
Chapter One: The First Meeting

"What a bad dream", said Ray after waking up. In his dream, he was in the middle of a sea of blood, slaughtered heads of people all around him. After waking up, he sat still in his bed for a few seconds. Then he stood up and went to get some fresh air in the balcony. The morning was calm and quiet, birds were chirping. Ray took his breakfast and got dressed up for school. Although the day was fine, Ray felt uneasy as if something bad was going to happen.

But nothing happened that day. At night, he saw a dead body in his dream. There was blood all over the dead body. It touched Ray's feet and whispered to him that his best friend Aril will die tomorrow. Ray woke up and looked at his legs. He saw that his legs were completely covered in blood. Ray totally froze in fear. He tried to scream but no voice came out, he went to the washroom to wash the blood. But when he turned on the lights, he saw the dead body lying on the floor. He screamed again and this time his voice came out. Hearing his scream, his parents rushed to his room and asked him what happened. The he told them the whole incident. But when his parents checked they found no dead body or a trace of blood anywhere. They told him that he might have had a nightmare. Then they went to their room after telling Ray to go back to sleep. But Ray didn't sleep that night. He kept the lights on and waited for the morning.

In the morning, Ray did what he usually does. He thought about the incident that happened last night. He tried to find a logical explanation. Then he thought that it might have been a hallucination. So, he didn't think much about it. He went to school. At first, he looked for Aril when he got there. But he didn't find him. After 5 minutes, he saw Aril entering the classroom. He rushed to him and asked, "How are you?" Aril told that he was absolutely fine. He was relived. The rest of the day went smoothly. After school when Aril was returning home, he fell into a bus accident and he died instantly at the scene. Ray reached the hospital as fast as he could. He saw the dead body was lying in front of him and Aril's parents were crying beside the dead body. Then a cold breeze run over Ray's body and a strange voice whispered into Ray's ears, "Why didn't you save me, friend?" Ray became speechless. After some time, he asked everyone who was surrounding him if the heard anything but no, no one heard anything. Ray fainted! Everyone took Ray to a doctor. Ray's parents reached the doctor's chamber. The doctor told his parents and Ray that Ray didn't get any sleep for the last 2 days. Ray was frightened and he was thinking about the nightmares. If Ray didn't get any sleep, then was those nightmares reality.

Ray thought all those were a mere hallucination. By taking the pills of the doctor Ray went to sleep. Suddenly Ray opened his eyes, he was in a place covered with blood and flesh. Many bodies were cut in half lying there. One man who was missing two arms came close to Ray and told him that he would die tomorrow. Ray hardly recognized the face; the face was similar to his grandpa. On the blink of an eye Ray switched places. This time he was lying in the garden. He screamed and his parents came quickly. Ray told everything to his parents. They said that it was some kind of illusion of mind. After that his dad made a phone call. (His call, "hello David!!!!!!...")

In the morning, Ray's grandpa decided to visit Ray but, on his way, he died by a heart attack. Everyone in Ray's family was very sad and frustrated. On that night when Ray switched off the light in order to sleep, he saw the same place in front of him. But this time a little boy was standing behind him. The little boy started singing.

Ray turned around and saw that boy. The boy was younger than him. "Who are you?" Ray asked. The boy replied, "I am your brother." Ray was astonished. This time the boy turned around. Ray saw a deep cut around his spine area. It seemed that someone stabbed the boy with a big knife. Ray also saw a sentence written on the back of the boy. The sentence was, <YOU AND I ARE B….>…

Suddenly a dazzling light covered his eyes and he was lying in the same garden just like the last time. Ray shouted and his parents came there. He told them about the incident. His parents decided to take him to the psychiatrist. In the afternoon, his parents took him to a famous psychiatrist. After listening to the stories of Ray the psychiatrist ordered Ray to leave the room and wait outside. Then the psychiatrist told Ray's parents, The doctor something ray's parents didn't like.

Ray's parents remained silence. They paid the psychiatrist and left the chamber. They returned home safely with Ray