

A mega star in music, fights her way pass the here own barriers of personal growth. Search for her voice that was lost in the mist of the chaos she faced, no one can help her she feel stuck but soon she has a new driver and personal security who hates injustice and guide her to bring her self up and be the star she always be. Unfortunately, his military back ground and the eyes of the world to watch her fall her knees make him detest the music industry, one night after the other he try to bring her to sing her own song, her own voice, her own story. Can this unliky Bodyguard help her open her voice to sing again or she a play thing for all to watch and grumble and laugh....

AladdinAli777 · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter One Betrayal

The sun cast on the eve on long beautiful day Barbados, where the palm tree gentle sways in the breeze of the ocean that brings in the potion of love to all. Her natural green eyes look into the sunrise and she saw all that she has done, and begins to ask herself. How can I become a better mother, looking on to her children, knowing that the answer is there in them. 

She feared the stage, and fears the web that she was entangle as she looks down to her new born child, like a humming bird she glisten in the sun, this Jasmine that was beating, and torn so many time. I love you, I love you not, has take all her beautiful pedals of her once beautiful smile. 

"Rihanna, we most go it is getting late!" A tall bodyguard responded, as he echo information to the car to come around. 

Her sight look one more time to the ocean, and a see begins to tear. Was it all worth it, the money, the fame and all the beating from all. But she remember her two child, as long as she has them in her life there was a glimpse of hope and she made way to the SUV, that pulled out of the private beach with younger son running into the SUV.

"Where is my Husband?"

"He has not check in, all I know is he do a tour before the Grammy's that our coming?" The Bodyguard pull up into the dirt street. 

"Does he have my security on him?"

"Mrs. he left in with his own detail and are heading Las Vegas after another fight?"

Her eyes slightly blink slow and she held her two child careful. She began to tap on the window ever so slowly the rhythm of the beat as the wheels hit the rock. 

"Mrs, as you know this is my last shift as your driver, and the unit well give you another driver. That comes highly recommended and he will drive your car from now on."

"I know, Francis it was great having you for so long, if you ever need anything shit let me know you will always know my number, and remember say hi to the family."

 She slowly got out of the car, as the baby slept in her arm, her son was tired and tried to walk with out tripping over, the mega star house was so beautiful, but at the same time she felt this it, did she reach her true potential, has she already peak. 

She shook her and it was time to think of her children future, and the rest will follow suit. As she pass the mansion and glided like a ghost that haunt her home, something inside her was aching for a new beginning a new start, and new sunrise. She had faded into the back drop. As the kid fell fast to sleep, she went to her personal studio, to game and watch videos.

Looking on the mic, just collecting dust she began to remember the time she love to sing, live and how it was energy she could feel all her body but now she was afraid of the mic, her finger could not touch it any more, she move aways from the mic and began to play League of Legends and slow drifted into a sleep that only God induce. 

She woke up with a jerk at seven in the morning by her publicist and her phone blowing up.

"What the fuck happen now!"

A small thin long black hair and tight suit with phones from all over, handed by an small unit a men and women going frantic.

"Mrs... I can't really..."

"Look at me Lucy what the fuck happen?'

"Let me show you better!''

Lucy pull the tablet in front of Rihanna face and the screen was bomb parted with news from all over the world, a new special police unit was issue to crack down on Hollywood parties, and errotica parties all over the world, that was famous for it wild and sinful nature. The unite was called S.I.N.  Shield In Nature. A private funded by secret elite counsel that move beyond any Government, there only job is sniffing out all illegal activate and children lost in the echo of the system. They are called the hounds, they have all access and travel world wild. 

"What the hell, is this true?" Rihanna looks so shocked.

"It get worst, look here." Lucy bend over and should her another screen.

A man all black suit with black shade began to speak.

"We are holy unite called S.I.N. It is a honor to have men and women serve in are unite for no pay just only drive to stop evil once and for all. Security In Nature, has busted it first Hollywood party with infiltration of our female unite, our investigation is all transparent and well be on live on website s.i.n.org. As of now we have politicians on gun possession, drug charges and underage girls also we have celebrates on lock, as of now the names are Drake, A.S.A.P. Rocky. and Travis Scott. Chris Brown hit one our of female undercover agent and he will be held accountable."

Rihanna stood up, stood up and through the tablet and went into a frenzy.

"What the fuck he told me he was in Vegas for boxing, that mother fucker... I'm going to kill him and so going get my fucking gun.... God help me find a little bit a peace!"

"Mrs calm down, the kids. The thing you have to get out of here, people are going to start coming and also cameras. They want to see you break."

"I'm not leaving my fucking kids."

"Your mom is coming take 24 hours to cool off, we have the new security guy on your drive. They he said he really good."

"Lucy I don't fucking care, who the fuck he is."

Rihanna sped up and put some all black Adidas track suit with a black hoodie.

Rihanna race up the flight of stair, where her kids were still sleeping so peaceful. As she looked down she began to collapse and tear up and cry, it hurt so much that she can never find peace

what good is wealth if you don't have unconditional love, loyalty even warmth. Everything was dark could there be a better future for my children?

Lucy flow in, you have to go now, calls are coming and news reporters are on the line. 

"Fuck Lucy when does this circus ever stop, I'm tired of the light, the stage, I want to disappear with my kids and never be seen again...."

Lucy was thin but had a strong voice, hand her glasses.

"Remember God has a plan for us all, and we are place were we need to be."

She brush her tears with her black sleave and kissed her children again.

"Your mom is on the way, we will hold the fort down. Remember breath and drink water. Oh here take a pineapple."

"What the fuck lucy!"

"You never know where the day takes you!"

Rihanna dark shades in her all black hoodie hung low at the entrance of car, she stood alone waiting.

"What the fuck the first day and this motherfucker is late. I'm going to fuck fuck'em up!"

From a distance a strong old car was heard, as it the palm tree open, it was old Monte Carlos, with all black tinted window.

"Hell the fuck no, I'm getting in that P.O.S. bucket."

As the car screech to a stop a tall dark man and a blue hoodie and a black Atlanta hat. 

"I'm not getting in that...

"Shut up and drive!" He toss the keys to her. 

Shock she looked, she was caught thinking.

"Can you drive?" He slowly lean on the hood of the car.

"Ye Yeas..."

"God valid drivers license?" He put on his shades

"Yea of course!"

"So, shut up and drive!"

"Who the fuck you..."

"Shut up and drive!"

"Whatever, what is your name?" As she handed her black bag with the pineapple.

"My name is Simon and Simon says Shut up and drive!"

"Oh, you got jokes, let me get in!" She push Simon over.

Simon looked on and smiled as he took shut gun. 

She got in the car, and she grip hard on the old steering wheel. As tears began to fall from her glasses.

"But your seat belt on, just drive and forget..."