
The Starfall

One day, a group of teens goes star gazing, and a meteor crashes, giving them unimaginable powers and a mysterious girl with amnesia and the power to read minds. After being picked up by a mysterious organization, they have to travel the world to contain the outbreak of powers worldwide.

Ryzu · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

After a boring 30-minute drive, everyone disembarks the van. Matthew unlocks the lab, and the light flickers on, and they make their way to the chemistry lab. Ryza's parents' primary research and development are leading-edge prosthetics, so they must test different chemical compounds and metals.

"Right over here, set the crystal right in here," Matthew says as a machine opens. Katherine sets the shard in the machine, closes it, and starts to beep.

"So, what is it doing?" Kai asks, head cocked to one side.

"This is an elemental analyzer, and it can scan the molecular makeup of the specimen."

After a few minutes, the machine dings, and the screen appears. 

-ERROR 01425 No known element found-

"That's about what I expected," Ryza says, unfazed. "It did come from space, so it's reasonable enough." The machine opens, and Ryza grabs the shard.

A metal cylinder appears from the door, and after a few seconds, he kicks it and shouts, "Watch out!" Gas starts billowing out. "Hold your breath. It's a gas grenade." Everyone covers their mouths, but it is too late, and their consciousness starts to fade. Ryza collapses and sees everyone passed out from the gas, people marching in with gas masks on. Then, he loses consciousness.

Regaining consciousness, Ryza sees that he and his friends are in a white room. They sit in uncomfortable chairs, with their wrists zip-tied behind their backs. He nudges Ryuzu, who is still unconscious next to him, to get her to awaken. 

She opens her eyes and squints because of the bright lights. As her eyes adjust, Ryza whispers and asks, "Ryuzu, can you make a telepathic link between the six of us?" She makes a face, pondering the question. She closes her eyes and then gives Ryza a nod.

'Time to wake up sleepy heads.' Ryza says, taunting them. They began to awaken and met with the same blinding light. 'Don't speak. Ryuzu set up a telepathic link to communicate, so whoever brought us here won't hear what we are saying to each other,' they all nod in acknowledgment. 

'Until we figure out where we are, we must stay calm. Not to mention, my parents aren't here.' They look around and notice it as well.


A sound resonates from the wall before them, and many mechanized deadbolts unlock. A large, six-inch thick door opens, and a man enters, dressed in a business suit and a tie. Then, two men with kevlar vests and guns in a holster on their hips.

"Take those ties off. How can I have a civil conversation with our guests." The man in the suit says.

"Don't you mean prisoners? You did abduct us and tie us up." Justin retorts with a bit of anger and some fear.

"No, no, no. We just did this to get you here with ease." 

"You couldn't have just asked," Justin says as he crosses his arms.

"Why are we here? What do you want with us?" Says Kai, calm and collected as always, or so he portrays. 

The smile on the man's face disappears, and he says, "You have something I want."

Ryza stands, thinking he knows what this man is thinking. "And that would be."

"The meteorite."

"Why should we?" 

Another man enters the room, dressed in a lab coat. "Enough of your nonsense, Tobius," the man in the suit stands up straight. Then, the man in the lab coat turns to the group, "Sorry, he is a handful. Come with me." 

The group is reluctant, but they follow. They follow the man in the coat through numerous corridors, and then, finally, they reach their destination. They walk into a room that looks like a command center.

"Welcome to REGIS." The man in the coat announces, "REGIS is a covert organization that researches and analyses extra-terrestrial phenomena."

"So you are glorified scientists that learn in secret," Kai says unamused. The man's eye twitches with frustration.

"Just follow me, and you will see." The man says as he motions them to a connecting room. This room is decked out in tech from head to toe, mostly in pieces and blueprints. "This is our head R&D research facility."

"So, what are you researching," Nina asks. 

He turns, grinning like a fool. "Stardust."

"Huh?" The group says in sync. 

"That meteorite shard you have is made of material that does exist on Earth. It doesn't exist anywhere in the entire universe." 

"So you are saying this," Ryza pulls the shard from his pocket. "Is in extra-dimensional element."

"It isn't an element at all. We refer to it as Xero Energy, though we have never seen it in a  condensed state like this."

"Wait, you said it doesn't exist in our universe, so how is it here in the first place?" Katherine asks, confused with the Physics and quantum theory mumbo jumbo. 

"As Ryza said, it is extra-dimensional, meaning it comes from a completely separate universe. So, from what we know, there is a multiverse. We have nicknamed this universe Earth-1 and the universe whose Xero energy originates from Dimension Xero."

After calming down from the excitement and geeking out over what he has just learned, he asks, "So, what do you want?" He said with a stern face, "You wouldn't have told us something this sensitive unless you wanted something because if the public learned this, it would have one of two effects: 1 it would cause mass panic, or two everyone would ignore it as nothing more then a sci-fi theory."

A sinister smirk appears in the corner of the man's mouth, "Quite well thought-out kid for your age. Well, it is simple. We want to research you."

The group recoils in fear, "You mean you want to cut us open and study us like an animal? I knew it." Justin says, thinking the worst."

The man relaxes his face and replies, "Ha, no, no, no, we just want a few vials of blood, and also want to keep an eye on you as you can tell your bodies have gone through a metamorphosis."

"How did you know?" Kai asks harshly.

"How do you think we found you? Our devices can detect Xero energy, and your bodies radiate a significant amount of Xeros." 

"And we might not be last," Ryza says as he gazes into his hand, clutching it into a fist. "What do you want us to do."

"We have a facility on the coast of Japan by the Okinawa region. It will be the perfect place to practice and learn about your abilities."

A severe look washed over Ryza's face, one his friends had never seen before, so much so that it frightened them. "One condition," He says with a stern, authoritative voice, "You, under no circumstance, will weaponize us, and especially we will never help the military of any country." Fear enters their faces while Ryuzu tilts her head, confused.

"No, we would never. We are scientific researchers, not weapons development." 

"Is everyone okay with this," Ryza asks, getting nods from everyone. He grins and says, "When do we start." 

The man smiles, "Welcome to REGIS. My name is John R. Stein."