just a 1st year highschooler so i cant focus on my story too much i just reliev my stress here.

john_carlo_puyongcreators' thoughts