
Chapter 33

10 years before the events of the present day,

"My king. What is this place."

King of Isabella and father of Mia, Jameson Isabella

"That I want to know as well. To think such a place existed beneath the castle. Oswald"

Oswald, court mage of Isabella.

"Does her highness know?" 

"She does. She mention a great evil happened here. She was not able to give details though. She believes a curse will be placed on us if she told me. She will take this curse to her grave. She told me not meddle in this place."

"What did you bring me here for Sire?"

"Your a mage. What do you feel here? Any superstitions?" "...Well I do feel strange like great death his here. Some thing awful did happen here."

"I get the same feeling as well."

"Did the former queen and king know of this too." "That I don't know. No records of this place was recorded or ever talked about during family gatherings. Do you feel it the mana built up in this place."

Oswald looked down at the hole. This no mana of the light nor darkness. "Your majesty. What do you intend to do here?"

"To find out the truth. Lazare had tried to invade our kingdom the moment the old royal was overthrown and killed. That was three years ago. And this place has been here longer then that. They had tried to invade us so many times again and again. Before that the old royal family would send us a declaration of war but these past five years they have started a war simply out of nowhere. Its concerning and this place is the only thing I can think off."

"What use of this would they have?"

There is only one people who want a place like this. The mage academy and the imperial family of the South. "The southern empire and mage academy want this underground area. I can only assume its because of the powerful mana concentrated here."

"The academy has been collecting mana from ancient areas of this world as of lately. I just don't know why."

"Guess I have to paid Vlatka to keep this place away from here. Knowing her she will do anything for money. And make sure to have priest bless this place. So no one can sense the mass mana here and the negative energy as well."

"Of course."

I need to head back to the castle. Mia should be done with her lessons today. "Lets go then." "My king you plan to walk through the city?"

"Why not. I need to check in on how the city is doings. Its been awhile since I've taken a walk." He still hasn't learn to be a proper king. But that makes him unique its why I decided to follow him here. "As you wish my king."

Jameson like he said walked through he city and drew a lot of attention. A king normally doesn't walk through dirty and common places. "The port is thriving greatly I see."

"Of courses. Thanks to the iron faction." True with their extensive trade network we wouldn't be this wealthy. One of these days we might lose that support and well have to stand on our of feet. Things in Dantina are concerning as well.

"What has happen to the world."

"Do you want my answer sire?"

"Its why I asked it Oswald." "...Greed and culture." Greed I understand but why culture? "Explain to me how that is?"

"There are thousands of different ethic cultures in the land of stars sir. And they all are like oil and water. Its teaches us different values and with that teaches us that our way of life is right. And the result is war."

"...I never thought of it like that before. Why do people not realize that?" "...When you have a lot of power over everything including food. It clouds the mind of the people and the rulers. Or they just aren't bright enough to realize that."

"I see." This port. My wife's legacy and her family history is written here on these shores. I'll never let it fade. Not even the gods can destroy. "Lets head back." Once they enter the place Jameson was greeted by young Mia. She hugged her father so hard he could suffocate. It showed how much she loved her family.

"Father your back."

"I always come back." "I know." She looks worried. Did some thing happen? "What's wrong?" Mia couldn't muster up the words. Jameson then instead looked at her personal maids. "What happened?"

"Your majesty. Some of your family members have come. And they scolded her for acting in shameful manner when being in their presence. As of right now your wife is arguing with them right now in the visitors room."

Those damn bastards. "Send the princess back to her rooms." "Father?" "You dad has to deal with these rats that have entered your home sweety. So go and rest and eat some sweets." 


Jameson faces turns sour when she left. "How long have they been here? When did they get here?" "They have been here for while. They did not sent ahead a notice of there arrival. Oswald immediately called out their wrong.

"How arrogant of them to not notify the royal family and coming announce! They must think their royalty since your married to her majesty!"

"Lets go. I don't want my poor wife to waste her energy on them." In the visitors room was a bunch of arguing and insults being tossed at one person to another. 

Queen of Isabella and mother of Mia, Ela Isabella

"She only a little girl! She does not need to be engaged to anyone!" "This is for the good of this country and ours!"

"You've only just got here and your already arguing with my wife." Infront of him were three old men that regard themselves important to society. "Your majesty. Please tell your wife that its custom in our family to to marry at this age."

"...This a matter that does not relate to the royal family. And I understand you hold your traditional value. Mia can decide who she marries when she is of age."

"Your father will not like this."

Ela stops them before they could speak and slowly gets up. Jameson holds her hand and back to supports her. "What his lord likes and dislikes does not matter to the royal house. He has not say in her life or in this nations interest. If he wants to marry off someone then tell him to marry of one of his sons. He has many does he not?"

"Please your majesty show some respect for his lord." "He lost respect after what he did last year when he brought his entourage and foreign prince to Mia's birthday party unannounced. He has not respect for our tradition so there is no respect at all."

She's getting pale. "My wife is tired. She must rest. Maids take the lords to their rooms and with refreshments."

Damn old man. How long do you plan to be like this. Mia needs to be ready for what's coming. "Your people are a hassle Jameson."

"They've always been like that."

"I'm glad your not like them and that I've fallen in loved with an individual."

"Ela. You should have left the talking to one of our attendants. Your sickness is getting better as of late. But walking and being around of those people will make it worse then it is right now."

"Its abouts our daughter. Anything related to her I will deal with. Besides some with actually power needed to keep them in check. If it was any one else they would have used their titles to harm and through insults at the lower rank."

"...I should have been here." Jameson lays her in her bed while the maids make her bed comfy. "Your leaving soon right?"

"Yes. Duke Moreya will be hosting a ball and many people will be there. It will be a perfect time to form alliances."

"Maybe be you should take Mia. She could form friendships that could lead to alliances of her own." Hm. Its not a bad idea. But I'm worried about running into my father and his family. Still she needs friends. As the only hair she needs to learn how to be a diplomate.

"Fine. She may be young but she needs to learn how to talk with those of equal or higher status. I'm worried though about leaving you alone here in the castle."

"Heh. Vlatka will be here. She will keep me safe."

"She still hasn't learned some manners or privacy." "Don't be mad at her. She's loyal and treats us as family."

"I know."

"You have more work." 

"I do. I need to go down to the black market. Their is someone I need to meet." "And who would that be?"

"Henkeva. General of the Slova people. Its seems he's taken on the task I offered him. Its surprising honestly. With all the fighting he's been doing I didn't think he would answer."

"Can you trust him?"

"He's fighting for the freedom of non-humans I say thats more then enough to trust him. I just wonder what the price is for him to help us."

"...Its almost here is it."

"...Yes. We need to make sure Mia has all the support she needs when the times for her to rise as queen of Isabella."

"She will be ready and she will be the greatest queen to ever be on the throne of this great nation. She just needs more time to prepare for her destiny."

"And we will make sure she is right Ela."

"Of course. My king." The both of them share a deep kiss. The love they have was stronger then the most power of love spells. Jameson afterwards was in the heart of the black-market waiting for Hen to show up. Suddenly Hen appears next to the king.


"Its pleasure to meet you. My name is Henkeva." "A pleasure."

"We should get some food. To ease the tension. After all me and you are enemies...or was." "Sorry about that. I was child and had a bit of anger all the time. I wish what I did to your peoples home was nothing but a nightmare I had. Sadly it wasn't"

"Its fine. You lost anyway and none of my people were killed. So there's no real grudge other then resent of my people."

He's powerful. He is no doubt the right man to help Mia. "Then shall we?" "Of course, Your majesty.