
Entrance Exam, Part 1

The auditorium filled up with people from left to right, most of them excited and nervous for the entrance exam. Mika was in shock and awe, seeing the school's auditorium with her own eyes.

However, it's no surprise that there were many people here because the most famous pro heroes, like All Might and Endeavor, attended U.A. High, and people will do what they can to become popular heroes like them.

Mika looked at her card, "My seat number is 3172." she said; she looked for her seat, "Where's your seat at, Midoriya?" she asked.

Izuku looked at his card, "My seat number is 2234." he said, "Looks like we'll be separate seat sections." Mika nodded, "That seems to be the case." she said, "Either way, this is awesome!"

Mika turned to Izuku, "Good luck on your test, Midoriya!" she shouted in excitement. Izuku smiled and nodded, "Y-You too, Lyoko." he said. Izuku walked towards a different section from Mika until she could no longer see him.

Mika walked down the stairs and towards her seat; she apologized to some people she passed by until she found her seat. Mika tried to count how many people were taking part in the entrance exam, and to no surprise, there were too many to count.

Mika looked at the people she sat next to and tried to have a conversation with them. The person on Mika's right side was already in a conversation, but the person on her left side sat still.

He looked really nervous around other people and did not want to start a conversation with them. He has a mutation because his head was shaped like a rock, and he has a strong physique.

He has peach-like skin, frills on the back of his head almost resembling his hair, and a square-shaped mouth. He looked at the ground to relieve his nerves, but it was not working as he was shaking in place.

Mika looked at him for a bit and turned away, *Judging by his state, he's nervous about the entrance exam too.* she thought. Mika placed her hand on her chin, *I want to talk to him, but I bet talking to people isn't his forte.* she thought, *How should I talk to him?*

Mika snapped her fingers as she grabbed one of her scrap papers she would use on the writing portion and a pencil out of her bag. Mika wrote her introduction on the paper and tapped his shoulder.

He flinched at the sudden action and panicked until he saw Mika hold the paper out to him. He slowly took the paper out of Mika's hands and read what was on it.

He grabbed a pencil out of his bag and wrote his introduction. He handed the paper back to Mika; she read what was on it, "Hello Lyoko, my name is Koji Koda." it said.

Mika turned to Koji and smiled, but he was still nervous. Mika turned to the paper and started writing, "Are you nervous about the entrance exam?" she wrote and handed the paper to Koji.

Koji was surprised and took the paper out of Mika's hands, "Yes, especially the physical portion of the exam because the chances that there will be animals in the battle center are slim." he wrote and handed the paper back to her.

Mika was curious about what Koji meant, "Do animals have something to do with your Quirk?" she wrote and handed the paper back to him. Koji turned to Mika and nodded, "My Quirk allows me to control animals with my voice." he wrote and handed the paper back to her.

Mika was in awe, "That's so cool! Mine just allows me to turn into animals, but commanding animals sounds amazing!" she wrote.

Mika handed the paper to Koji; when he saw the compliment, he blushed a lot, "Thanks, but to be honest, I think your Quirk sounds amazing... a lot better than mine." he wrote and handed the paper back to her.

Mika was shocked at the sentence; before she could write anything, they were interrupted, "Welcome to today's live performance! I'm your announcer, Present Mic!" Present Mic shouted with excitement, "How about y'all say hey!"

As Present Mic held his ear out towards the audience, everyone was silent. Present Mic brushed it off, "Everyone is serious or nervous, huh, understandable." he said, "Alright, then let's get down to business, shall we?"

Present Mic pointed to the screen, and it showed seven different battle centers, "You'll be separate battle centers for ten minutes; you can bring some equipment if it benefits you." he said.

The screen showed enemies with one, two, and three next to them, "The objective is simple." Present Mic continued, "Destroy the faux villains as much as you can. Each robot has its own point system from one point to three points, and attacking other examinees is prohibited."

When an examinee asked about a robot that wasn't on the screen, Mika tried to forget the statement and wrote on the paper, "What battle center are you in?" she asked. As Mika handed the paper back to Koji, he looked at his card, "Battle Center E." he wrote and gave her the paper.

Mika looked at her card, and it said Battle Center E as well; she smiled, "Looks like you and I will be in the same battle center." she wrote.

Mika handed the paper to Koji; as he read the paper, a smile crept, but it was short-lived. "Thank you for asking that question, examinee 7111, and to answer it... that faux villain is worth zero points." Present Mic said.

Present Mic pointed to the screen, showing a robot with a zero next to it, "You can destroy it if you want to, but it won't give you any points from it." he continued, "That's it for the introduction! I'll leave our listeners with our motto!"

After telling the people a quote from Napoleon Bonaparte, Present Mic smiled, "Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!!" he shouted; they got up and left in a hurry.

(Time Skip)

After the writing portion, they were cramped in a bus as they headed for their destination. Some people were talking to others, and some were thinking about strategy.

Mika sat near a window to see the outside view and how close they were to the battle center. Koji sat next to Mika and tried to see the outside view. Even though the view through the window of a car ride always calmed Mika down, she was not calm during this one.

Mika knew this ride to her destination would determine if she can become a hero or not, and it filled her with anxiety and excitement, *I'll do everything I can to become a hero... for my family.* she thought as she clenched her fists.

Mika saw the battle center and turned to Koji, "Looks like we're getting close to the battle center." she said; he only nodded in response. When the bus came to a stop, people headed towards the entrance.

Mika wore a lilac tank top and black shorts for the physical portion of the exam. Mika took her socks and shoes off and got out of the bus. Mika hanged at the back of the crowd and stretched her arms and legs. Mika looked at the battle center, *How will I approach this?* she thought.

Mika placed her hand on her chin, *If I go with a cheetah hybrid, I'll be faster, but I won't be strong... and if I go with an elephant hybrid, I'll be strong, but I won't be fast. What should I-* she got out of her thoughts when someone gave her a light tap to her shoulder, making her flinch.

When Mika turned around, she calmed down when she saw Koji; he looked like he wanted to do something with his hands but was hesitant. Mika looked at Koji, "Is there something you want, Koda?" she asked. Koji nodded as he raised his hands, "*Do you... know sign language?*" he signed.

Mika was completely shocked, but she was relieved. Mika raised her hands, "*Yeah! I know sign language!*" she signed, "*I'm surprised that you know it.*" Koji blushed a bit and nodded, "*I use it because of my shyness.*" he signed, "*I'm also surprised that you know sign language too.*"

Mika nodded, "*I know sign language because my mother is deaf and buying new hearing aids is pricey... so I have to rely on sign language before her old hearing aid gets messed up.*" she signed, "*Was there something you want?*"

Koji was shocked, but he nodded, "*I was just wondering what you were doing back here.*" he signed, "*Most people would want to be at the front.*"

Mika was surprised that Koji was worried about her, "*Oh... I'm just thinking of a strategy.*" she signed, "*Debating if speed or strength would be the best for me on the exam.*" Koji nodded, "*Why not both?*" he signed with hesitation; Mika looked at him with curiosity.

Koji got flustered, "*I-I mean... strength is indeed needed for fighting robots, but you also need speed in case you want to get away from the enemy.*" he signed, "*I believe something well-balanced like a tiger or something of that line would work.*"

Mika was surprised at the idea and smiled a bit, "*That's a great idea, thank you for the advice!*" she signed. Koji blushed a lot but stopped once he noticed Mika was barefoot, "*Why don't you have your shoes on?*" he signed.

Mika looked at her feet and smiled; she looked at Koji, "I'll show you." she said. Mika took a stance and activated her Quirk; when Koji looked at her hair, tiger ears popped out of her head.

Koji flinched and stepped back a bit, but he was in awe. Fur covered Mika's lower arms and legs, and paw pads formed.

Sharp claws came out of Mika's fingertips; a tiger tail sprouted out of her back end. Mika twitched her tiger ears and moved her tail to see if they worked; they were in perfect condition to no surprise.

Mika turned to Koji, "Any footwear I have while transforming into a hybrid feels uncomfortable." she said, "So I rarely have any shoes on my feet while transforming or fighting." Koji had the biggest smile he could form, "*That's so cool!*" he signed, "*It's just as amazing as I thought!*"

Mika rubbed the back of her neck and blushed a bit, "*And it's what I expected; your Quirk is a lot better than mine.*" Koji signed with a slight frown. Mika was shocked and gritted her teeth, "That's not true!" she shouted, making Koji flinch, "Your Quirk is just as amazing as mine is!"

Mika calmed down and looked at Koji, "If I were to guess your Quirk's weaknesses, your voice might be weaker than other people's voices, and if you use your Quirk too much, you might have a sore throat or something like that." she said in an angry tone.

Koji looked down and nodded, "But with my Quirk, my weaknesses are a lot worse than yours." Mika continued, making him look at her.

Mika pointed to herself, "My first weakness is that when I choose a form, I can't turn back into a human, and I get exhausted if I try turning into other animals forms when I'm already in one." she said.

Mika looked at her hands, "Another weakness of mine is that if I don't know the creature, like an alien animal, I'd lose control of myself and could destroy everything in my path." she continued.

Mika looked at Koji and pointed at him, "When it comes to handling their Quirks better, you can handle your Quirk ten times better, hands down!" she shouted.

Before Koji could make a rebuttal, the screen above the battle zone turned on; they turned towards it, "What's wrong?" Present Mic said with a grin, "The test has started, and enemies are roaming the city. Go! Go! Go!"