
Chapter 15

What is the rule to war? Chivalry? No. History has never honored it. Unnecessary suffering is how I describe wars. What is the goal or war? Is there such thing as a bad guy or a good guy? Yes. At least in this era...we know who the enemy is.

"Reading a book huh." 

"Yeah...just nervous. What you Alie?" "A little. I'm more nervous about losing you tonight. I didn't think you'd be fighting in a battle today."

"Neither did I." I can already see what she's thinking. That this is all her fault. But this is the only way to gain the princess trust even just a little. It's ironic. I finally got away from humans and now I'm fighting a war for them. 

"Let's talk for a bit." "You mean what me and the princess have agreed on?" "That and some other things." We pour some tea together to relax while chatting. A country built by a unknown person. Sounds like an old tale.

"I already know why you want to build a kingdom. Just wonder what kind is going to be?" "I haven't gotten that far. But I don't plan to become queen if you worried about that. I think the age of kings and monarchs are coming to an end."

"I don't they would like that...or even let that happen." "Then I guess more wars will continue. It's sad honestly." 

"Did you and the princess talk about it?" "A little bit. She said she is not against the idea, but she needs to focus on the war that is coming. Then she will consider support."

"I don't think she can. After this war it could be a long time before Isabella can recover from all this." "I know."

"Then?" She lays her head on the table. "Alie?" 

"It could take a long time for us to get where we want to be. And I think the idea of working hard for goals is fulfilling. That is the one thing that can be joyful with so little in the world."

"Is it? I worked very hard to survive from getting killed when I was a slave. I never enjoyed anything about working hard for something."

"Thats because they made you worked for something that you never wanted. That is their own selfish goal. Don't let your past keep you from working toward what you want." 

Someone's own goals. Again, her choice of putting words together is perplexing and peculiar. But the topic of it is clear. Thinking back on it I never once thought goal. I haven't found my purpose or a goal.

"Ivalyo." "Terra." "It's time. We have to board the boats now. We have to ahead of schedule. The general is about to explain our part of the attack."

"Right. Let's go." "Ivalyo." Alie grabs on to my hand. "Stay safe and if you have to. Run as fast as you can." "I will. Stay close to Laney. WE don't know if the imperials will come tonight. And don't try to fight them one on one. Fight with Laney or whoever is here tonight."

"I will. Before you go. I'll cast a spell for protection. If you ever come close to dying the spell will let out a light that will blind them." 

Light magic? 

"Terra?" "Ah, it's nothing. Come on we don't want to be late." Light magic. There's no way right. And to cast it so efficiently? Who is she?

"..." I'll just keep it to myself. It's not my business but I should tell her to not cast magic like that in front of people. After tonight.

Underneath the castle was large open waterway with hundreds of boats that can fill at least 10 each. It led out into the ocean. Hen calls for attention and to be quiet.

"All right. Right now, we are attacking Fort Ian. It the only one with in the city and is very valuable. We need to take it back for us to keep the city in control and safe for the incoming invasion from Lazare."

On the wall was a map of the fort. "The fort only has one way and that is the front. But we will make our own way to the top of the fort with the ladders we have. They are tall enough to make it over the wall."

"Sir what is they see us before we can even make it to the fort?" "I was getting to that. The princess is the only well-trained mage in the kingdom. She will be casting a fog spell to keep us hidden from them."

"The general will lead his men to the front of the wall. I will lead my half of the pen on small part of land near the fort. We will be attacking from the fight of the fort."

"Terra will be climbing up first and keep hidden until the knights begin their assault." Terra is leading her own attack. She must have gained a lot of trust from the general for someone so young. 

"We are to capture or kill the knight captain." The general puts down the map and prays to his people. "I won't promise you will all come back alive. I will take on the responsibility of your friends and family. That is all I can do."

"We all know what are here for sir. We fight for the better of our people. Besides the princess is the only one who is letting us stay here when no other country would take us in."

They all nodded in agreement. I never seen people so prepared to die for a future that is unknown. My feelings are all over the place right now. The totality of it all is getting to me. "Ivalyo." 

"General." "You, ok?" No but I don't want to show my weakness in front of them. I don't want to feel pathetic ever again. Hen was not a fool. He can see how nervous I am.

"I won't force you to go, and no one will blame you too. But if you are determined to still go. Just stay close together. And stay focus on the goal and focus on surviving."

"Why am I like this. I've killed before. So why?" "It's natural to feel like this. Battles can be intense, and it brings your life closer to death. So, its natural. If your still uneasy you can jump out of the boat and swim back to the port. Alright."

"No... I'm fine." "Alright than let's begin." Hundreds of men board their boats ready to set off. In the castle the princess begins her casting of fog on her balcony. But there was not enough. "Damn it. It's not enough."

"Allow me." Alie steps up to cast another fog. Her fog was bigger and appear rather quickly. "You are quite good at casting. Did you ever attend the mage academy?" "No. I learn from books." "Really. You're a self-taught mage. Its impressive."

"Thank you." "...Even though I graduated from the academy. I passed with a low-grade rank." "Is it because of your casting?" 

"Yes. My body is not fit for mage nor knight. The mana heats up my body like fire. Casting can be difficult for me when my hands burn. Some people are just built for certain things. Being a princess was what I am destine for."

"...Your leader. That is what you are destine for."

"Hah. You're a very positive person. I envy to see things in a better way just like you." "Maybe after all this. You can start to look at things differently." 

She ponders. "You earn my trust...just a little miss Alie." "Hehe."

Back on the waters. We admired how thick the fog was. It was too thick honestly. Luckly Me and Terra can sniff the fires and smell form the fort. So, we were in front. 

Hen signals for Terra to split off. WE got to the base of the fort. There was no ground or anything to grab on to. We are luck the waves are silent or else we would be climbing a moving ladder. The pounding in my heart is fast. But I was composed.

Breath. Breath. On the other side. Terra and her party climb over the wall. They hid along the stone walls. Teh knights were drinking but some talking and beginning to get drunk. "No one is keeping watch. Thats good."

In the front of the gates. A large force of knights hides with the city buildings. The fog was so large it had covered the entire city.

Its good thing but. Will the imperials take this chance to attack the castle. The knights with the fort were starting to get worried. "Captain. Things are very strange out here?" 

"What is it?"

"There is a large dog around the city. And there this strange atmosphere in the air!" Mia's knights begun their assault. They began to push forward with a battling ram they ram it into the wooden gates. They repeated hit it until the gates broke.

The shouts were our signal. Terra and party run out of hiding to attack the fort knights. "Now! Climb!" They placed the ladder against the walls and were sturdier than I thought. But I never climbed. I was frozen in fear.

I can't move. Hen me frozen. He puts his hand on my shoulders. "Go. Swim back the port. I won't force you to fight. No one will blame you. Living is important." 


"Don't be sorry. Not everyone can do this. But you have what it takes to be a warrior. but now is not the time. So go." Hen nods to me and makes his way up the ladder.

"No... I." I was alone down in the waters while the battle rages on. The imperials took a chance to attack the castle.

"I'm sorry. Gerneral."