

Sheena's flight landed in Beijing at early noon. The bright red sun was at its peak. She got out of the airport with Aunt May, 6 bodyguards sent by her grandpa joined them. Standing outside at the airport, she looked around before getting into the car as she was reminded of the day she has left this place.

Finally, she was back. However, she didn't know what new adventures were awaiting her.

As they drove down through the streets of Beijing, Sheena reminisced about her childhood. How she used to come around with her friends. The city was bustling same as it was five years ago. But the names on the shops were changed. Beijing still had its old essence but there was no evidence of her being there once. That old grandma who used to sell soup and noodles wasn't there. As she thought about whenever she was sad and ran out of the house with no money, that grandma used to give her food.

'Was she alive?'

'If she is, how old would she be by now?'

She looked carefully at every place from the window. Soon she saw the familiar road back home. She used to carry her schoolbag and walked down through these with an ice cream in her hand. She thought as she smiled to herself. Soon she noticed them approaching the grand villa, this was her home.The home she had missed and longed for all these years. Whenever she faced problems, she wished how good it would be to be back home. But what she missed the most was her grandpa.

'How long it has been?'

'Will his hair be greyer than before?'

She wondered about their last meeting , how eager that old man was to meet her. But he had to avoid flying because of his old age and heart condition. Every holiday when he used to ask her to come home and how she used to put him down, saying how busy she was. Her heart ached every time she had to lie to him, although she knew he was aware of her lies. But wasn't that for him to celebrate them with his son… his only son. Thinking he might not have been alone at holidays calmed her, at least.

As she was in her thoughts, Aunt May nudged her,

"Dear get down, we have arrived."

Sheena nodded and got out of the car. Looking at the villa in front of her, all the emotions flooded up at once, her eyes were filled to the brim. She looked happy, yet with a tinge of sadness somewhere. She took her steps towards the door. As soon as she entered the hall, she started running and looking around, shouting,

"Grandpa, where are you?"

She looked around. Servants looked at her and smiled at her childishness. No matter how much a child says they don't want to return, but home is still home and blood would always be denser than water.

After looking around, when she couldn't find him, she looked at butler Lee and ran up to him,

"Uncle Lee, where is grandpa?"

She was so anxious that her eyes were shining; they had the look of yearning, like if she doesn't find him, she would be lost.

Butler Lee smiled at her and pointed towards his master's room.

As soon as he heard this, she ran upstairs. The first room on the left was her grandpa's. She knocked on the door and said..

"Knock knock...!!"

"No reply, Is anybody inside??"

"No reply again", She said" Ohh I see, if nobody is inside then I'll leave."

Abruptly, an anxious voice came from inside.

"No, I'm not inside."

It was just like a kid sulking at his parents.

Sheena continued, "

See, I know you are in there. Why didn't you come to meet me. Have you grown too old and arrogant to face me? "

"What are you saying? Who's old? And arrogant, you are arrogant."

"Me...and arrogant? See, I came to you first and you? Won't you come out to see me?"

"No, you don't love me."

"Apart from you, who is there for me to love. You are the only one I have. How couldn't I love you?"

Hearing this old man fell silent...

So Sheena continued,"Grandpa, I'm sorry. Forgive me."

Still nothing. Sheena waited as tears rolled down her cheeks. Suddenly, the door opened with a creak. Behind it was an old man in his late 70s. He was old, yet his stature was straight. He had wrinkles and grey hair which displayed how experienced he was. Yet he had an invincible aura around him. To the outer world he was the great Master of Panache Enterprises only in front of his grandchild was he like this. This side of him was reserved especially for Sheena.

As she saw him, he stood there noticing her, trying to point out things changed in her. In his thoughts, he compared her 5 year younger version. She seemed to have grown, looking at her he thought to himself as his eyes were red like he was holding back his tears. Sheena looked up and wrapped him in a tight hug. They both have missed each other. To the world he was only her grandfather, but to her this man alone was her family, her father…her mother…her siblings. He comprised all of them from the moment she was born to this day. How could she have even thought of not returning to him?