
the stars are our hearts.

Everest_FireFox · LGBT+
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the beginning of the ending.

there once was a war between between humans and demons and creatures from different planets but finally after 100 billion years the war ended and humanity-demons-"aliens"

were tired Very tired of fighting, and so were the history trackers.

(aka all livings that are keeping track of history and writing the history in books),

so all livings decided to share their knowledge, foods, and more.

there were 8 planets in total, and each planet was next to each other and far enough from each other to not cause all of the planets to react in a way that will destroy itself

there was peace for eternity. (surprisingly.)

new creatures were starting to be born.

all the livings reproduced with each other

and the children had extra abilities but they werent too commen.

parents were ecstatic and those who are jealous.

but the parents that didnt care they didnt have extra abilities were happy very happy because that meant their children would be more likely to survive new extra unique! abilities would surely help the children! and they did.

but some couldn't control their abilities and ended up killing their own parents.

some creatures who had the time to help

would help the child control their abilities.

but some were so depressed at the fact they killed their parents, they used their powers to commit suicide.


this story is about a girl.

a unique one.

..on the 5th planet..

im very sorry if there is alot of typos.

hello! thank you very much for reading my novel!! i hope for you to keep supporting me till the end of this novel. thank you.

Everest_FireFoxcreators' thoughts