
THE Star Queen And Her Contract Marriage { DAILY NEW CHAPTERS }

sitara a star queen. She was searching for her younger sister who was lost in the world of human she tries to search her but she fails. Gautam says to sitara if you will marry me I will search your younger sister. Sitara agrees and gautam and sitara get into a contract marriage for 1 year other side ragini hates sitara. Ragini is gautam's cousin sister why ragini is hating sitara?? what will happen next ?? will they both fall in love ??

ARCHANA · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Sitara's Five Conditions | Gautam's Conditions

Sitara: First | You have to let me go after 1 year

Second | You have to search out my sister in any cost you have said me so you have to do it

Gautam was about to say something but sitara stops him

Sitara: Stop and Wait I have not completed yet

Gautam was with full of anger in his eyes but controls it and tries to mantain the silents

Sitara cointinues { sitara sees gautam's anger }

Sitara: Third | You will not behave rudely with me

Sitara: Fourth | you should not say the truth about me

gautam's inner mind : how will I marry you if I say this to anyone

Sitara: Fifth | You will not cheat me in anyway

Gautam was confused

Gautam's inner mind : what is she saying

Gautam : wait min what do you mean by cheating ?

Sitara: After our marriage you will not be in relationship with any girl

Gautam : Excuse me I am not that kind of person okay

Sara: yeah good happy to hear that

Gautam : I hope you have finished with your conditions

Sitara: yes do you agree to this all conditions

Gautam without thinking he agrees

Gautam : Yes I agree

Sitara: Yeah good Happy to hear that

Gautam : I to have some conditions

Sitara: yeah sure proceed

Gautam : First | you will not hurt any one's heart in my family

Second | You have to behave softly to everyone


Sitara's inner mind : I think I will surely fall for him same like me only thinking about the family

Gautam snaps front of sara face

Sitara: sure I agree to your conditions

Gautam : Good

Sitara: I want 2 days I want to inform this to my family after 2 days I will come back

Gautam : Okay

Gautam starts to walk

Sitara : wait

Gautam : yeah say

Sitara: you didn't introduce yourself



Sitara : I want to know about your family members

Gautam :