
The Star God Of Ancient.

Mukesh mysteriously transmigrated into the world of supernatural where Ancient Gods ruled the land. He possessed the body of Eric Lancaster who had died by drinking poison when he failed to graduate. Being complete unknown to this, let's see how Eric will gain supernatural powers. How will he solve the puzzle of his reincarnation? Can he return to his home? {The God Of Empty Throne} {The God Of Giant} [As this is my first time writing a novel, I hope you guys will like it.] Disclaimer - The cover photo isn't mine. I gave credit to the real owner, I am not the owner of the cover photo. If the owner wants me to remove it, just let me know.

Mukesh_Dhami · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter - 8 (A Job)

"Since the crystal posed a problem, I decided to throw it back to where I had picked it up. I don't know what unforeseen circumstances the crystal might create if it remains with me. Unfortunately, I even forgot about Eli's birthday celebration due to these events. Regardless, I've already contemplated ending my friendship with my past friends."

Upon reaching the alley, Eric noticed a beggar lying down with a bowl in front. Stunned, a sudden fear gripped his heart. Although he wanted to run, the circumstances restrained him. If he runs he can only run towards heaven. Hiding his fear, he appears calm. Unsure of what to do, He bent down and placed five silver coins in the bowl.

The beggar suddenly turned toward Eric, and their eyes met. Meeting the beggar's gaze, Eric's heart races, but he manages a smile. Then, he calmly walked away without displaying any fear in his demeanor. Although hundreds of thoughts were squiring in his mind, he made himself look calm and smooth. Slowly walking he exited the alley, he halted a passing carriage and climbed aboard. "Take me to the Four Streets," he instructed the carriage driver.

Inside the carriage, Eric took a slow, deep breath as thoughts swirled in his head. That was the beggar that mysteriously disappeared yesterday? So, he really wasn't dead. So, my guess is correct. He must be a supernatural aspect. So, he is the true owner of the crystal and the one responsible for the innocent dogs' deaths. If I linger, he might detect the crystal with me. I wonder if he's already sensed it.

In uncertainty, Eric contemplates his options. If Eric was aware of some supernatural beings, he might have sought refuge. However, lacking knowledge in that aspect, he decides to let fate guide his actions.

No, if fate guides my actions, that beggar might appear next to me. Then, brother; is this your crystal. Sorry, I picked it up last night was suicidal. I can only try to avoid him.

Realizing the potential danger and his lack of knowledge about the beggar's strength, confronting him becomes a distant dream for Eric. Dealing with the beggar directly seems beyond his capacity. If only there were firearms, I would have thrown a grenade towards that beggar and the problem solved. But this wasn't the earth I know.

Concerned about himself, Eric decides to keep the crystal hidden for a few days. Recognizing the potential risks, he muses, "If I take it outside, someone might see it. Walls have ears, and the sky has eyes."

I can only pray that the beggar remains unaware of him taking the crystal. Otherwise, I will have to ascend to heaven quite early. I have already encountered that beggar two times. I don't know what will happen if it happens three times.

Shifting his focus away from his concerns, Eric directs his thoughts to today's work. Heading towards Employment Agency on the Four Streets. Actually he didn't want to go to the Employment Agency to search for a job because he had to pay gold coins. Despite searching he couldn't find any job, so he had to go, even if he doesn't want it. He was a grown up now. He have to take some pressure from his family.

In his past life he taught accounting management.Today, Eric sets out to apply as an accountant, confident that his skills will secure a position. Although he believed that lawyer is one of the most lucrative professions, capable of securing freedom with just two lawful words. But he was just a graduate and failed. But he has more knowledge on business. As for the needed documents, a gold coin might do.

Arriving at the concrete block building, Eric hands twenty silver coins to the carriage driver. The bustling scene indicates the Employment Agency, a government agency where poor people like me get a job. I would have applied from here if I hadn't thought about saving money. Walking inside, he approaches a woman at the reception and says, "Miss, I am looking for a job."

"What type?" she asks without looking up, engrossed in her paperwork. Eric notices she doesn't ask for identification or documents, perhaps preoccupied with her tasks.

Well, an accountant, I replied hastily afraid that she will suddenly ask about my certificate.

"Eh, an accountant," She turned towards me and handed over a receipt, saying, "You're in luck! The people from this address came looking for an accountant this morning. That will be two gold coins."

Two Gold coins! Damn, my pocket money! 

Checking the address, it seems near the police station at the Four Streets, Eric pays the required fee and steps outside with a sigh of relief. "Finally, I found the job," he reflects. Eric walked out of the agency, putting the receipt in his pocket. A two gold coins just for a job. It's even a governmental agency. That's why I don't want to come here.


In the room, instead of inquiring about the lawyer position, he asked about the accountant job, I gave him the address of 'Shelter' that came this morning. The receptionist who was previously at the counter said bowing her head. Then, she gave the two gold coins, the receptionist had taken from Eric to the woman in front of her.

In front of her, a woman with her face covered by a scarf speaks, an accountant? She was surprised, "An accountant?" She wonders why he applied for an accountant position when he studied law. Doubt creeps in—did he deceive them all these years?

Wait! Did you just say 'Shelter'? Said the woman to the receptionist.

Yes, miss. They came this morning. They seem like they just moved from the upper block.

The woman sighed, maybe this is fate. I wanted him to be far from the supernatural aspect but the fate is guiding him towards it.


After an hour of walking, Eric approached the address, Eric noticed a signboard that read 'Shelter.' Pondering the meaning of Shelter, Eric enters. As he reaches the door, it swings open from the inside. A middle-aged man in a hat, gripping a diamond-shaped cane, exits. The man shoots Eric a stern glance before swiftly walking away, seemingly agitated.

Perplexed by the man's seemingly angered expression, Eric wonders if he knows him. The encounter leaves him questioning the nature of the interaction and the man's unexpected reaction.

Entering the hall, Eric observes two individuals: a man in a black shirt and pants, and a woman donning a long red skirt.

"Hello! I'm Eric. How should I address you?" Eric greets them, removing his hat. Then, he observed the room. There were packed boxes and furniture around the hall. It seems like they just moved in.

Caroline looks him up and down, responding, "I'm Caroline."

"Mrs. Caroline, I'm seeking a job, Eric said while he gave the receipt he received from the receptionist to Caroline. If there's an opportunity here, I would be grateful," Eric expresses, hoping for a positive response. Well, searching for a week he didn't get any, he hoped he could find it here.

"We just submitted the request this morning, and someone's already here?" Caroline thought in surprise and take the receipt.

Tell me if there are anything that I need to improve. I will do my best.

Mukesh_Dhamicreators' thoughts