
C1: Another Body

"So, it was like that." Xan mumbled.

He understood what happened easily.

His soul was transferred to another body. The body had the identity of Park Li Yeon. He is the only son of the president of the third branch of Mech Corporation that involves technology.

Despite being the only son, he displayed no interest in business and life. He wasted fifteen years living inside their own house alone doing nothing but making sure that his figure is good.

His father can't do anything so he let him do what he wants. His father is in the fight for the position of CEO for the main branch of Mech Corporation.

Since he is one of the sons of the current CEO, he had the ability and chance to be the CEO. However, because of Park Li Yeon acting like that, his chance was reduced making him do double the effort.

The thing that makes him laugh is the fact that Park Li Yeon died because of his own idiocy. He knows nothing about household jobs. Hence, when he tried to blow dry his own hair, he ended up killing himself with the electricity.

"I have his body now. Thus, I am Park Li Yeon and Park Li Yeon is me. I will conquer the world using Xan, as my name."

In South Korea, having nickname or stage names is something ordinary because of the Kpop Culture. Kpop Idols tends to have their own stage names which they are referred to. Their real names are often neglected or even hidden.

He took his phone and looked at the date. "Only a year passed.", he mumbled while indulging himself with the current news.

His phone unexpectedly is the newest and most advance phone in the market amounting ten million won!

(In South Korea, a regular worker can have two million won as yearly salary. )

His father, Park Min Suk is only the third son of his grandfather but he's wealthier than any of his siblings. This is because many people likes his personality and tends to buy things from him. He also has wide network of friends.

He then sighed. Only a year passed but it seems like not a single thing from his past life is existing in this life. Not even the companies he built is here.

Having revenge is completely impossible since they don't even exist in this life. Even if, revenge is for weak people. He'll not bother to go and have his revenge. It's simply too energy consuming.

What he intend to do now is to let nature take it's course. He will do things he want to do without any goal and try to accomplish every consequences.

He heaved a deep sigh once again. In his past life, he had no mother. However, in this life, he still has no mother. What bothers him is he can only remember the past five years of his life.

"Let me see my appearance."

He stood up and looked at the mirror. Park Li Yeon's style can't even compare to a normal person! It simply sucks!

Even so, his face is definitely beyond the limits of the heavens. He had pale skin like a snow and eyebrows as sharp as swords. His body is not that bulky but extremely attractive like a stimulant.

Confusingly, he found out that his white hair is actually natural together with his Ferrari red eyes. His father explained that it was because of his genes mutating and resulted to this.

"I'm too tired always seeing a handsome person when looking at the mirror."

He then removed his clothes and decided to take a shower.

He is no longer the former Park Li Yeon. Hence, there's no need to bother wearing such clothes.

After which, he changed to a better style. The former had his closet filled with different luxury clothes and branded accessories. Not a suspicious thing since his father is wealthy.

If one would see him right now, they'll be shocked to death. Park Li Yeon now is completely different from before. He's extremely handsome and attractive. He gives of elegant and noble presence like no other person.

At this moment, he noticed his own wristband that he forgot to remove earlier. There is three small blinking lights on it. He knows nothing about this like the former Park Li Yeon. Thus, he didn't try to find anything about it.

"So, I am now sixteen and a half years old. I wonder if I could ask my father in this life for something. "

Taking his phone, he took a deep sigh. On his phone wallpaper is his father. The former Park Li Yeon loved his father more than anything. Of course, he also loves his father even though his real father don't exist anymore.

Walking down the stairs, he noticed that the body of Park Li Yeon is actually flexible which is good for dancing and fighting. In addition to this, he found out that he had photographic memory.

Sighing like he lost his life, he said," This young man wasted his life. What a pity."

Not even a single friend nor a buddy. Park Li Yeon is a loner.

After some seconds, he saw his father eating on the sofa. He always have numerous things to do and relaxing like this is a rare sight. His heart warmed up seeing his father innocently eating bread in front of the television.

At the same time, a series of information rushed inside his head. His father is thirty years old now and he is sixteen. That means that he got his mother pregnant when he is only fourteen. A person worthy to be called his father.

(I used American way of counting ages here.)

Due to his age, his father doesn't like anything without sense. He is also handsome and popular around the business industry because of his good looks.

The only thing that prevents women to try and marry him is that he announced that he already has a son which is Li Yeon. The citizens first didn't believe him but connecting the dots, they later believed his statement.

Only his family members knew about his existence but they aren't allowed to talk about it because Park Li Yeon asked them to keep it a secret. Other family members liked this idea since it will lessen the chance of Min Suk becoming a CEO.

"You woke up early." Min Suk spoke without sparing him a glance.

Xan then wondered about the time. Luckily, there is a clock nearby. Almost instantly, his eyes widened. It's already nine in the morning and still early? What in the world is this Park Li Yeon? Could it be that he wakes up at twelve?

Xan then coughed lightly. "It's time to start to fix every mess this Park Li Yeon made. Kid, I'm going to poke my nose into your life.", he thought.

He then moved next to his father. Calmly, he sat next to his father that their shoulder brushed against each other. This stunned Min Suk. He knows that his son doesn't like being touched nor brushing his body against any other people. Moreover, his biggest fear is his father himself. He will always try not to have eye contact with him. "Could it be that he is changing? Or he's just sick?", he thought.

What Xan did made him totally freeze. He coiled his two hands around his fahter's waist; hugging him intimately. "Father, why are you eating bread only? It's not healthy for you."

"Since when did he start caring about me? How many years have it been since he talked to me?" Confusing filled his eyes while letting Xan hug him. Nonetheless, he still felt warmed while Xan hugs him. He then gulped and answered, " I didn't cook."

"Then why don't we go out and eat?" He asked.

"Am I dreaming?" Min Suk thought while trying to digest all events that are happening right now. He faced him and scanned his appearance. Fixed hair, stylish clothes and face with some make up, he changed too much! "Yeon tell me, are you sick?"

Yeon? Xan thought for a moment. Since he is no longer the former Xan, he must stop referring to himself as Xan but Yeon. He is no longer the same person. Starting now, he must be Yeon.

"Yeon isn't sick father. You are the one who will get sick if you continue eating bread everyday."

"Well then, I'll go and change my shirt." His father told him and was about to leave but he stopped him. "Father, I had decided to be your successor. I will be the best son in the world. I'll change for you.