
THE Star Queen And Her Contract Marriage { DAILY NEW CHAPTERS }

sitara a star queen. She was searching for her younger sister who was lost in the world of human she tries to search her but she fails. Gautam says to sitara if you will marry me I will search your younger sister. Sitara agrees and gautam and sitara get into a contract marriage for 1 year other side ragini hates sitara. Ragini is gautam's cousin sister why ragini is hating sitara?? what will happen next ?? will they both fall in love ??

ARCHANA · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Sitara agree's for the 1year marriage { Sitara's contract marriage starts }

sitara : Yes

Gautam : Proceed

Sitara : I am the Queen of Star world one day my granny told me that my sister Shabnam she lost in this world so I can to this world to search her

Gautam : Is she your younger sister ?

Sitara : Yes she is my younger sister her age is 16

Gautam : At which age she was lost

Sitara : At the age of 10

Gautam was having a confused reaction

Gautam { with confused reaction } : What ?? why didn't you tried to search her in this 5 years ??

Sitara : My granny said me that my sister is dead but suddenly now she is saying she alive

Gautam still in confusion

Gautam : why she is saying like this ??

Sitara : I don't know but I have only 1 year in my hand

Gautam : 1 year ??

Sitara : Yess only 1 year after that 1 year we will have our festival where we all have to celebrate it together and this festival comes after 7 years only and in that 7 years 6 years is almost finish I have to search her somehow and in that festival she {sitara's younger sister } has to come

Gautam : Okay

Sitara was leaving

Gautam : Wait

Sitara stopped but didn't turned back

Gautam : Turn

Sitara turned

Sitara : What ?

Gautam : But I still want to marry you please agree to it

Sitara was again shocked

Sitara : Have he lost it { in her mind }

Gautam : listen my granny wants me to get married soon has possible if I don't she will sucide

Sitara was again shocked

sitara comes out of her shocks and thinks for sometime

After sometimes

Sitara: Ok but you have search out my sister and after 1 year I will leave you and you to have to leave me

Gautam : okay

Sitara : I have some more condition's

Gautam : Say