
The Spirit of Freedom

Yuhven Libert is a man surrounded by geniuses, but he himself is quite ordinary. He never knew what he wanted to do with his life, so he spent it helping those geniuses reach their goals. He pushed them forward when they would stop, carving a path for them to walk along, even though he had no path himself. One day, when he is offered the opportunity to go on a journey and find his own path, he takes it. Little does he know the rabbit hole he will soon fall down, which involves supernatural creatures and abilities, different dimensions of the universe, absolute evil, a universal war between light and dark, and fate itself. How will his journey pan out, and just what exactly is in store for him?

HenryKuhn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

011: Goal

What is this?

It feels so comfy on my back.

I rolled around in the comfy substance.

It just makes me want to rest here forever.

After what I've been through, I deserve this.


My body sat up.

A bed?

No wonder it felt so comfortable.

A very soft, comfortable bed.

Next to a carpet with a weird design.

Next to a table with an old lady sitting on it.



I was happy for a moment, and now that's all gone.

"Welcome, it's about time we had a chat."

She said.

"Chat? HA! Don't give me that."

"Oh, now why might you be so angry?"

"It's your fault I'm in this mess, yet I don't know why I'm here, where 'here' is, or what my mission is."

"You already know what your mission is."

"Defeat Asol."

"If that's the way you see it."

She rose to her feet.

She walked over to the bed and picked it up.

Located under it was a trapdoor.

"Now then, you know what to do next."

"Hold on, you haven't answered any of my questions."

"Hm…I don't have to."

"WHAT?! You got me into this mess, you ought to at least tell me what exactly is going on."

"If I told you the answers then there would be no point in the test."


"Let me put it simply. I have the power to see the future, but the further into the future I look, the more possibilities there are."

"You know I would have said that was bullshit, but at this point, I'm convinced that absolutely anything is possible, so where exactly do I fall into all of this?"

"That is for you to come up with."

"Are you telling me to defeat Asol and save the universe?"

"I might be."

"And what is the chance I do that based on your future sight?"

"I've seen exactly 145,627,890,546,690,883 possibilities."

"Great, and how many times do I defeat him?"

"What do you think?"


"Did you think it would be anything else?"

"Great, so not only did you drag me into this crazy thing, but I also have almost no chance of pulling it off. You know you're truly an incredible motivator."

"Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment."

"Yes, but I chose to take it as one, you see everything in this universe is about perspective. Nothing is one-sided, you need to look at every dimension, not just one. For example, you strive to be a hero, but the hero you strive for has three dimensions to it: power, virtue, and reasoning. You only possess two."

"You mean virtue and reasoning, correct?"

"I will not answer that."

"Well, can you tell me a way to get power?"

"I already have."

She pointed to my right hand.

The red string?

I get it.

She's planned out a path for me, the path to victory, the one and only chance, but she cannot force me to follow it.

It is up to me to choose to follow the path.

"I have given you a piece of my power, it is what is leading you into the center of the forest, and it is also what allows you to see me in your dreams."

"But why?"

"That is for you to figure out."

"No, you have to tell me, I need to know."

"Too bad."


"You sound desperate, that doesn't sound like a virtue a hero would have."


Is she saying that I do not have virtue after all?

I thought that I have virtue because of my courage, and I have reasoning because I want to protect those I care about.

But bravery alone isn't virtue.

She said nothing is one-sided, meaning there are more dimensions to the realm of virtue.

There are also probably more dimensions to bravery, and more dimensions on top of that.

I get it now.

Nothing is that simple.

The more you think about something the more complicated it gets.

You solve one puzzle piece, but twenty more appear.

If I don't possess virtue, then I possess reasoning and power.

I understand the reasoning section, but I am too weak to have power.

I'm not strong or fast.

I can't read the future.

I can't do that.

But I can…

Use absolute evil as my own power.

No, it's too risky.

But if there are multiple dimensions to every aspect of the universe, then maybe there is a way to control absolute evil, and I just simply have to find it.


The old lady thought.

I did what I had to, and he responded exactly as I wanted him to.

He is slowly discovering himself.

Yuhven Libert…

I look forward to the day when you stand above everyone else.

The path is laid out before you…




It took me a moment to notice, but when I was still piecing it all together, she pushed me down the hole, and I fell down its endless structure.

It didn't bother me, because I already knew where I was going.

Maybe I was wrong beforehand.

The old lady is one hell of a motivator.

I hit the ground hard.

The water trickled into my mouth.

I'm here…


I rose to my feet.

I stood on water, surrounded by the depths of the universe.

The last time I was here, the sheer magnitude of what my eyes were comprehending was enough to cause me to pass out, but this time it wasn't like that.

I stood tall and took in the view.

It was stunning.

No words could possibly explain it.

It would be criminal to attempt to describe such a masterpiece.

I used to be confused about what exactly was out there, and what it all meant for me.

I wanted answers.

But now…

I've changed.

I can see every granule of the universe, and each one has its own dimensions.

I want to discover just what these dimensions have to offer.

I want to know it all.

The secret to the universe.

That will help me defeat Asol.

I must know…

For then I will know what my true mission is.

I reached my hand out, and tried to grab onto the view I saw before me, but in a split second, it all vanished.

I was now reaching out toward a large golden tree.

A red string was attached to my right hand.

It attached me not to the tree but to the thing in front of it.

A large marble throne.

It had vines growing along it, almost like it had been abandoned for centuries.

It was so massive that you would have to be over 100 feet tall to sit in it.

And she was exactly that height, maybe even taller.

In front of me stood a giant child.

She looked to be between the ages of five and eight.

She had pale white skin, which complimented her long white hair running down to her waist perfectly.

Her white dress just added to the vibe.

She was the essence of purity.

"Where is he now?"

She asked.

"He seems to be resting after his ferocious battle."

Another voice said.

It came from a massive Venus Flytrap located next to the throne.

It spoke English, and it just felt very strange.

"Should I take care of him?"

A third voice said.

This one came from a massive wolf with dark black fur.

So dark that it reminded me of a starless night sky.

He had beautiful blue eyes that felt as if they pierced through my soul.

"Oh please, you wouldn't be able to get the job done. Send me, I always go above and beyond."

A fourth voice said.

It came from a large butterfly.

All of the creatures standing before me were easily bigger than sixty feet.

They were absurdly giant.

The child especially.

The butterfly had beautiful pink and purple colored wings.

It flapped its wings hard enough to create a whirlwind.


The wolf screamed at the butterfly.


The butterfly replied.


"Enough you two."

The giant child interrupted.

"I am sending you both. Make sure that human regrets coming to my forest."

"Fine, but I'm going first."

The butterfly said.


The wolf replied.

They set out into the forest leaving the flytrap and child there.

"You seem anxious."

The flytrap said to her.

"Anxious? Now, why would I be?"

"Maybe that human is stirring something in you."

"That's absurd."

"Whatever you say, my lady, but I do advise we use the boy, he will be very useful to us."


"And why not?"

"I don't have a reason, I simply do not trust the boy."

"Why don't you just admit that that boy is rubbing you the wrong way?"

The rage she felt at that moment was visible on her face.

I don't know why she was so mad, and it seemed that the flytrap also had no clue, yet she was even scarier than my mom when she was mad


She screamed at the flytrap.

It shrunk into the ground and disappeared.

I get it, this is where the red string ends.

I need to find this child, for she will be my way to gain power.

The dream faded away, and I awoke soon after, but I didn't even notice that they were talking about me.