
Chapter 1

Cai Shengwei, Xin Lumei, Nalan Pong, and Xiang Hai were the best of friends. No matter what difficulties they face, whether it was bullies or homework, they persevered together. Although Cai Shengwei wasn't the leader of the group, he was the brain. He could wiz through math equations like a cheetah on rocket fuel and could memorize nearly everything he hears in a split second.

Xin Lumei was the one who would lead them all to victory. She was the only one of them who knew how to focus on everyone's skills and to strengthen them. Nalan Pong was a quiet dude, but he sure does have some lungs on him. Plus, he was the artist of the group. He could draw anything on his mind and play any instrument you could throw at him. As for Xiang Hai, he was the muscles of the group since his physical capabilities surpassed everyone else.

A few days before they entered Mystic Mansion, they wanted something to quell their boredom. Since Halloween was coming soon, Xin Lumei had suggested going to a haunted house instead of trick-or-treating. They each felt they had long outgrown the holiday, so they agreed to her proposal. However, they grabbed some candy from the store so they could satisfy their sweet tooth for the next few nights.

Now, on to the haunted house they went as little children went from house to house to beg for a few pieces of candy. This was actually their first year refusing to go hunt for delicious chocolates, but they found it was much easier (and safer) to just buy some. So, the group of four traveled inside while munching on some Snickers or Milky Ways.

According to the receptionist, Mystic Mansion was a haunted house where groups of any number can wander around without a guide. She had said that it would add on to the eerie atmosphere of the place, so they gladly paid twenty bucks each to get inside.

"And you don't have to worry about getting lost." She had said. "There are cameras everywhere, so when it is time to close up, we can go inside and lead you to an exit. Do you want to set up a specific time so that your parents won't worry?"

Cai Shengwei exchanged glances with everyone and knew exactly what they were thinking. "Closing time will be fine."

"Are you sure? Mystic Mansion closes at 3 am."

Xin Lumei poked her nose in and confirmed their choice before they were led to the entrance. The receptionist smiled. "Please enjoy your time."

The children gave her their thanks as they stumbled into the dark tunnel. The ground felt soft beneath their feet and their shoes were starting to become hard to pick up. "What did they place on the floor? I hope it doesn't ruin my Nikes." Xiang Hai grumbled. Cai Shengwei couldn't help but smile at his words as he knew he really cared for his shoes more than anything else.

Their walk in the dark was filled with smacking lips in dissatisfaction and an attempt to devour the candy in their hands. A low murmur of whispers was wailing in the background as the tunnel began to widen and brighten. At the top of an arc were a set of scratchy words: "Room of Souls ahead. BEWARE!!"

The group members giggled as they passed the checkpoint. Although he would never admit it out loud, Cai Shengwei was a bit scared of ghosts. There was a time when he was home alone when all the cabinets in the house kept opening themselves up, no matter how many times he had closed them. Once, he even saw one of the opening without anyone there to move it. He flat out refused to stay home alone anymore, so he went over to Nalan Pong's house to play. For nearly a year, he slept with his parent's bed instead of in his own. Even to this day, he had to use a nightlight if he wanted to sleep. He knew the light wouldn't be able to ward off a real ghost as when the cabinets moved, it was during the day. It gave him a slight comfort. He also couldn't sleep without a blanket laying on top of him, for, sometimes, he could swear he could feel someone watching him. Of course, he would never say anything about his sleeping habits to anyone, even his closest friends.

However, his fear was for naught as it was only a few bodies hanging from their necks, a lot of fog, and the wailing got louder. Despite Cai Shengwei's queasiness, he couldn't hold back a small "Pff!" It took all he had to not laugh in relief. The others were in similar states as well.

"That wasn't so bad," Nalan Pong mumbled as he fiddled with the wrapping of the Snickers bar he had just eaten.

"Room of Souls? More like Room of Poles!" Xiang Hai remarked as he pointed at various pole-like structures around the area.

"I'm not sure if this was worth a hundred dollars..." Xin Lumei whispered before leading the group to a new area.

As they grew deeper into the night, they passed through many rooms. Some gave them a nice jump scare while others were plain out disappointing. Eventually, Cai Shengwei got bored and asked what time it was. Xin Lumei glanced at her watch. "Two!" She replied.

"Let's try a few more rooms before finding our way out," Cai Shengwei said and the others nodded their heads in agreement. If only they would have decided to leave then, they would not have to go through the pain and suffering they were about to experience.

I am still fairly new to writing, so there are bound to be some mistakes, especially since this is going to be the first draft. Don't worry. I have a plan thought out in my head for the plot, so it shouldn't be too terrible.

I'm gonna try to get a cover for the story as soon as possible as well, so be a bit patient with it. :D

I will be updating at least once a week at minimum. Anyways, I hope you will enjoy this story as much as I will. ^.^

FlameSeacreators' thoughts
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