
The Spymaster And The Queen

A medieval world with a touch of magic. Warring kingdoms on a path to destruction. A charming spymaster with his own agenda. A supposedly timid queen with unknown inner strength. Please enjoy ;D

Liium · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Stars And The Moon

In 23 BLD, the world of Erosia was a divided one. Kingdoms split and warred. Inside those kingdoms, factions fought, and power struggles roiled in the factions. Brigands frequented the roads, robbing and murdering. Corrupt kings robbed their countries blind with taxes, and gave not a whit. Armies fought for whoever paid the most, and they fought often. As farms and castles alike burned, a light shone through the chaos.

Luna, a itinerant girl no older than 20, had gathered a collection of followers. Throughout Erosia they travelled, giving gifts, healing, and averting conflicts when possible. They resolved disputes, saved lives, and became heroes. In a dark sky, they were shining stars, and that became their name; The Stars. In the center of it all, Luna was their moon; selflessly sacrificing all she could to help as many as possible.

When they had travelled the kingdoms and back again, with a solid following of thousands, Luna decided to built a Queendom, the first ever. After searching for months for an appropriate spot to build their capital, they settled on the Irosian mountains. It was a rugged terrain, easily defended, but full of natural beauty and resources.

Work commenced immediately, and the common folk still spread the tale that the castle and surrounding villages were build with dedication, trust, and generosity. As the years past, the civilization grew with remarkable speed. Nearby mines were exploited, and soon the capital began to shine with riches and prosperity. Corrupt officials were banished, violence was not permitted. For a long, blissful time, all was well.

But human nature is an undeniable, ugly thing, and before long lustful eyes turned upon the citadel. Measuring its defenses, and counting its wealth. And one night while the world slept, and army encroached on the decade long peace. As houses burned and civilians were slaughtered, Luna watched, horrorstruck, from her balcony. As the ruins of her dreams shattered and hit the ground around her, she simply fell. When the impact came, it was said that a shockwave rippled through the city. Colors dulled, building crumbled, and the citizens wept at the death of the First Queen.

But as before, a beacon was visible amidst the gloom. A boy no older than 7 was holding the light of the sun in his outstretched palms. As they watched, he flung his hands at the soldier who had just ran his mother through. A blinding laser shot out, and cored him.

As blood rained down, miraculous and impossible gifts were bestowed to the surviving civilians. Men, women, and children alike were given extraordinary powers. The attacking force however, was not. They continued their wanton pillaging and murder, oblivious. The rebellion started with one man. That was all it took. A scream rent from sorrow filled lungs, and an explosion ripped the air apart. As soldiers were sent flying, others turned their gifts on the army, with pitiless anger in their eyes.

The army was obliterated, and the bloodied remains were hung up as food for the vultures. Luna had bought the queendom safety with her sacrifice. But... human nature is inevitable. Without their leader, The Stars simply broke apart. One by one, they left, and returned to their homes, scarred.

But before long, corruption spread like a plague. Drunk on their newfound abilities, they travelled the kingdoms like lords. They lay with whoever they wanted, unknowingly spreading the gifts wide and far. They extorted and threatened. They butchered and tortured. As Luna looked down in horror, the last remnants of the Queendom were knifed in the dark, and strangled in their sleep.

As the Lunian ruins rotted away, it appeared that The Star's brief infamy had done nothing to change the world. Corruption still corroded the inside of governments, and people fell back into their daily lives. But eventually, change did come.

Women began to run for public office, and many succeeded. Virtuous leaders lead armed sweeps into the countryside, clearing it of thieves and brigands. By 63 ALD, the world had appeared to change for the better. However, one relic of Lunian times remained virulent.

The powers that had been gifted to The Stars appeared to only have a 1 in 10 chance to be passed down by a empowered parent at birth. Because of this, there were only an infinitesimal amount still in the world. However, rare as it was, the gift had been passed down. It became known as Aeolia, and those gifted by it were called Aeolian, sometimes reverently, sometimes cursedly. Many variations occurred, and despite being scoffed at as a wives tale by many, they were documented in some obscure tomes. This is as except from one of the most commonly read; The History Of The Stars And The Moon.


(Info: 1. This is Leons power, the only one revealed yet. 2. Evo 1 means it's only at the first evolution, and can evolve given the proper circumstances. 3. The Rarity Tiers are as follows: Common, Rare, Special, Extreme. Rumors of a Divine Tier have circulated, but no evidence has been shown.)

Type: Neucromancian

-Class: Ghoulien

-Characteristics: Green, Weapon Enhancement, Body Enhancement, Life Drain (Evo. 1), Crystal Summoning (Evo. 1).

-Rarity: Extreme

Type: ??? (This means I haven't included it in the story yet ;P)

Type: ???

Type: ???

Type: ???

Type: ???

This is kind of a bit of plot/background chapter meant to give some history, and clear up any misconceptions about the powers. Please let me know what you think in the comments! We'll be heading the the Queen's perspective soon ;D. Hope you enjoy!

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