
Chapter 28

"Its nice to meet you...I would introduce my self. Unfortunately you know who we are already. Meaning you've been watching us." "Only those I'm interested in."

"I see."

She pours her a drink. "Its not the only reason though." She takes gulp of her wine. "Mia has taken an interest in you and I wanted to know who she has in her castle." 


"Before we discuss anything we must clear any motives. She may not know it but I do care for the princess only because she is the daughter of my friends."

"Your like an her aunt."

"A benefactor. A business partner."

"And what business do you do?" "Aren't you here lady in waiting? Its strange to not know of her secret."

She shouldn't have answered that question. We don't want Vlatka to become suspicious of us. "I have just become her lady in waiting. I knew she keeps a lot of secrets. But I don't pry into her life. Unless she feels the need to tell me. For now I am just her lady in waiting."

"...You know how to talk for young girl.....I hardly ever see girls like you. I can sense how weak your mana is and yet its also powerful." 

"I don't need a white knight. All I need is friends who I can rely on and each other." She reminds of Mia. She doesn't follow the tradition of society. "What business do you have with me?" "Its obvious. Isn't it."


"The imperials. You seemed to be doing business with them. I find it strange though how you say your a business partner with the princess and yet you help her enemy. Besides that we need to know where they are and where they would be at when the siege starts. Their going to make attack the castle during that time. We know it."

Vlakta seemed confused on allegations though. "What are you talking about? I have never made not one deal with those stuck bastards."


"I don't who here is helping them but I am certain we have never helped them ever in the time they have been here."

"Then who?" 

"The rules are more complicated Miss Alie. I may be the leader but I can't intervene in other mercenary groups jobs and business or personal thieves lives. I am only here to be a regulator here. To make suer they don't steal amongst each other with the black market and follow the rules."

Laney steps up to Vlatka. "But the princess!"

"This is her war. I'm a thief, a merc. I am a wanted criminal through out the entire land of the stars. If I help her it will look very bad for. The other countries would see her as someone who has lost her grace by the god of light. They would remove her from her throne. Its why nobles and royalty try to keep everything they do a secret."

"I can't do any thing about it and the rules here prevent me from doing anything to stop the anyone here from helping the imperials."

Talk about clearing the room. All secrets are out now. Alie asked her a question. Then what would you do if you could not do anything because of the rules?"

"...Its not a easy question."

"I know. But we can still help each other. But of course we need to build a trust between us. The princess has given me permission to come here and ask for you to be my wholesaler. And I believe if will benefit the both of us."

"What are you offering?" She explained in detail of the product she wants to sell. Vlatka did not refute her offer. Of course she asked what we wanted. "All we need is for you to find the location of the imperial headquarters and let us know where they will be when the siege begins."

"You kids seem to know what your doing. But I advice you to be careful. They are dangerous people especially their leader. He goes by the name Kane. He has blessing from the god of night."

"A blessing I asked?" 

"Its a type of power only gods give to humans." "From a god of night its probably a blessing that isn't natural."

"Then he's the first one we need to take down." Vlatka shakes her head. "No the one you should take out first is a girl name Kelager. Her magic is causes many problems when trying to locate people. A type of illusion magic."

"Your terms can be settled. But not a word that we helped you. It will be bad for both you an me. And for your unique way of perfume. I can have a profit with it soon. But we need this war to end. Of course I expect it to end very soon."

"Can I ask one more favor." 

"...Sign...go ahead." "The people who have been helping the imperials. Do you have an idea of who?"

"No but their not hiring people who work alone. The imperials want organized groups to aid in their war. My guess is their working with those with a high reputation. And the reason I don't know is because we have hundreds of groups here. So i can't say for sure who their doing business with."

"But their must be one that sticks out then most. Maybe the group that was poisoning the river."

Vlatka ponders for a bit. "No. That group you saw are mercs. Only assassins are capable of getting into the castle all those attempts on the general. Their is one group but I can't say the name for it will curse my voice forever."

"Do they go by another name?" 

"People started calling them the bogey men. They recently came here to settle. They are not originally from here."

"Where can I find them?"

"Listen kid. Your in my market. No one is allowed to do anything on these grounds. Even if your business partner and as one of my partners you must think of about our relationship."

"Your right. My apologizes."

"And don't mention your name to anyone here. The imperials are here. I just don't know who. But I will. I will have names and location before the day the Lazare army steps into this city."

"I hope we have long relationship. Madam Vlatka"

"Before you go I would like to talk with your friend over there. The half-blood." "...Why."

"Relax. Here's your protector I wouldn't dare to touch any of your people since we have an agreement. I need to confirm some thing." "Its fine Alie."

"...Ok. I'll be outside."

She steps outside with so worry that Vlatka would do some thing. Honestly she could if she wanted to. I realized how little power we have here."

"Your name is Ivalyo correct?"

"Yes." "Tell where does you alliance lie." "You already know the answer." "I don't trust the words of half-bloods. They always lie."

"I thought you know everything about me?" 

"No. Half-bloods don't have families. Human and non always leave their children at orphanages or kill them before they learn to walk. Its a shame they don't want to have. So its hard to know everything about you."

"I was slave. Born a slave. My mother never told me who I am. I was lost and tried to find some thing to fill a need my mother provided. And...I think I found it...Alie. She is the only one I stand with and provide my strength too."

"Hmm...I don't trust you kid and there's still so many things I want to know about relating to you. Having some in this city I don't know about is a red flag...but the Mia and my partner seem too. So I will trust that. But just remember I am always watching."

"I get it. No need for the threats."

"You not very fun to be around...sign...kids these days." "What are you so weary of me?" "Come on now. Half bloods were the reason why the beast-kingdom fell. Once the royal house was dead and its armies defeated they pillaged the entire country and scorched it all. They gained a reputation for it. Now people are wary of every half-blood that comes around."

I did notice how people are wary of me. Even the princess was wary. That assistdent of hers too has been eye balling me since I got back. Now I know why."

"Thank you for telling this. Now I need to clear things up."

"...Your welcome.."

I should go now. There probably worried. And proven right. Alie had hugged tightly. She was really worried. "She didn't do anything right?"

"Nah. I'm fine." I think I'm showing more emotion then i ever did before. Alie and Laney notice as well.

"Lets go."

"Go where?" "Well were here now. Lets go explore this place. Lets enjoy ourselves." "She's right. We hardly ever get to have fun and I bet they have many thing we can do here." "Would that be ok with the princess?"

"Of course. Besides. I think you deserve it Ivalyo. So why not."

"...Sure. But I don't know how to have fun." She grabs my hand and locks it. 

Then let us show you. That's why I'm here to show you new things. So how about?" 

"...Sure. Lets have fun."