

At night,


Knock knock...

"Sheena??? Are you asleep?"

Sheena who was lying on the floor, with her head supported by the edge of the bed. Her hair scattered over her face messily,


Knock knock,

Sheena woke up. Throwing her hair at the back, she got up,

"Yes... yes..??"

"Sheena, come down for dinner? Why is your door closed? Are you fine?"

"Aunty May, I...I am fine, I was listening to music with my headphones on. So, didn't hear you."

"Okay, come down for dinner."

"Yes, just give me two minutes."

"Sheena washed her face and headed downstairs to the dining area. "

At the dining table, aunty May served Sheena her dinner.

Everyone observed she was quite lost.

Not expecting anyone to speak, everyone remained silent.

"I want to start working". Sheena said out to a sudden.

The old man who was chewing her food choked, after drinking a glass of water he asked,

"What did you say?"

"I said I want to work". Sheena stated firmly.

"That's great, my child, but out of a sudden? Didn't you want to rest for the time being?"

"The earlier the better please..!!"

"But Child..."

"I know what I am saying. I would like to start working as soon as possible."

"Please arrange i"t. She said as he got up and left.

After a few steps, she turned again..

"Arrange a secretary position in the management. I would like to analyse the people and their work before taking over."

She went back upstairs, before he could say anything.


The breakfast table for eerily quiet in the morning.

As always, taking the initiative, the old man started the conversation.

"Aunt May has cooked noodles for Sheena. It's her favourite. Yes , she will love it". He said as he laughed awkwardly.

Sheena raised her head up and looked at him with an empty impression.

He nudged Buttler Lee; he bent down as they started whispering

"Buttler Lee, did I say something wrong?"

"No sir.

"Then both looked up at Sheena again, she was lost in thoughts looking at her bowl with the same empty expression.

They both got down,

"Kind of yes, I think. You might have said something wrong, sir."

Pondering over it, the old man replied," Did I?"

"Talk about something else, Sir."

The old man nodded, and Buttler Lee gave him a thumbs up as they both got up at their positions.

"The weather is so nice today. How about we go out today? What does everyone here thinks? Let's have an outing."

Sheena was still in her thoughts. She didn't even look at him this time.

Noticing her weird self, the old man nudged butler Lee again.

As they both bent down again,

"Did I say something wrong again? She didn't even look."

"Yes sir, you said weather is nice , it's so hot out there."

"Oh, but it's not only my fault. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sir..? Sir, how could I know what you were going to say?"

"That's right, how could you know what I was going to say. Anyway it's your fault. You old people make mistakes and blame it on us young ones."

He said as he got up and straightened his collar.

Buttler Lee, who was still speechless... Got up.

He got out of his speechless as Sheena suddenly looked up.


"Yes, my child..??" Elated old man replied quickly

"I make you worried all the time right??"

"No...no, you don't. Why are you even saying that?"

"Last night I was in a foul mood, and this morning too. You won't love me anymore? I don't deserve all this..do I?"

She said with that same emptiness.

Her words started making the old man worry, noticing her expression he wasn't sure what to say. He reached out to touch her hand.

"You're mine, as well as your problems. What is left in my life except for you? You're my whole world, little one. How can I stop loving you? I live that's for you, my every breath is for you, to take care of you and I won't stop loving you until I take my last breath. "

He said as his eyes were filled to the brim.

Sheena looked at him with her face covered in tears, as she got up and hugged him...

She cried her heart out.

"Cry it all out, my child. Take all the frustration and pain out. I'm here for you always. Don't you ever think you're alone, alright?"


In the evening Sheena went to church,

The usual church she had been to several times.

She never went to pray there, neither to ask something, but to just thank. She was grateful to have people who loved her. She just there and sat in silence.

Every time she lost herself, and everytime the people around her pulled her back to her world, she came here. It was like a contractual thing.

Just as she was about to get up and go, she noticed a shadow in the front row.

The light was too dim for her to look at the face. She turned to go back.

Just after taking 2 steps she heard a scream. She turned and saw the shadow getting up.

Wondering what might have happened, she went forward, step by step. Until she saw the man, as he fell on his knees, covering the back of his head with both of his hands.

She bent down and sat next to him as she reached her hand out to touch his shoulder.

Sensing the touch, the man lifted his head, he titled his head to take a clear look at her.

Sheena was surprised, she couldn't believe her eyes.

'Him, it was him.'

Realising her presence, he pulled her hand and threw himself into her embrace as he sobbed lightly.

Sheena was startled at his movement, but she soon snapped out of it and caressed his head lightly.

"I'm here, everything will be alright."

"It's just a matter of time. Everything will pass."

She said as she consoled him.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. The person she thought was a troublemaker was sobbing in front of her like a child. She felt pitiful at this thought.

He was tearing apart the more she consoled him.

After an hour, he came back to his senses as he got up, wiped his tears and brushed her fingers through his hair.

"I'm so sorry", he said as he got up to start walking out.

Just when he was about to turn, Sheena grasped his hand. He turned around,

"Do you want to talk??"

He looked at her blankly.

"Ice cream..how about ice cream??"


She took him to her favourite park,

Under the night full of stars and surrounded by greenery, it was an enchanting sight.

"Wanna talk about it?" Sheena asked while handing him an ice cream.

Looking far into the distance with a straight face, he replied..

"How to handle the feeling of losing someone you love more than yourself."

Sheena looked at him and answered,

"It's unbearable, there's no way to handle it."

"But" she sighed.

"Think about the one you loved. Would they like the state you're in right now?"

His eyes were fixed on her like there was a lot he wanted to say, but remained silent anyway.

"For the sake of those beautiful memories, you have to be brave; you have to live. Only you're the witness to that person's importance in your life. No matter how hard it is, you'll get out of it. Do you hear me? For now, be all sad you want, but take it all out at once. Just keep the beautiful memories ."

"Wait for the day you'll meet again."

"My grandpa says, The people who love each other truly meet again. Somewhere between the land and the sky, with no boundaries or restrictions of the mortal world. And that's when they become free. Such souls accompany each other till eternity."