
The StarForger

The world of DxD has many beings of great power, some even carry the title of god... How cute.

dr_hobbes · Anime & Comics
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Birth of the Cosmos

Death, is rather peaceful. It is incredibly empty and very lonely, but once one gets over that honestly minor inconvenience, peace is all that is left. Perhaps not true peace, but the kind of peace that gives you the freedom to think, freedom to analyze, all of your problems and afflictions laid bare before you. Like a smorgasbord of things to nitpick. It was in death that I gained understanding, all of my life's errors solved.

This of-course took a long time, I guess, death has a habit of messing with your internal clock. For all I know time may not even be a concept here. All I know is that it hasn't been long since I finished critiquing my previous life.

Suddenly light, blinding light, so bright that even without a body I attempt to shield my eyes. Seconds pass, or minutes... I honestly don't know how long, but eventually the light dwindles. Color returns to my world, my eyes open and I begin to see.

Light, millions of sparse little lights shine in my vision, a slight beautiful blue hue enhances the blackness of space. For that is where I am, it is impossible to deny. From death to the first sentient being to ever exist in a universe... not bad. Though... there aren't enough stars, there is too much background.

Power infuses my being, like a polite friend it subtly informs me of it's presence. I seem to have gained a body during the first moments of this young universe. Closer inspection reveals a pair of arms and legs, an interestingly shaped head with thick tufts of hair flowing from the top. A thick tail adorns my rear end, with smaller tufts of hair on the tip. My new body seems to be made of the very heavens, as I glow an ethereal blue with little stars decorating my skin.

I am a Dragon, and not just any dragon, no, I bear a striking resemblance to Aurelion Sol, The Star Forger. And as the name implies I should now be able to create stars on my own.

It is painfully easy, I surmise, due to the entire process being instinctual. Yet the beauty of my creation, both the process and the result, make it impossible for boredom and apathy to take hold. Like an experienced artist making his or her hundredth painting, its been done many time, but damn if the result isn't incandescent.

I'm going to enjoy decorating my Star Garden.


It's been many years, lost count at around 10 billion, the cosmos have been seeded with my creations, my garden is filled with flowers. So many stars that one can barely see the blackness of space in the background, and I can feel them all. Every star I have created is connected to me, I feel their every move, their every breath. For they do breath, not in the conventional way that mortals would imagine breath to be, but something more. The death of one of my stars saddens me, however that death is natural so I move on and create to fill the void left behind.

I have gained some drip, the original Aurelion Sol had a crown of enchanted gold placed upon his brow by the Targonians. Unfortunately the crown had the insidious purpose of binding Aurelion to the Targonians bidding.

Fortunately That hasn't happened to me as Runeterra doesn't exist here (trust me, I looked for it), so I had to make it on my own. I of course added a few bonuses to my crown, like for example something akin to gamers mind, denying entry to my mind by external forces. Now my crown symbolizes my position as sole ruler of this universe. Rather pretentious of me I know, how ever after over 10 billion years of being the only sentient being in the Universe I can afford to go through with my self coronation.


I was just putting in the finishing touches on a galaxy when I noticed a sentient being within it. Amazing, the second being with higher thought... heh, took him long enough. One of my yellow stars illuminates his struggle as he attempts to pull together the encompassing space dust. No doubt in an attempt to create a planet for himself. Oh dear that's quite the struggle, why don't I speed up the natural process a little.

The dust starts spinning around the young star faster and faster, clumps start forming, growing bigger and bigger. The young being looks around as his unspoken wish is granted, slight fear flashes on his face as he attempts to part the cloud of confusion. Soon he is fighting for his life as the dust has become giant meteoroids, violently crashing and smashing into everything that's in the way of their orbit. By now I give up the pretense of hiding my existence, focusing entirely on creating this new system of planets. The cacophony of stone and gas soon stills as nine planets now orbit my brilliant yellow flower.

The young being stares in awe, failing to comprehend what has transpired. He turns his eyes to me, fear coming upon him. I could not care at the moment, I am too busy decorating the third planet from my flower. It is a new experience for me to put so much detail into a planet, usually I don't even bother making planets, I just let the left over star dust naturally coalesce into planets without my help. But by now I recognize where I am in space, and what planet in particular I am creating. Earth. My home, before death of course. I will not let this planet be botched up by some young child with no creation skills.

Once finished, I grant the young one a minuscule amount of my power, just about enough for him to be able to make some additions to earth. You know, plants, animals, that kind of stuff. At first the power is more than he can handle, but with a little tweaking he stops screaming in pain. His astonished mumbles reach my ears, making me grin.


With those parting words to him I fade into the cosmic background, out of his view. I will stay here and watch the development of Earth. Little else to do anyways.

Lets see how far I can take this. Hope I did a good job describing both the character and his envirounment. If there are any Ideas you are more than welcome to share. Also, there will be no romance for Aurelion Sol. As for Aurelion's willingness to help, remember that this Aurelion was never subjected to slavery, so he isnt as cynical and withdrawn. Not to mention that he is also a reincarnate.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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